best vpn ? any recommendations?

Discussion in 'privacy technology' started by happyyarou666, Feb 9, 2012.

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  1. happyyarou666

    happyyarou666 Registered Member

    Jan 29, 2012
    lockbox bro cut dasfox some slack im sure he didnt mean it that way, hes just trying to help, where a community lets help together and not fight against eachother ey , no matter how old anyone is we can always learn new things thats the wonders of life , so lets keep this thread OT shall we ;)
  2. LockBox

    LockBox Registered Member

    Nov 20, 2004
    Here, There and Everywhere
    Diverse opinions are welcome here. I've been doing it for eight years here. As for this, I offered mine - you offered yours. I'm not "fighting."
  3. happyyarou666

    happyyarou666 Registered Member

    Jan 29, 2012
    lols ok sounds good to me ;)
  4. DasFox

    DasFox Registered Member

    May 5, 2006

    You are missing the point, exactly what is your idea of an excellent VPN to start asking?

    We're talking about security not fashion design, the only excellent VPNs are the ones that everyone knows for a fact are doing things properly and I've yet to see those types of comments from anyone here...

    But I did give you some recommendations for some VPNs to check on the other post...

    This is as far as I needed to read;

    As you surely understand, we can't provide any user.key..

    Well that's utter rubbish these people have no clue about OpenVPN keys so don't waste your time. By the way, was this one of those excellent recommended VPNs?

    Why don't you stop acting like a kid for such a man of your age and if you had a problem then you don't bring it out in public crying about it, you should of been a man to PM me to ask me what this is all about and I could of explained my actions.

    Have you really paid any attention to much of anything that has gone on with that post?

    We don't need to know your age, just start acting like an adult and quit flaming me is all. I'm not here trying to jack posts and act like a big shot, you have that totally wrong about me, I'm just trying to point people to information to help.

    No one said you had to read everything, but I did say you should spend some time looking it over and if you're not willing to do that, then I don't think you take security serious and think I'm playing games, I'm not...

    I'm here to help and you should know that and if I need to say it again, I'm a Unix geek not granny baking apple pies, so I keep it updated and I look to talk facts relevant to the topic, not spewing nonsense about how fast the service and customer support is, which doesn't mean jack when it comes to security.

    Yes, it's all about quality not quantity and that's what I'm here for... ;)

    Something else I think you have wrong about me, I'm not here to state my diverse opinions, because this is a security forum, I'm here to share facts and nothing but proven facts, because if we do anything less, then we are doing a disservice to people.

    Anyhow let's all start acting grown up then, ok?

    Next time you have a problem with anyone PM them so you can get the facts straight, instead of going off in public, you not only embarrass yourself, but others...
    Last edited: Feb 19, 2012
  5. LockBox

    LockBox Registered Member

    Nov 20, 2004
    Here, There and Everywhere
    I beg all to understand that this discussion with DasFox is very much on-topic. This all boils down to his belief that everything regarding VPN's should be in one (his) thread. He goes in threads and tries to get people to move their posts and threads to his megathread. This is on-topic and, in my opinion, very important as to how things are done at Wilders. He appears to be a specialist at taking things personal when someone disagrees with him and lashing out in personal attacks - and then accuse the poster of attacking him.

    Here are my answers to his questions and comments...

    If you have a problem with my analysis DasFox, why not just "PM" me. Just kidding, we really should be able to discuss things without your taking things so personally and attacking the poster - and then accuse the poster for attacking you.
  6. CasperFace

    CasperFace Registered Member

    Jul 31, 2010
    I think what they meant is that you'll get your user.key (along with the other 3 OpenVPN config files) AFTER you sign up and become a client. I don't see any problem with it.
  7. PaulyDefran

    PaulyDefran Registered Member

    Dec 1, 2011
    I'd like separate threads. A vendor specific thread could contain all the info one would need, without having to weed through info on vendors you're not interested in.

  8. DasFox

    DasFox Registered Member

    May 5, 2006

    I really don't care what anyone does, I'm just trying to help, ok are we clear on that?

    You starting to make these as personal attacks on me and I don't really care if anyone agrees or disagrees with me on anything.

    If you have a problem you should discuss matters in private, rather then blasting away at people in public. If you have a problem with your family and friends are you going to start going off on them in public right in the middle of a shopping mall for everyone to hear? That's the point I'm trying to make...

    OpenVPN was a new concept for you, see you're attacking me and being the one condescending. I'm not being condescending towards anyone, you're just taking it that way so relax and get over it... sheesh...

    I don't accept emails from VPN providers and accept what they write as "facts", actually I have no idea where you are drawing this conclusion from, I said I based my facts from the OpenVPN developers, so please pay attention...

    Again, no one said you had to read all 500 posts, this is your own conclusion...

    I never said anything about ever attacking my professionalism and knowledge, I only talk about people who seem to not act in respect towards others and start going off like you are.

    You are the one saying I'm acting down on others, I'm the forum police and no one can agree with me, blah blah blah, that's because of your attitude and not mine, you are taking things the wrong way and then you have to start acting this way, making up accusations and talking about posts 4 years old...

    So why don't we just knock off the BS ok because it certainly seems like you're talking things personally...

    So enough of the rubbish, sorry if you took things the wrong way, the post is not some information dump of dribble...

    It's a thread about various services, they are still around, so what, make a new post, version 2 ;)
  9. DasFox

    DasFox Registered Member

    May 5, 2006

    Sorry my bad, I see, you get it later...

    The problem is, sooner or later people jump on and start talking about other things and it goes in all sorts of directions as it relates to the post... It's not easy...

    But as I said no one certainly has to read all 500 posts, people should realize, go to the end and read back just a few pages is all, or if you're looking for something specific, then do a search in the browser as you dig around, it's not that complicated to read through a big post...
  10. 0strodamus

    0strodamus Registered Member

    Aug 23, 2009
    United Surveillance States
    I shouldn't even wade into this, but I agree with LockBox. While I have no doubt that DasFox's intentions were well placed, the posts I recall started with "I'm not trying to be the forum police" and then that is exactly what the gist of the posts were. It seemed as if the poster was being scolded for not posting in your thread, instead of a "hey take a look at this thread, it might answer your questions". Try to take the criticism constructively; we all appreciate your posts and enthusiasm.
  11. DasFox

    DasFox Registered Member

    May 5, 2006

    No good point, my bad, I'm sure my wording as you say wasn't the best looking, so I'll have to watch that next time...

    I'm all for constructive criticism I don't have a problem with it. I guess you could say the same thing about how LockBox went out about the wording too on his comments...

    Anyhow point well taken...

  12. 0strodamus

    0strodamus Registered Member

    Aug 23, 2009
    United Surveillance States
    Cool, I'm glad you didn't take what I wrote the wrong way. Now I can go back to reading your informative posts. :)
  13. DasFox

    DasFox Registered Member

    May 5, 2006

    @ happyyarou666, sorry mate, I wasn't paying attention to everything you posted, my bad for jumping too soon, I've seen AirVPN before, I guess I just forgot to mention them before and they do look good...

    So they offer the 4 files?

  14. happyyarou666

    happyyarou666 Registered Member

    Jan 29, 2012
    yes they do, disregarding dasfox's paranoia ;) that theyre crap since they dont give it in advance , chill bro ;)

    i already signed up my account just waiting for the email with the 4certs

    update: ok got that email everythings fine and dandy , got those 4 certs so that should answer your doubts bro , we know you just want the best for us :)

    and ill be checkin out em speeds now asap ;)

    ~ Removed Off Topic Remarks ~

    update on airvpn and used its official login client btw of course all with udp ports tested :

    sweden draconis = 10-13mbit pings=145-150

    netherlands lyra= 9-16mbit pings=74-79

    netherlands orionis =10-14mbit pings=76-79

    netherlands leonis wont even connect not even after 10 minutes -.-', and both american servers and 1 german server o_O? why in hell would anybody use those servers , the aim is offshore not US or germany -.-'

    protip they need more sweden and netherlands servers thats where the magic is happening , perhaps a couple luxembourg ones too ;)

    all in all a ok vpn for people that have dsl speeds, anything beyond that isnt recommended for this vpn , next ;)
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 20, 2012
  15. happyyarou666

    happyyarou666 Registered Member

    Jan 29, 2012
    this from mullvad, so theyre ok too but theyre speeds arent something to write home about ;) :

    Hi! Not sure what you mean. If you want us to generate OpenVPN keys
    for your account you can go here:

    Best regards

    Daniel Berntsson

    update: ok after trying tcp with that leonis netherlands server from airvpn , it works , but the speeds are still horrendous -.-'

    p.s: protip use YOUR isp's speedtest its the best way to get 1:1 realworld benchmarks , using or such only falsify your speeds or worse ;)
    Last edited: Feb 20, 2012
  16. Fly

    Fly Registered Member

    Nov 1, 2007
    How do people feel about the logging and affiliations of the organizations ?

    Everyone can claim not to log.

    Are you not better off knowing what they log, when they log and for how long they store the data rather than mere claims that no logging takes place ?
    How credible is the latter ? Organizations must protect themselves from abuse and legal investigations.

    Who is the adversary ?

    There may be various reasons not to trust anonymizer, but I suspect that they are not likely to snatch and abuse your online banking data.
    They probably won't steal the private data of your small business, unless you're in some kind of conflict with the NSA, major corporations or other 'powers that be'.

    Privacy fighters ? How many have sold out ? How many have the financial resources to provide a perfect privacy product ? Do you trust them with your banking data, tax details ?
    A mission is not always a feasible means to earn a living.

    Then there is the jurisdiction part. Headquarters of the corporation, branches, location of the servers, do they use hosted servers or do they own them.

    Is it possible to FULLY trust ANY corporation that is physically located in the USA or its allies or falls under US (allied) jurisdiction ? The same goes for the EU countries with data-retention. Again, location of servers, ownership of servers ? Do they use ANY kind of cloud service ? For example, the EU shares banking data with the USA.
    The chain is as strong as its weakest link.
    Even if perfection were possible it would require a lot of money.

    I've contemplated using a VPN in the past but never felt I could fully trust any of them.
  17. DasFox

    DasFox Registered Member

    May 5, 2006

    Sorry for any confusion, I said before to email VPNs to see if they offer all 4 files, not give you any in advance, etc...

    That's actually by the way; 2 certs and 2 keys... ;)
  18. happyyarou666

    happyyarou666 Registered Member

    Jan 29, 2012
    i see my bad lols xD, another valuable lesson learned ;), anyhow heres some useful info from paolo over at airvpn, even thou i dont like its speeds but the importance in theyre own vpns server security isnt bad here heres an excerpt :

    I think there's no point in using (and paying) for VPNs in which the tech team is not even aware (or not interested in) of the most basic vulnerabilities. The privacy they give is just on the same level of the privacy given by any ISP, including logging and vulnerabilities. It is just a design choice, privacy and anonymity over thrills for persons unaware that they don't get any additional privacy layer for the money they pay

    Contrarily to what you think, Germany is by far the best country in the EU for privacy and data protection in the information society, much much better than the Netherlands. Just to make an example, the Data Retention Directive has been declared unconstitutional in Germany, and has not been implemented in Sweden (case against the Commission ongoing, Sweden deferred to the European Court of Justice, we'll see what happens). The problem with Germany, under a business point of view, is that a lot of YouTube videos are not viewable from a german IP and Grooveshark blocked the services for German IPs. Anyway, irrelevant from an activist point of view.

    Actually, in spite of the European Commission aims, the harmonization of the digital single market of the Union has not been achieved, not yet at least. So we carefully choose countries where the data retention directive has not been implemented or where its transposition does have a scope NOT covering a VPN. In the EU these countries are Italy, Netherlands, France, Sweden, Germany, Romania and Bulgaria. In Luxembourg we have found datacenters which do not meet our requirements for privacy & data protection, so Luxembourg is out at the moment. Outside the EU a relevant legal lack of data retention is in the USA.

    USA servers are good for two reasons: no data retention for VPN, and a strong pressure from our paying customer to have american IPs in order to access geo-discriminatory services like Hulu, Pandora, CBS etc. etc. As stated in our Terms of Service, servers outside the EU are treated with the same (or higher) level of data protection required in the EU, never with a lower protection.

    about Snat/rewriting

    Basically you should be able to reproduce the behaviour on any VPN which run servers with the same entry and exit-IP and allow remote port forwarding. In the thread you will also find how to do it. This may be easily fixed at server level without requiring the clients to set additional firewall rules. Please do test also our service to try to exploit the same vulnerability (your attack will hopefully fail) and any other vulnerability you can think of. Peer-review is fundamental in security, we don't believe in security through obscurity, except in very particular cases.

    About the more dangerous vulnerability exploited by correlation attacks, denying remote port forwarding may be a solution, but it was not satisfactory for us, because it would have prevented the clients to run listening services behind the VPN (like a web server, an ftp server etc.) and would have impaired p2p performance, which are very important features for an activist as well as for a casual user.

    you make some very valid and interesting points there fly ;), as ive said before and dasfox too , if "trust" then id trust in offshore servers aka sweden etc , i dont trust anything US or Germany based period, call it a gut feeling ;)

    p.s: i got contacted by perfect privacy lets see what theyl have to say, im awaiting a reply from them , they wanted a link to my thread ;), prq has yet to get back to me ,damn theyre slow ;)
    Last edited: Feb 21, 2012
  19. CasperFace

    CasperFace Registered Member

    Jul 31, 2010

    Thanks for the updates. The information you got from AirVPN is very insightful.

    Me neither! Germany's law enforcement has been notorious for raiding servers and implementing forced logging.

    From what I've heard, Perfect Privacy's German servers have gotten knocked offline on more than one occasion due to the heavy-handed actions of the German government. Similarly, CyberGhostVPN has recently moved its company headquarters from Germany to Romania, citing too much pressure from German authorities as the reason. :eek:

    IMHO, the worst choices for VPN server locations are: US, UK, Canada, Germany, France, and Australia/NZ. :thumbd:

    Forget about PRQ. They offer static IP only... which defeats the purpose of using a VPN for anonymity. :p
  20. happyyarou666

    happyyarou666 Registered Member

    Jan 29, 2012
    yeah no hopes with prq last time i checked i was ticket nr.SU120219-68355

    , maybe theyll reply next year if i get lucky -.-', and yes static ip = VERY bad idea for vpns
  21. DasFox

    DasFox Registered Member

    May 5, 2006
    So this paolo over at airvpn doesn't think there's any point to using a VPN? At least this is what I'm getting out of it for a company that doesn't care...

    As far as I understand, when you are using the 4 recommended files, this is going beyond an ISP... After all, when was the last time anyone made a authenticated key connection the way you do for OpenVPN...

    So is this person using Airvpn?

    PRQ told me the IP rotates, or you can change it, I think they mentioned to me...
  22. happyyarou666

    happyyarou666 Registered Member

    Jan 29, 2012
    who paolo if he uses theyre own vpn connection? xD

    prq rotating ips? hmmm thats not what i can decipher from the actual offers , thou im an avid fan of shared ips the more in the crowd the better ;)

    and i yet have to get any reply from them , so yeah ;)
  23. DasFox

    DasFox Registered Member

    May 5, 2006

    What you forgot what you posted about this paolo over at airvpn?

    The quote below you mentioned is what I'm asking about... ;)

  24. happyyarou666

    happyyarou666 Registered Member

    Jan 29, 2012
    i see well lets ask him shall we? ;)

    p.s:prq is history ;), and from perfect privacy im still awaiting a pm
  25. marktor

    marktor Registered Member

    Dec 4, 2011
    While your checking out VPNs just curious have you checked out BolehVPN? Check them out and see what you think. You can either contact them by email or you can just post something on their message board here: If you have questions about them they will be happy to answer anything you want to know. I also recommend you read this regarding their privacy and logging policy. This is posted by one of the founders of BolehVPN:,6499.msg36395.html#msg36395
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