Best RSS reader application?

Discussion in 'other software & services' started by AnthonyG, Jan 9, 2006.

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  1. AnthonyG

    AnthonyG Registered Member

    Aug 3, 2004
    I know absolutely nothing about this subject. But constantly when i go to my favourite web sites i see these RSS .XML feeds saying i can have constant news as soon as it comes out for that webpage.

    I have always thought this was a thing for Google as i know Gmail says you can briefly look at RSS headlines.

    I have customised Google search where it says you can add RSS .XML fields to it, but when i try to add the link in the web site to add it to my Google search page i get an error (dont know what i am doing wrong, maybe i have misunderstood and Google is talking about something else maybe?).

    But on looking at a site it says there are programs or extensions which let you have and search a multitude of RSS .XML containing web sites (as it is usually a pain finding them on web sites).

    So i was wondering if it is impossible for them to be added to the customized google search page. Then is there any good applications which are designed for this people would recommend.

    As in what do most people use as their RSS viewer.

  2. dog

    dog Guest

    In Windows my choice is Abilon it's freeware, with no dependency on .NET which many are. :rolleyes:

    You can see some of the screen shots here ->

  3. iceni60

    iceni60 ( ^o^)

    Jun 29, 2004
    i use firefox and opera to view, mainly opera as i don't use firefox any more. firefox has some plugins too which will probably automatically download stuff, but you can still use rss without a plugin. opera has it by default, but i don't think will automatically download, just notify. if you use opera just click on one of the orange things and see what happens - you'll have a new menu called Feeds :D

    when you first install firefox the live feeds use xml/rss.
  4. sowhat

    sowhat Registered Member

    Jan 9, 2006
    Feedreader 2.90 was my personal choice:
    Abilon is pretty nice,but it "ate" about 10mb more of memory while idle.
    The SourceForge page explains pretty much the basics of RSS technologies:
    They suggest AmphetaDesk as a good RSS Reader:it's really good,
    in unix that's what i use,but in windows i still prefer Feedreader.
    It definately deservers a try,whatever platform you 're on.
  5. tjevans

    tjevans Registered Member

    Dec 17, 2005
    I use bloglines. It's a web-based service. Since I monitor rss feeds at home and work, I needed something I could use at both places (and we're not allowed to personally install software on our computers at work). I also briefly used pluck, another web-based rss reader, but I found it was slower than bloglines.
  6. AvianFlux

    AvianFlux Registered Member

    Dec 7, 2004
    Lately, I've been using the RSS reader that's built into SlimBrowser. There are no fancy features it's just a bare bones reader that does the job well enough.
  7. Slovak

    Slovak Registered Member

    Mar 4, 2004
    Medina, Ohio
    See avatar for details ;)
  8. kemikkurdu

    kemikkurdu Registered Member

    Nov 23, 2005
    I Use FeedDemon. I used to use Abilon but i had some problems about archiving.
    If i want to use a freeware, i will use Abilon definitely
  9. Another Bloglines user. I can access it anywhere, love the way it is laid out, it's a great free service. RSS has cut in half the amount of time I spend browsing. It's a must-use technology if you care about your time.
  10. The Seeker

    The Seeker Registered Member

    Oct 24, 2005
    I use Opera 8.51

    You can choose how often it checks for updates and when one or more are found, they pop up in your lower right-hand corner.

    It really is a brilliant piece of software (I use it for my e-mail too).
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