Beginner's Guide to Creating a BartPE CD with a TI Plugin

Discussion in 'backup, imaging & disk mgmt' started by mustang, Jan 20, 2007.

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  1. mustang

    mustang Developer

    Apr 12, 2005
    Yes, Frodo is a character.

    I think True ImageMonitor.exe is need for the Cancel button to work. Try starting a validation and see if you are able to cancel out of it.
  2. TryBackup

    TryBackup Registered Member

    Aug 17, 2006

    Last week I downloaded your Beginner's Guide and am ready to start building the BartPE CD. I will also be downloading your True Image Plugin for TI 9 version 3677.

    My laptop's Windows Pro Reinstallation CD is through Service Pack 2. However, I just did a Windows Update that installed Service Pack 3 and there now is a file for Service Pack 3 in the C:\i386 folder.

    I am assuming I need to follow your instructions "How to Create a Windows XP Installation CD from a Windows XP I386 Folder" because my Windows CD only has upto SP2. Is that correct?

    Thank you in advance.
  3. MudCrab

    MudCrab Imaging Specialist

    Nov 3, 2006
    I would just try using your XP SP2 CD as the source (assuming it's standard). If it works okay, you won't need to build a new CD. Besides, I don't think you can "downgrade" an SP3 setup to SP2 and BartPE is setup to work with SP2. BartPE may work with SP3 source files, but I haven't tried it so I can't say for sure.

    If you did need to create an XP SP2 CD and you had a backup image (with TI, for example) that included the \i386 folder before the SP3 upgrade, you could probably restore those files to an alternate location and use them.
  4. TryBackup

    TryBackup Registered Member

    Aug 17, 2006

    Thank you. I will use the Win XP Pro SP2 Reinstallation CD as the source as you suggested.

    BTW, if I had to create a SP2 reinstallation CD from an i386 folder, Mustang would have me look for a SP2.CAB file in that folder. So I am assuming, if I were to try creating a SP3 reinstallation CD, I would be looking for a SP3.CAB file, which does not exist in my i386 folder. The only similarly named SP3 file is SP3.CAT.

    Thank you again.
  5. TryBackup

    TryBackup Registered Member

    Aug 17, 2006
    As mentioned before the BartPE attempt, my laptop has Win XP Pro SP3 and the reinstallation disk has Win XP Pro SP2.

    Unfortunately, but maybe not totally unexpected, the BartPE DVD with True Image Home v9 Build 3625 & Up Plugin burn did not work. I received a number of errors and warnings, and nothing was burned to the DVD. I would appreciate knowing if these problems are caused by the different versions of XP or if you know how I can fix them.

    I did find the SP3.CAB file at C:\Windows\ServicePackFiles\i386, which I did not see previously. Maybe this can be used to create a BartPE disk based on SP3.

    If you have any idea what my next step should be, I am ready to try anything within my fairly limited expertise.

    Below is the PEBuilder.log file contents. I included the beginning of the log, the end of the log and the errors/warnings.

    Thank you.

    PE Builder 3.1.10a
    Copyright (c) 2002-2006 Bart Lagerweij. All rights reserved.
    Running OS Version: 5.1.2600 (Service Pack 3)
    Source product is: Windows XP Professional
    CD-Rom name is: Windows XP Professional Service Pack 2 CD
    Microsoft Product Code: 76487
    Product channel ID is: OEM
    Warning: building from an OEM version of Windows can mean trouble...
    Source build: 2600
    Build process started
    Error: loadKey() failed:
    Error: closeHive() failed: RegUnLoadKey (key="PEBuilder.exe-C:/PEBUILDER3110A/BARTPE/I386/SYSTEM32/CONFIG/petmphive") returned error 0: Access is denied.
    Error: DeleteFile() "C:\PEBUILDER3110A\BARTPE\I386\SYSTEM32\CONFIG\petmphive" failed
    Error: DeleteFile() "C:\PEBUILDER3110A\BARTPE\I386\SYSTEM32\CONFIG\petmphive.log" failed
    Error: DeleteFile() "C:\PEBUILDER3110A\BARTPE\I386\SYSTEM32\setuphiv" failed
    Error: DeleteFile() "C:\PEBUILDER3110A\BARTPE\I386\SYSTEM32\setuphiv.log" failed
    Checking for missing files
    Warning: File "iastor.sys" not found
    Warning: File "A320RAID.SYS" not found
    Warning: File "aac.sys" not found
    Warning: File "cercsr6.sys" not found
    Warning: File "afamgt.sys" not found
    Warning: File "aarich.sys" not found
    Warning: File "NvAtaBus.sys" not found
    Warning: File "nvraid.sys" not found
    Warning: File "symmpi.sys" not found
    Warning: File "megasas.sys" not found
    Builder has stopped because there are 4 build errors
    No CD/DVD is burned, you must fix the errors!
    Building done...
    There where 4 errors and 11 warnings
    Use the [<<] and [>>] buttons to jump to Error/Warning.
  6. mustang

    mustang Developer

    Apr 12, 2005
    First, forget SP3. BartPE will never work using a SP3 source.

    Second, your missing file errors are due to using an OEM CD instead of a real Windows CD as the source. You need the FixDell plugin from the Guide. Use this even if you do not have a Dell computer. Eight of your missing files are covered in the FixDell plugin. Open the inf file of the FixDell plugin. You can add the other three missing files you got to the bottom of the list in the same manner. That should get you going.
  7. TryBackup

    TryBackup Registered Member

    Aug 17, 2006

    Thank you. I continued to use the SP2 source CD as suggested. I downloaded and modified the FixDellXP Plugin's INF file, and verified that the FixDellXP Plugin was enabled before beginning the build process.

    Here is the resulting PEBuilder.log. I ran the build process with both a DVD+R and a CD-RW, but neither run resulted in files being written to the disk. I do not know what else I need to do.

    PE Builder 3.1.10a
    Copyright (c) 2002-2006 Bart Lagerweij. All rights reserved.
    Running OS Version: 5.1.2600 (Service Pack 3)
    Source product is: Windows XP Professional
    CD-Rom name is: Windows XP Professional Service Pack 2 CD
    Microsoft Product Code: 76487
    Product channel ID is: OEM
    Warning: building from an OEM version of Windows can mean trouble...
    Source build: 2600
    Build process started
    Removing directory: C:\pebuilder3110a\BartPE
    Error: DeleteFile() "C:\pebuilder3110a\BartPE\I386\SYSTEM32\CONFIG\petmphive" failed
    Error: DeleteFile() "C:\pebuilder3110a\BartPE\I386\SYSTEM32\CONFIG\petmphive.LOG" failed
    Error: RemoveDirectory() "C:\pebuilder3110a\BartPE\I386\SYSTEM32\CONFIG" failed
    Error: DeleteFile() "C:\pebuilder3110a\BartPE\I386\SYSTEM32\SETUPHIV" failed
    Error: DeleteFile() "C:\pebuilder3110a\BartPE\I386\SYSTEM32\setuphiv.LOG" failed
    Error: RemoveDirectory() "C:\pebuilder3110a\BartPE\I386\SYSTEM32" failed
    Error: RemoveDirectory() "C:\pebuilder3110a\BartPE\I386" failed
    Directory removed: C:\pebuilder3110a\BartPE
    Building registry
    Copying file "C:\WinXP\I386\" to "C:\PEBUILDER3110A\BARTPE\I386\SYSTEM32\SETUPHIV"
    Error: CopyFile() "C:\WinXP\I386\" to "C:\PEBUILDER3110A\BARTPE\I386\SYSTEM32\SETUPHIV" returned error 32: The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process.
    Building done...
    There where 8 errors and 1 warnings
    Use the [<<] and [>>] buttons to jump to Error/Warning.
  8. mustang

    mustang Developer

    Apr 12, 2005
    BartPE is very easy when you have a valid source. Making that source from OEM disks and I386 folders is becoming more difficult. It is not worth the time when you start having this type of problem. If you can't get your hands on a real Microsoft disk, it may be time to move on to VistaPE. You can use the free WAIK downloaded from Microsoft as the source. That works straight from the box without you needing to modify it.
  9. TryBackup

    TryBackup Registered Member

    Aug 17, 2006

    Since my laptop is running Win XP Pro SP3, will using a VistaPE CD cause any type of image creation or image restore conflicts?

    Thank you agian.
  10. TryBackup

    TryBackup Registered Member

    Aug 17, 2006

    I just looked at the VistaPE scripts available for True Image. There isn't one for True Image v9.0 Build 3677. My only option is to upgrade True Image to a newer version, which might include the Linux SATA drive controller I need to get my drive recognized by the Rescue CD.

    Thank you for trying to get the BartPE CD functional.
  11. thomasjk

    thomasjk Registered Member

    Jul 22, 2005
    Charlotte NC
  12. TryBackup

    TryBackup Registered Member

    Aug 17, 2006
    Mustang, MudCrab and Thomasjk,

    I want to thank you all for helping me. With your instruction, TI9 plugin and links. I was able to successfully burn to a CD-RW disk BartPE with True Image plugin. While in the BartPE environment, I was able to create and mount an image of my laptop's hard drive. Once I get a second drive, I will verify that I can successfully restore this image.

    Most helpful in this success were the beginner's guide and TI9 Home plugin I purchased from Mustang, and the link: provided by Thomasjk. MudCrab also provided guidance regarding the source data I should use. Also helpful was the link I found (, which listed the specific remaining errors I was trying to resolve and very closely matched the link provided by Thomasjk.

    I have a couple of post-PartPE-creation questions that relate to the functioning of BartPE and additional setup, but I will ask these questions in the main forum.

    Thank you again for all of your help!
    Last edited: Aug 24, 2008
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