BackWeb and Lowlight

Discussion in 'other software & services' started by phd88, Aug 30, 2003.

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  1. phd88

    phd88 Registered Member

    Aug 30, 2003
    Ithaca, NY, USA
    This newbie is trying to understand what the subject programs are and do and *maybe* how to get rid of them. After that there are MANY programs unknown to me that show up on my Windows (XP) Task Manager. I don't like things that I don't understand.
    Any help will be much appreciated. :p
  2. Pieter_Arntz

    Pieter_Arntz Spyware Veteran

    Apr 27, 2002
    Hi phd88,


    Lowlight does not ring any bells here.
    Could you post your HijackThis log
    Download, Unzip and run HijackThis. Then click Scan > Save log, save the log as a .txt file and copy & paste its content into your next post.
    Don´t fix anything yet. Most of what it finds is harmless.


  3. phd88

    phd88 Registered Member

    Aug 30, 2003
    Ithaca, NY, USA
    Thank you Pieter!
    The info on BackWeb is much appreciated. I apparently have the Logitech version. I have downloaded HiJackThis on your advice. The boss (wife) has me preparing for special guests so I may not be able to run it for a few days. I will post the result as soon as possible.
    Pete :)
  4. Detox

    Detox Retired Moderator

    Feb 9, 2002
    Texas, USA
    phd88 - welcome at Wilders our registered-user friend :D

    When ya do get that log up I guarantee ya Pieter will find any nasty little boogers in there and you'll be clean in no time!

    Then, stick around; there's lots to learn here!
  5. phd88

    phd88 Registered Member

    Aug 30, 2003
    Ithaca, NY, USA
    Thanks, Detox!
    This site is obviously VERY worthwhile. My fellow Dutchman Pieter is hard at work on this.
    BUT, does anyone know anything about LowLight.exe? It may be something that comes with the Logitech Webcam but I really don't know. It's just another of those mysterious programs I found on my XP Task Manager. There are lots more, of chorus.
    :D Pete
  6. Pieter_Arntz

    Pieter_Arntz Spyware Veteran

    Apr 27, 2002
    Hi phd88,

    I found it in a StartUpList at TSG, where the full path is:
    C:\Program Files\Logitech\ImageStudio\LowLight.exe
    so it looks like it's part of the software that came with the Logitech webcam indeed.


  7. phd88

    phd88 Registered Member

    Aug 30, 2003
    Ithaca, NY, USA
    Thanks, Pieter!
    I was getting fussed over nothing. I know if I read down through the Task Manager list I'll see other programs that will, by their names, make me more nervous than LowLight did. BackWeb though seems to be a surreptitious program that easily qualifies as spyware. Spyware in general, simply by its nature, gets me angry.
    Your efforts on my behalf are very much appreciated. How do I go about casting an appreciative vote for you?
  8. Pieter_Arntz

    Pieter_Arntz Spyware Veteran

    Apr 27, 2002
    The thanks will do nicely, thank you. ;)

    You may want to go over the programs starting up on your computer and look them up in this list:
    Stop the ones you don't need handy after boot, from starting.


  9. Detox

    Detox Retired Moderator

    Feb 9, 2002
    Texas, USA
    I would definitely recommend checking out some spyware combatting software now as well (if you havent already) - Javacool's Spywareblaster protects without really running resident and I think it does a great job - I even installed it on my old 600 here while my nice PC is down. I still check things out with Spybot pretty often but since using Spywareblaster there really is hardly ever anything for spybot to find!
  10. Peaches4U

    Peaches4U Registered Member

    Nov 22, 2002
    At my computer
    Hi - it was Spybot that detected Backweb & Backweb lite on my computer as spyware. It also detected Wild Tangent which was bundled with some neat free games on a CD. They also provided Juke Box. Yuk!! I confronted Logitech with this after I discovered these nasties - I purchased their Keyboard and it was loaded with spyware - they sent me the removal tool but only after I produced evidence. The following is the manual removal tool they provided as well as some of the info. I found. Enjoy!! :D

    >Subject: Re: Product Support for: Internet NavigatorT Keyboard

    >Date: Thu, 17 Jul 2003 17:40:55 GMT
    >Thank you for using Logitech's Electronic Technical Support. My name is Lance. The following information addresses your original question. You may wish to print this out and/or save this on your computer.
    >We apologize for the issue you are experiencing. Please use these instructions to manually remove the BackWeb software from your system.
    >Click on Start>Search
    >Click on all files and folders.
    >Type BackWeb in name box.
    >In the look in box make sure it looks in the correct drive.
    >(Usually c:\ drive or My Computer)
    >Click on Search.
    >Delete all instances of BackWeb that are listed.
    >Close the search box.
    >IMPORTANT NOTE: In order to solve some issues, this document makes references to editing the Windows Registry. For information about how to edit the registry, view the "Changing Keys And Values" online Help topic in
    Registry Editor (REGEDIT.EXE).
    >Make a backup copy of the registry before you edit the registry.
    >WARNING: Using the Registry Editor incorrectly may cause symptoms requiring a reinstallation of Windows. Logitech is not responsible for issues which may result from incorrect use of the Registry Editor. Use the Registry
    Editor at your own discretion. The Registry Editor should only be used to make the exact changes described.
    >Click on Start>Run.
    >Type in regedit and click ok
    >Click on file.
    >Click on export.
    >Make sure the export range has a dot in all.
    >Name the file regbu.
    >Click on Save.
    >When the file is saved, click on Edit.
    >Click on Find.
    >Type in BackWeb.
    >Click on Find Now.
    >Windows will start searching your registry. When it stops it will have found an instance of BackWeb. DO NOT use your MOUSE.
    >Hit the delete key on your keyboard.
    >It will ask you if you are sure you want to delete this key
    >Hit the "Y" key
    >Then hit the F3 key, this will continue the search
    >Keep doing this process until it says finished searching the registry.
    >Close the registry and restart the computer.
    >If you have additional technical questions regarding your product, please visit our web site at and submit your question.
    >Thank you for your interest in Logitech.
    >Logitech Customer Support

    The following research is the information with which I confronted Logitech. It was after this info. that I got the removal tool from Logitech [above].

    Re: JukeBox
    Unable to unregister a self registering file 'C:\Program
    Files\MUSICMATCH\MUSICMATCH Jukebox\MmjbVersion.ocx'.
    Unable to delete folder 'C:\Program Files\MUSICMATCH\MUSICMATCH
    Unable to delete folder 'C:\Program Files\MUSICMATCH\MUSICMATCH
    Unable to delete folder 'C:\Program Files\MUSICMATCH\MUSICMATCH Jukebox'.
    Unable to delete folder 'C:\Program Files\MUSICMATCH'.
    Unable to delete registry value
    BackWeb / Western Digital DLGLI.EXE - Installed by Western Digital Data
    Lifeline among others. Purports to monitor your hard drive for problems, but is suspected of being a vehicle for displaying unwanted advertisements as well. More recently, Backweb was caught installing along with Logitech mouse drivers (!) (Do you really need web-update for ****ing mouse drivers?) o_O

  11. phd88

    phd88 Registered Member

    Aug 30, 2003
    Ithaca, NY, USA
    Holy Toledo, Peaches! You sure went the route to get rid of that thing. I do not have enough nerve to go into my registry - I'm already in over my head - BUT, before all this is over I just might do it, especially if it's the only way.
    I bow to you for having the guts to tackle all that! You're AWEsome!
    All this started because I installed a Freedom firewall. Then I found the firewall blocking this thing called BackWeb and I started wondering.
    I also wonder, since I have a router to connect two puters to my cable Internet service, if I really need a firewall. Some people have told me that the router already has that sort of protection. The things I've seen on this site make me think I need it and spyware fighting tools as well.
    Thanks for your input!
  12. LowWaterMark

    LowWaterMark Administrator

    Aug 10, 2002
    New England
    Hi Pete,

    Well, as you saw, your router didn't alert you to BackWeb since it can really only protect you from inbound probes. The outbound connections made by BackWeb were caught by the software firewall's outbound protection. :cool:

    This is all part of what we call layered protection - different tools, each doing what they do best, working together to keep your system protected.
  13. Pieter_Arntz

    Pieter_Arntz Spyware Veteran

    Apr 27, 2002
    Hi phd88,

    There is no need to tackle your regsitry yourself over this.
    Spybot S&D does a very good job at getting rid of BackWeb Lite.
    Which was the only spyware that ever saw the innards of this computer unintentionally.
    Compliments of Kodak. :doubt:


  14. Detox

    Detox Retired Moderator

    Feb 9, 2002
    Texas, USA
    Of course, you don't need antispyware software - if ya don't mind advertisers installing what they want, gathering any information from your pc they like and using it to do the same to other people... But I think you're more like the rest of us here or you wouldn't have bothered when you saw the backweb thing.

    I've got no experience with a router (yet) but from what I have read here so far I believe it's recommended to keep a software firewall along with it.

    Let us know what ya think of Spybot!
  15. Peaches4U

    Peaches4U Registered Member

    Nov 22, 2002
    At my computer
    Okay fellas .... what I discovered was that BackWeb Lite kept re-installing itself after Spybot removed it. It was then that I decided to go after Logitech for removal instructions and questioned them at the same time as to why I needed to update my keyboard. Funnily enough, they did not answer my question only provided the removal instructions. Pieter, did it not re-install itself after first removal by Spybot? Mind you SpyBot did rid me of Wild Tangent with one scan. Then I rid myself of the Update Installer which was part of the Logitech package. In my humble opinion, the Updater was part of the spyware & probably what was doing the re-instals. Once I got rid of this Updater, I was home free. Keyboard works just fine. I went into the registry and checked to see if the nasties were all out by using as a guideline the instructions given by Logitech - discovered it was all cleaned out and no need to go through the long process Logitech provided.

    While I was shopping for a Router as opposed to software to use as a firewall, I found out that some routers do not have firewalls built in .... others do. So, when shopping for one, ignore what the salesperson tells you and read the fine print and if it does not say Firewall included, then there is none. Since I was not connecting another computer to this one, I opted for the software firewall & purchased the ZoneAlarm Pro version.

    Pete, most definitely you need SpywareBlaster, SpyBot &/or Ad-Aware. If you cannot afford to purchase a good firewall, then I suggest two good freebies which have a good rating are ZoneAlarm and Sygate. Pieter and LWM have both given you some very good advice so you now have options from which to decide to suit your particular situation. Good luck. :)
  16. Pieter_Arntz

    Pieter_Arntz Spyware Veteran

    Apr 27, 2002
    Actually, Spybot S&D was a bit too anxious in my case:;act=ST;f=28;t=1459

    But as you observed correctly, killing the updater is crucial to prevent it from reinstalling.


  17. Peaches4U

    Peaches4U Registered Member

    Nov 22, 2002
    At my computer
    Pete - LowLight might have something to do with your WebCamera & given that I searched all the spyware listings on two online sites and nothing can be found - I would not worry too much about it. What say you other experts?? :)
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