Backup application comparisons

Discussion in 'backup, imaging & disk mgmt' started by vwgtiturbo, Nov 27, 2005.

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  1. vwgtiturbo

    vwgtiturbo Registered Member

    Nov 23, 2005
    Re: ATI - Key Observations and great suggestions....!!!!!

    Well, on the subject of other options... I think you will find, through trial and error, that the field is more narrow than you would think. I have spent the past six months trying various backup software, and let me tell you, it has been a mess.
    There are millions of programs that perform backups, but 99.999% are useless for my purposes...
    If you want a simple program, that never crashes, I would say that Novosoft's Handy Backup is the way to go. HOWEVER, that program does not offer the ability to verify the backup it has created, nor does it offer encryption. I used this program for a few years before I started getting corrupt files, and I grew tired of not knowing about the corrupt files until after the fact. So my search began for a new solution.
    My main priority was something that could verify it's backups, and secondary priority (not a requirement, though) was supporting encryption so that I could do an off site backup to a networked drive.
    On the item of verification, the field narrows dramatically. You basically have 4 choices, all of which I have tried over the past 6 months, with the exception of Ghost: Genie Backup Manager, Norton Ghost, Dantz Retrospect, and Acronis TrueImage.
    Genie works great for the most part. It is simple to use, and seems to work okay for the most part. However, doing an incremental backup, if you have deleted a file, it will ask for the location of the file, and complain about ending with errors. It will also not backup anything with more than 190 characters in the filename/path. ALSO, it will NOT handle compression AND encryption at the same time during a network backup. You can do encryption alone, but not alongside compression. GBM's support staff, although prompt and willing to post something to your Help Desk ticket, is WAY less than helpful, merely stating 'we are testing and will let you know when/if we find something...'
    Norton Ghost... I never tried this, as I am severely prejudiced against anything that comes from Symantec. I hate it with a passion. I had a really bad experience with their software 4 or 5 years ago, and I will not touch it. Sorry...
    Dantz Retrospect may be the only backup program worth a squat right now. But you know what? I don't want to go and get a PhD. just to learn how to use a piece of backup software. It is WAY more compicated than backup software really needs to be. Therefore, I haven't used it too much. I definitely haven't used it enough to write any meaningful/less comments about it.
    Acronis TrueImage... This one is looking like a bomb. From my experience, to the many other posts on this forums, I am not liking the looks of this one...
  2. bobdat

    bobdat Registered Member

    Jul 6, 2005
    Re: ATI - Key Observations and great suggestions....!!!!!

    Your post touches on a key point.....

    Depending upon WHAT you want to do with your software, a particular program may be a godsend or a bomb.

    For example, I only care about entire disk duplication and restore so creating images and restoring them and cloning drives is my universe. TrueImage8 is perfect for me.

    However, if somebody wants to manage backups at the file/folder level and buys TrueImage8 they just bought a bomb. Although TI9 promises to do better, it also seems to be a bomb.

    Now, backup software is something completely different to me. It's a "click-one-button" program that simply copies all my files and folders (but not O/S or application programs) to some backup device or medium for safekeeping.

    I can't help but think that TrueImage is strong in the disk imaging and cloning functions and relatively worthless as file/folder backup software. Therefore, you may either be happy you bought it or really disappointed based upon what you try to do with it.
  3. ErikAlbert

    ErikAlbert Registered Member

    Jun 16, 2005
    Did you try this one :
    WinBackup v2.0 ($49.95)
    The site describes its product pretty good and has a trial version.

    I don't have any experience with any type of backup, because I didn't need it up to now.
    But when I search for a software, I try everything. No need to say that I also ditch alot of software during my search.
  4. MICRO

    MICRO Registered Member

    Jun 8, 2004
  5. ErikAlbert

    ErikAlbert Registered Member

    Jun 16, 2005
    A few other image backup softwares, but I'm not sure what kind of backup you are looking for : image (encrypted) backup, file (encrypted) backup, remote (encrypted) backup and maybe others, I didn't discover yet.
    Free or paid, etc. etc. etc. ?
    The one you like is the very best as always.

    Bootit Next Generation v1.75a ($34.95)

    DriveImage XML v1.0 (freeware)

    DrvImagerXP v2.2 (freeware)

    Partition Saving v3.01 (freeware)
  6. Acadia

    Acadia Registered Member

    Sep 8, 2002
    BINGO!! (And yes, that applies to AV as well :D )

  7. sunandoghosh

    sunandoghosh Registered Member

    Aug 11, 2005

    agreed...and thats why precisely my quest for best/near perfect disk cloning software...

    True even my universe is also excatly perfectly the same...making clone of disk....(me also noT really interested in JUST data back up)........

    bcz...all cloning are data backups....
    BUT all data backs are not clones

    so data backup is a subset of clone.......

    I wish they provided a trial version..........

    perfect perfect.....u spoke my words

    any other options....o_Oo_Oo_Oo_Oo_O?
    can u plz elaborate as although i have not used that software but in general when i take backups in CDs of data files...i get file name problems and i am unable to understand how to back it up...can u suggest some simple ways....o_Oo_Oo_O



    plz elaborate ur experiences..............
    THANKS U PEOPLE TONNES....this discussion is going great
  8. sunandoghosh

    sunandoghosh Registered Member

    Aug 11, 2005

    true in general even thats what i want /desire from a disk cloning software too....i mean simplicity is very essential...true 100% agreed.....

    why "email this page " under "thread tools" not working on this forum....o_Oo_O?? any idea...o_O??
  9. sunandoghosh

    sunandoghosh Registered Member

    Aug 11, 2005
    i hope since this thread has been moved....people who were participating in this discussion are able to notice and locate it....thanks

    :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
  10. nod32.9

    nod32.9 Guest

    My requirements for a good imaging software:

    1. Easy to use
    2. Stable/reliable
    3. Fast
    4. High compression

    Almost all DOS based proggies can boot/run from a floppy. Adding bells and whistles to the software can only create more problems for the average user.
  11. sunandoghosh

    sunandoghosh Registered Member

    Aug 11, 2005
    true...these are ideal qualities which anyone would look for in any good imaging software....

    plz make ur suggestions about programs/softwares which u have particularly used and narrate ur expeiences....
    thanks people

    plz contribute by adding the richness of ur experiences..........................
  12. Peter2150

    Peter2150 Global Moderator

    Sep 20, 2003
    I've just joined the many using Terabyte's Image for Windows. While some might consider imaging from windows bells and whistles. I don't. To image from DOS takes me almost an hour and 10 minutes. Doing it from windows takes 20 minutes. I do the verify from DOS to be sure the image looks good with the recovery CD. That doesn't take any longer that way.

  13. nod32.9

    nod32.9 Guest

    The only reason why the windows imaging software is faster is because you're using INCREMENTAL update. DOS based program like BOOTIT NG runs almost as fast as the read/write speed of a 7200 rpm drive (better than 2GB/min).
  14. sunandoghosh

    sunandoghosh Registered Member

    Aug 11, 2005
    "To image from DOS takes me almost an hour and 10 minutes."

    q. which dos based program u use...o_O plz narrate ur expereinces in detailll...o_O

    "Doing it from windows takes 20 minutes. "

    q. which windows based program u use...o_O plz narrate ur expereinces in detailll...o_O

    "I do the verify from DOS to be sure the image looks good with the recovery CD. "

    plz elaborate the procedure....
  15. sunandoghosh

    sunandoghosh Registered Member

    Aug 11, 2005
    plz elaborate on ur preferences with reasons....

    thanks for making this a wonderful discussion..... :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
  16. sunandoghosh

    sunandoghosh Registered Member

    Aug 11, 2005
  17. ErikAlbert

    ErikAlbert Registered Member

    Jun 16, 2005
    As soon I'm able to type in bold, I will
    - elaborate on my experiences and
    - narrate about my experiences with REASONS and
    - contribute by adding my richness of newbie experiences
    Meanwhile, I'm waiting for my new computer to get some backup experiences.
    Be patient ... and play with the smileys until then :)
  18. bigbuck

    bigbuck Registered Member

    Jul 7, 2004
    Qld, Aus
    ...... in exhaustive detail;
    • boot from ghost v8 floppy
    • press clone disc (to ext HDD)
    • go watch TV for about 40mins
    • take floppy out and reboot
    • phew!
  19. sunandoghosh

    sunandoghosh Registered Member

    Aug 11, 2005

    :D :D :D

    thanks for excellent summarization....:D
  20. sunandoghosh

    sunandoghosh Registered Member

    Aug 11, 2005
    :D :D :D hey thanks for that reassurance:cool:
  21. RocketMagnet

    RocketMagnet Registered Member

    Oct 9, 2005
    Re: Build 2302 working for anybody?

    Seemingly it's a mixed bag from version to version. Early iterations were pretty much disasterous and really should never have gone to public testing outside "official beta testers".

    The latest version if it works or not depends upon your hardware, if your using modern kit then the problems seem to increase. So if you have a crusty old PC which is purely IDE then your probably wondering what all the fuss is about.

    I've been using Norton Ghost for years up until 2003 and I've never ever had an issue with a failed backup over multiple machines (thats 100's of backups each being in the region of 50gb to 150gb). 2003 doesn't support SATA hence me looking for something else.

    I've found TI9 to be too unreliable to use as a backup system across all my systems and to save any more trouble i simply bought some new IDE drives - put them on primary and started using the hassle free Ghost 2003 again. The SATA drives left over are additional backup space now.

    I can see the benifits of on the fly imaging - however including reboots Ghost 2003 is faster overall - yes I can't continue working when it's backing up but IMO only a total idiot would actually continue doing anything on their PC while TI9 was imaging anyway!.

    Personally all I require is to be able to image a drive totally and store it somewhere - incramental backups are interesting but don't give me any real additional value. If it requires the machine to come out of XP for 45 minutes while it images I don't really care - the most important function is that the backup works 100%.. nothing else matters.
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