Avira - win95/Blumblebee.1738

Discussion in 'other anti-virus software' started by chris1341, Aug 20, 2008.

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  1. chris1341

    chris1341 Guest

    Just scanned with Avira Premium gave me the following detection - win95/Blumblebee.1738. This is ancient is it not? Can't find much on Avira forums.

    I had uninstalled Avira for a short time to have a look at Panda and Bitdefender 2009. Would either leave a trace like this behind? I can't think of another way for it to have got in as I have installed nothing else and all browsing was sandboxed.

    Any help would be appreciated?
  2. IBK

    IBK AV Expert

    Dec 22, 2003
    Innsbruck (Austria)
    does it flag pav.sig or another panda related file?
  3. chris1341

    chris1341 Guest

    Not sure but now looks like it. Is pskavs.dll is Panda leftover?

    C:\Documents and Settings\Me\Local Settings\Temp\ISSCAN\pskavs.dll'


    Edit: Just checked it is. Another Avira FP and messy AV uninstall.

    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 20, 2008
  4. IBK

    IBK AV Expert

    Dec 22, 2003
    Innsbruck (Austria)
  5. chris1341

    chris1341 Guest

    Thanks IBK, very interesting. Another to add to the list of reasons why I thoroughly disliked the product. I thought the sluggishness and unresponsive nature of the app was bad enough but leaving rubbish like this they know is likely to be caught by other AV's behind after the uninstall confirms my reservations.
  6. ronjor

    ronjor Global Moderator

    Jul 21, 2003
    Off topic post removed. No personal opinions of other members needed in these forums.
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