AVG misjudging Bit Torrent?

Discussion in 'other anti-virus software' started by oldmystic, Jul 17, 2008.

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  1. oldmystic

    oldmystic Registered Member

    Jul 8, 2008
    AVG misjudging Bit Torrent?

    * Am I correct in suspecting that the SHeur file my AVG Pro identified as a Trojan Horse (but only when I opened Add and Remove Programs) is a false positive which mistakes the DNA file in Bit Torrent for a threat? (AVG reported: btdna.exe, C:\Program Files\DNA, Trojan Horse SHeur.BWOH, 282.31 KB, not healable, infected.) I scanned the installation file for OpenOffice 2.4.1 (my recent first use of my newly acquired Bit Torrent client) with AVG before opening it, and scanned the installed OO upgrade before opening that, and both times AVG reported no threats. I've isolated the SHeur file in AVG's virus vault, and unchecked Bit Torrent and DNA from my Firewall exceptions. If Bit Torrent reports that it can't work without the SHeur file next time I use it, I should restore it, right? An Internet search turned up a few others who had this file identified as a threat by AVG after using Bit Torrent.

    I'd be loath to part with Bit Torrent. It's the only way I've found to get the correct, full OO upgrade. I got the original Bit Torrent (http://www.bittorrent.com/), not a modified version like BitComet. Their instructions were easy to understand and implement, it works fine with Firefox without attaching it to Flashgot, and it worked perfectly.

    Microsoft Windows XP
    Home Edition
    Version 2002
    Service Pack 3
    AMD Spempron (tm) 3000+
    1.99GHz, 448 MB of RAM

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    AVG 7.5 Professional
    Last edited: Jul 17, 2008
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