AVG 8.0 free crashing after last update

Discussion in 'other anti-virus software' started by robinb9, Jul 9, 2008.

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  1. robinb9

    robinb9 Registered Member

    Apr 3, 2006
    After the last update to avg 8.0 free, I am finding on 10 client's computers when you try to double click the icon you get a message it has crashed and needs to close

    In event viewer i am seeing this

    Faulting application avgui.exe, version, faulting module avgui.exe, version, fault address 0x000be7bb.

    Faulting application avgui.exe, version, faulting module avgui.exe, version, fault address 0x000be7bb.

    this is happening on all these computers. Each one is not related to each other and are totally in different locations.

    Each one is running xp home sp3

    anyone else seeing this?

    Last edited: Jul 9, 2008
  2. C.S.J

    C.S.J Massive Poster

    Oct 16, 2006
    this forum is biased!
    yep, i too saw this with the suite........

    had to un-install,

    error messages and no tray icon and loading outlook for my emails would create an error message simply by clicking each individual email.
  3. ghodgson

    ghodgson Registered Member

    Dec 20, 2003
    I couldn't even install it, ran 7.5 for a long time with no probs, but ver 8--- they can keep it.

  4. hex_614

    hex_614 Registered Member

    Jul 17, 2008
    Manila, Philippines
    download the latest program from avg or download.com (cnet) this should fix the problem. 8.0.134 has bug so some users got errors on it. the latest is 8.0.138 the best so far.
  5. robinb

    robinb Registered Member

    Jun 22, 2006
    been there- done that

    doesn't fix the problem

    worked with Grifsoft technician over the problem. he found solution but they are not updating the fix until October which is ridiculous to wait so long to fix it.
    told them this is unacceptable and he said he would sent it up the pike to see if fix can get out sooner otherwise I will have to install Avast on these computers until problem is fixed.

  6. Firecat

    Firecat Registered Member

    Jan 2, 2005
    The land of no identity :D
    No such problems at all here using the AVG suite, but then I'm on Vista.....
  7. gery

    gery Registered Member

    Mar 8, 2008
    running Avg 8 several weeks and still no problems at all XP SP2:thumb:
  8. robinb

    robinb Registered Member

    Jun 22, 2006
    this is happening on xp home sp3 only

  9. robinb9

    robinb9 Registered Member

    Apr 3, 2006
    well another client on xp home sp3 just called me (the count is up to 12) and she too is now finding avg free 8.0 crashing when she tries to double click the desktop icon to open it.

    Funny this doesn't happen in the pro version.

    I wonder if AVG is doing this purposely to get everyone to purchase the pro version because on the pro version this doesn't happen.

  10. dw426

    dw426 Registered Member

    Jan 3, 2007

    If that were the case then they would soon lose the Pro customers too. No one will stand for that type of behavior when there are several top-notch paid AVs to switch and at least two very near top-notch free ones.
  11. doktornotor

    doktornotor Registered Member

    Jul 19, 2008
    Reading this thread I have a fuzzy feeling they don't give a damn about their customers any more. They've killed a working 7.x line and are cramming the new 8.0 down their customers throats no matter what. It's definitely not ready for prime time and yeah, they will lose a lot of customers. In fact, they already are... :gack:
  12. dw426

    dw426 Registered Member

    Jan 3, 2007
    God that was a lot of reading, my eyes hurt, lol. EVERY company releases new versions, regardless of how good the previous one was. That's how they keep in the game. I'm not backing them up or anything, they obviously have some problems, and I have seen some "tudes" on the part of the AVG staff, but you can't knock them for releasing a new version, that's simply business.
  13. Macstorm

    Macstorm Registered Member

    Mar 7, 2005
    Sneffels volcano
    Is this issue happening for all AVG 8 Free (with xp SP3) users or just certain ones?
  14. dw426

    dw426 Registered Member

    Jan 3, 2007
    Unless I missed a boatload of posts, SP3 seems to be the kicker.
  15. Macstorm

    Macstorm Registered Member

    Mar 7, 2005
    Sneffels volcano
    that would be a pity indeed. I've been hearing very good things about new AVG 8 lately (better malware detection, etc).
  16. dw426

    dw426 Registered Member

    Jan 3, 2007

    I've heard the same, I'd like to use the free version but since it doesn't have a real-time web scanner like Avast I'll have to stick to Avast ( IMHO web-scanning is a big help to prevent a lot of malware.)
  17. doktornotor

    doktornotor Registered Member

    Jul 19, 2008
    Noone's blaming them for releasing new version, LOL.... See, the problem is - they started flooding the AVG 7.5 Free users with annoying pop-ups about how they should quickly update to 8.0 since 7.5 is abandonware back when there was nothing but a beta of 8.0 line available. The original cut-off date was May 25 IIRC. When people upgraded and started to complain about their boxes getting broken (e.g., FAT32 incompatibility), about their mailboxes completely wiped altogether because of a couple of infected mails in them (!!!), or at least their performance heavily impacted by the new version, did they step back and stop nagging the users until the new version is production ready? No.

    They instead started to treat the users with a really condescending and defensive attitude and spreading rumors about 7.5 being "inadequate" protection etc. on various threads in their forums. The popups continued and the confusion was getting worse and worse by issuing confused info about deadlines, first it was end of June, then end of 2008, then July 25, now the latest info is no more updates after August 31 or what... :rolleyes: Meanwhile, the 7.5 links vanished from their website, together with links to the free antispyware and antirootkit apps which complemented 7.5. (Now, antispyware is integrated in 8.0 free, no more free antirootkit there, only paid-for version has it). :thumbd:

    The product improves slowly, it's still a huge resource hog (while 7.5 was very light even when complemented with AVG antispyware and antirootkit). The GUI is bad and lacks lots of configuration options which have been available in previous free versions, it's impossible to turn off unwanted functionality. Full system scan takes anything from 6 hours to half a day where it took 2 hours at most previously. The overall impression is that majority of users see this as downgrade crammed down their throats, instead of improvement.

    I've installed AVG 7.5 on lots of my friends boxes, was free, light, didn't produce needless noise, didn't require attention after the original configuration. After they started this nagging upgrade campaign, people started to complain. After upgrading a couple of boxes they immediately started moaning about their systems slowing down to a crawl. To add insult to injury, they were still getting nag screens about upgrade (now to Pro version). So, after a while, the days of free AVG have been counted on all those boxes. It's been replaced either by Avira Antivir Free or by Avast. They'll lose a lot of customers as a result of this poor move, and they deserve it.

    Lesson learnt? You can't behave like MS when there's a lot of competition on free antivirus/antimalware market. :rolleyes:
  18. dw426

    dw426 Registered Member

    Jan 3, 2007
    If everything you say is true:

    1. Nagging people to get rid of their stable AV to upgrade to a BETA is ludicrous. That's very poor form.

    2. Knocking their own release as being inadequate to market their new version is just plain stupid.

    3. I for one do not believe in removing functionality in a free version and moving it to a paid version. There's wanting to make money, and then there's just outright greed. If they wanted money they should have just kept the features out of the free version. I also have a big problem with not including rootkit detection unless you pay for it. Rootkits are huge now, and EVERY AV, free or otherwise should at LEAST detect them, and at LEAST make a half-assed attempt to clean them. They are not only being even more greedy but also compromising their customers security against a very common threat.

    4. I can't yell at them for the nag screens to upgrade to Pro, again, that's business.

    If all of the above is true, then improving or not, I wouldn't touch their product with a 50ft pole with another 50ft pole and a needle attached to it.
  19. gery

    gery Registered Member

    Mar 8, 2008
    we all had our experiences with Avg 8 in the begining there were a lot of things that we could not support like the brawsing delays and other things but at the moment there isn't much of that left. Avg is a totally new thing and especially after the new updates its behavior is not the same it is faster and really smooth.I don't know about the free version but i couldn't get along with 7.5 it was crap.yes it is still heavy
    Last edited: Jul 28, 2008
  20. dw426

    dw426 Registered Member

    Jan 3, 2007
    I fully expect software to have issues sometimes, especially on a new release. It's the customer service and staff I worry about more now if the above stuff turns out to be true.
  21. Firecat

    Firecat Registered Member

    Jan 2, 2005
    The land of no identity :D
    What AVG 8 Free does NOT have is the scanning module for hidden processes. It does in fact detect inactive rootkits; so there is some rudimentary protection at least. In any case it has at least the same level of protection as all commercial AVG 7.5 products had.

    In my experience, AVG 8 still has a few minor bugs to be ironed out and some performance optimization to be done - I do not expect this will happen very soon; but I do expect it will happen within a reasonable period of time; maybe as part of something like AVG 8.1 :)
  22. dw426

    dw426 Registered Member

    Jan 3, 2007
    I see, thanks for clearing up the rootkit issue.
  23. gery

    gery Registered Member

    Mar 8, 2008
    what is the matter with the costumer service? as far as i know it has not been a problem for a long time now. they have always responded quickly all my posts . they are not the best i can understand that but i think they are far better than others that make you pay extra buckc for their service . let us not talk about their support
  24. dw426

    dw426 Registered Member

    Jan 3, 2007
    Customer service=support in my brain. And if things I mentioned in my post are true, why in the world would you even ask such a question as "what's the matter with their customer service?" ? Would you not agree the mentioned issues made their "service" abysmal?
  25. robinb

    robinb Registered Member

    Jun 22, 2006
    seems to be only on avg 8.0 free with xp sp3

    It is not happening on vista users nor any of my xp pro sp3 users

    Just xp home sp3

    Worse they know there is a problem. they had me beta test a file in one of my clients xp home sp3 computers and it fixed it only they tell me they will not fix it till October- duh!

    and what are these clients suppose to do with a damaged avg till then?

    I just cannot tell them to fork over $35 for the full version when the free version is not working.

    I am now trialing avira premium to see how that one goes.
    I tested the free version (it loaded and works fine) but there is no email scanning with the free version and the full version is $20- a bit more to swallow if I have to convince them to purchase that one.

    It is very similar to AVG 8.0 with spyware protection, i will give it a few weeks- (I have 30 days) and see how it goes.

    I will let you know what i find.

    I am still putting avg 8.0 free on new computers and older ones, even with xp home sp3 but if this keeps happening I will have no recourse but to switch to avira.

    I do not like avast because it doesn't do scans (I tested that one already) and none of my clients are ever going to do their own scans, they are not computer savy enough to do this, I am lucky they know how to shut down and turn on the computer.

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