Avast says hackers breached internal network through compromised VPN profile

Discussion in 'other security issues & news' started by guest, Oct 21, 2019.

  1. guest

    guest Guest

    Avast says hackers breached internal network through compromised VPN profile
    Czech antivirus maker discloses second attack aimed at compromising CCleaner releases
    October 21, 2019
    Avast: Avast fights off cyber-espionage attempt, Abiss
  2. Beyonder

    Beyonder Registered Member

    Aug 26, 2011
    Lmao, Avast can't even protect their own servers, how are we supposed to trust them in protecting us?
  3. Minimalist

    Minimalist Registered Member

    Jan 6, 2014
    Slovenia, EU
    To be fair, most large companies probably were breached some time in past. As I remember Israeli agents breached Kaspersky network when some NSA hacking tools got released to public and were found on their network.
    If I had to guess most AV companies have or had similar incident. I wonder how many of hem discovered it and (at least temporary) solved the problem.
  4. Rasheed187

    Rasheed187 Registered Member

    Jul 10, 2004
    The Netherlands
    LOL, it's embarrassing indeed. And funny how they once again attempted to infect CCleaner, that's why you should always monitor apps for weird behavior. However, I do appreciate it that Avast is at least being open about it.
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