ATI Radeon drivers & PGuard

Discussion in 'ProcessGuard' started by imac, Oct 14, 2005.

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  1. imac

    imac Registered Member

    Sep 2, 2005
    I have a Connect 3d graphics card that uses the ATI Radeon drivers.
    Mobo Asus P5AD2 E-Premium.

    I've never had any problems un-installing ATI drivers and then installing new updated drivers.

    That is, untill I installed the Process Guard when I paid for it a few weeks ago.

    What happened yesterday is that I un-installed the ATI drivers OK.

    But when installing the new ones I got errors depending on the "version" of 5.10, by version I mean the driver, catalyist or ATI control panel versions.

    The driver requires an administrator account on the PC, catalyst & Control panel cannot find elements to install.

    I use Ghost to restore my C: partition, so, quickly as it were, doing that, I eliminated various things in my system, nothing worked, I had placed PGuard in learning mode to no avail. I also closed other programs, i.e., anti-virus etc.

    There was only one thing left to try and I did, I uninstalled Process Guard.

    that was the problem. The ATI drivers now install witout a problem.

    So, if I re-install Process Guard I have to go through the process of it learning all my programs etc. Not nice.
  2. Pilli

    Pilli Registered Member

    Feb 13, 2002
    Hampshire UK
    Not true, you can save your current configuration by backing up pghash.dat and pguard.dat found in the system32 folder. For more detail see here:
    Note:processguard must be disabled to do this. :)

    HTH Pilli
  3. imac

    imac Registered Member

    Sep 2, 2005
    Thank you, and that is a very quick reply.

    BTW, After I made a post I couldn't see it in the forum and I thought I made a mistake somewhere, I made another & spotted the first post.

    Please delete one.

    Again, thank you.
  4. Paranoid2000

    Paranoid2000 Registered Member

    May 2, 2004
    North West, United Kingdom
    Did you clear the "Block Rootkit/Driver/Service Installation" option? This must be done to install any driver - using Learning Mode will not suffice since it blocks an action before creating a Protection entry to allow it in future.
  5. imac

    imac Registered Member

    Sep 2, 2005
    I must explain, I was in a hurry to leave for work, I had a quick look in the forum and obviously missed the thread as mentioned.

    No, paranoid, I didn't do that, but I have discovered a few minutes ago that if I simply stop all protection that solves the problem.

    Thanks for replying. It's a great program is PG & I've recommended it to many people.
  6. rickontheweb

    rickontheweb Registered Member

    Nov 14, 2004
    You may find some useful information here:

    Unfortunately searching on ATI doesn't work here because the term is too short or something. I just updated my ATI drivers to the 5.10 version that came out a couple days ago and had no problems, but you really do need to disable ProcessGuard when installing ATI drivers. There's more info in the link that might be helpful and info on what to expect if you don't disable PG during ATI installs or ATI control panel access. Try searching on "catalyst" instead in this forum for more information on ATI and ProcessGuard issues.
  7. thaar

    thaar Guest

    i have a similar problem with PG and ati catalyst driver. everytime i open ati control panel and click the option tab i always had BSOD but when i disable the pg protection i can i access the option tab with no bsod. btw, i am using ati catalyst 5.2, the recent 5.10 won't work in my old 9200 video card.
  8. rickontheweb

    rickontheweb Registered Member

    Nov 14, 2004
    Click the link above, about half way down it'll tell you how to avoid the BSOD issue with settings choices in PG.
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