Are those guys over at PestPatrol Nuts?

Discussion in 'other anti-trojan software' started by Straight Shooter, Jan 26, 2003.

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  1. o_O

    I own a license to PestPatrol..But I haven't used that program in months... It's not installed in my computer or anything like that.. I particularly didn't care for the way they "edit" their forum support so only the positive posts appear.. DUH!

    However, I may be getting an older computer from my office (free!) and rather than buy TrojanHunter, which I have been test driving lately and am VERY impressed with! I thought about just using my old PestPatrol..

    Has anyone gone to their website lately> Theiir Forum support is shut down, and they have a laughable link so you can go to "Security Magazine" and vote for them! Are they crazy? Honest to God, I think I'm just going throw it away (the licensce info)...

    I was hoping they would get better, and they have a new version.. , But I don't think that's the case...
  2. spy1

    spy1 Registered Member

    Dec 29, 2002
    Clover, SC
    Here's the notice they put up. Pete

    Attached Files:

  3. I think they've done that all the time.. Hello Magnus.. I think you're going to get a new customer....
    :mad: :rolleyes: :doubt:
  4. solarpowered candle

    solarpowered candle Registered Member

    Jan 9, 2003
    new zealand
    Yea Straight shooter, I found that when ever there was the need to do a bigger update , pestpatrol would go strange on me, It could never get passed scanning my xxx.bat file (for cleaning my index dat files) and would freeze, no matter how much i put them into ignore. Its a neat proggy and nice and simple and easy to operate and fast , when it can get through your files without stopping , but i wonder about its abilities in trojan detection, as there are far better spyware proggies out there in Spybot S@D and javacools that are for free and do a better job. So I have put mine to rest also for now. If I had a spare pc to play with I would use one as a system to see if I could run all year without buying any software and using my knowing and learning from here and see if I could actually get through with out a virus or trojoan. Now that would be a challenge.
  5. The first laugh I had with Pest Patrol was its Forum.. No Negative Remarks at all.. If one popped up, it would be gone the day after...

    The owner, or someone over there, complained that they take a bashing at Wilders, but I never see them here much, if at all.. Even Wayne from DCS defends himself when Andreas stops by (LOL)...

    I don't know... My license is up soon, and I need to decide on an AT. I can't use TDS, much as I would love to, some sort of conflict on my system.. I even thought about buying a new computer, but money is the issue..

    I was considering BoClean, and it's nice, but I prefer an on demand scanner.. I don't know...

    When I had PestPatrol, I had absolutely no conflicts of any kind.. except Pest Patrol related ones, which I was able to fix.. I just wish they defended their product a little more!
  6. Magnus Mischel

    Magnus Mischel Security Expert

    Oct 24, 2002
    Let me know if you have any questions about TrojanHunter and I'll be happy to answer them!
  7. solarpowered candle

    solarpowered candle Registered Member

    Jan 9, 2003
    new zealand
    Thats nice magnus, thank you. You know straight shooter I have much sympathy for you for you have gone thru abit of software here and i certainly would need an extra job if i brought as much as you . And its annoying that you are unable to find something that works for you. Except pestpatrol . I have noticed that jooske has made a few comments regarding pestpatrol in the odd thread of late , which makes me wonder if she has maybe been testing it as they said they were going to do so at some time , maybe not , but she seems to have a knowing about it and speaks quite well about some of its abilities . Although not being in the same game as a TD3 , it still may do the job. So what if they are a bunch of idiots or throw out cia leftovers, over there , if it works for you use it.
  8. snowy

    snowy Guest

    Wow..this reminded of something.....a few years ago when PP first came out........there was a poster that showed up at a particular forum joyously proclaiming PP to be the very best there ever was or would be....the poster denied any personal interest in the company.....but the posts were continuous..over and over and lo and behold if anyone quized the poster someone from PP suddenly appeared......a true for a software vendor to debate programing with a everyday type of user...well its like a doctor debating clogged arteries with a plumber......kinda of an un-fair advantage.....
    since that lil incident I've never ever considered using PP.
  9. Gee, I only bought duplicates of AV's, although Norton''s JUST expired! (Yay!).. I renewed NOD32 for two more years!! I have a ZAPRO and an OUTPOST License.. I am probably going to renew ZAPRO (not until May)
    The AntiTrojan dept is where I overdid a bit.. but I am not going to critisize.. At this point, the TrojanHunter is running VERY well.. but I am going to test it on my machine for the whole 30 days...So, I wasted some money the first year of being Symantec liberated.. Big Deal!
  10. solarpowered candle

    solarpowered candle Registered Member

    Jan 9, 2003
    new zealand
    The first laugh I had with Pest Patrol was its Forum.. No Negative Remarks at all.. If one popped up, it would be gone the day after...

    That will explain why there aint too many postings there after all this time lol

    Truely straightshooter i were only jesting I enjoy your postings and journeys through the diffirent software and have gained much from it both from what not to do and from what to do :)
  11. sig

    sig Registered Member

    Feb 9, 2002
    Snowy, what you said rang a bell with me. I seem to remember posts like those you mention when PP was new... The posts (perhaps in more than one forum/newsgroup I visited at the time) were so seemingly over the top that I just figured it was spam and not just some really pleased user(s) of some app no one at that point had ever heard of.

    Yah, that turned me off. I was later surprised that so many people seemed to start using PP, although it seems that many of those now are former PP users.
  12. Hmm this whole thread looks like a bash on pest patrol for no reason at all.
  13. solarpowered candle

    solarpowered candle Registered Member

    Jan 9, 2003
    new zealand
  14. Pieter_Arntz

    Pieter_Arntz Spyware Veteran

    Apr 27, 2002
    I'm sorry you feel that way.
    If you notice anything untrue, please feel free tro let me know and our team will act on that, after investigation.


  15. o_O

    I assure you, eveerything in this post is TRUE!. If a representative from Pest Patrol read this and doesn't like it, too bad.. I am an upset, disgruntled customer.. I wanted to get opinions on Pest Patrol because I still have the license, and it's soon going to expire. What should I do? That was the reason I started the post. I can't start it at PestPatrol's forum.. First of all, it's down.. Secondly, it'll get deleted anyway...
    I never have placed outright "hate posts", and I think if you'll go through and read them, my posts are truthful, no bs, and very mild. If I'm wrong, I always make it a point to apoligize..I am right in this case...
  16. Acadia

    Acadia Registered Member

    Sep 8, 2002
    Keep an eye on BoClean. Kevin, the developer of BoClean, I forget his last name, said a future upgrade will finally include an "on demand" scanner. I have no idea when this will occur so it will need monitoring.

    Take care, Acadia.
  17. JustinCasey

    JustinCasey Guest

    Doh - so where isthis link to the Security mag theno_O? all I can see is a link to their help line........ where is the link.... I wanna vote :D :D
  18. They took the link out...probably after reading this post... ;)
  19. sig

    sig Registered Member

    Feb 9, 2002
    Hmn...then maybe they can do something about the Active X used on their page linked to here. I've never quite understood why some security related sites use Active X on their sites when it's not necessary. (Of my pet peeves.) It's like a weight watchers meeting that has cookies and cake at the front door. :D
  20. Mr.Blaze

    Mr.Blaze The Newbie Welcome Wagon

    Feb 3, 2003
    on the sofa
    :Dgimme gimme gimme gimme

    lol if you throw it alway ill dig in the cyber garbage for it lol

    woooooo hooooo cyber garbage dumpster diving :D here i come

    here pest patrol here pest patrol lol :D
  21. spy1

    spy1 Registered Member

    Dec 29, 2002
    Clover, SC
    MB - Let me see if I understand you correctly.

    You want a program on your computer that

    (a) Gives numerous false alarms.

    (b) That you can't go to forum for help with if your post is the slightest bit critical (because your post (or the entire forum!) will disappear.

    (c) That goes out of its' way to label real spyware finding/destroying software as malicious (as it did with SBS&D).

    (d) You want software developed and promoted by ex-government (three-letter agency types) employees.

    (e)You want to put all your eggs in one basket with a program that claims to be able to handle everything equally well - "hacker tools, trojan horses, denial-of-service attack agents and spyware" (doesn't that stretch your credulity even a little?).

    Trash belongs in the garbage, MB - best to leave it there. Pete
  22. Spy1, thank you for the "frosting" on the cake! :eek:

    You're right, I posted a "not too critical" post, a couple of months ago, and yes, they sent me an email, and resolved my problem very quickly, but I was amazed how fast my post was "wiped" out..
    Also, I was amazed as to how few posts they have, anyway..

    I heard that ver 4 was slightly upgraded, to ver 4.1. Went to their forum, to see what users thought of their program.. What forum? That got wiped out too! The whole thing! That really was VERY funny...

    Like I said, they don't even bother to defend themselves. I'm sure someone "tipped" them about these posts here.. Government types, eh, Spy1? Er, I guess I'd better be going, now.. (LOL)...
  23. marti

    marti Registered Member

    Mar 25, 2002
    Houston, Texas, USA
    The point here should be that PP does provide support to users, but not on a forum. The support may take days instead of hours, but it's support.

    However, I think that the best support often comes from others on various forums. A security software vendor that keeps things so "secret" that only they can provide support, on a one-to-one basis, is not a way to keep current customers, nor gain new customers.

    Because the support is now "private" users are left making needless emails to report a problem, when the solution could have been addressed on a forum.

    Go read the NOD forum, here, about NOD freaking out during a PP update. Obviously, Pest Patrol updates do not contain a virus, but if PP had a public forum, that issue could have been talked about. Instead, users are posting in the NOD forum when it's not a NOD problem, and many others are having to contact PP directly (I'm assuming that they are doing this). I do worry about the new-to-computer security users that do a total clean resinstall of the OS at each report of a virus or other malware.

    If any software vendor says that they provide support, then they should do it. Don't just provide support during Unites States daytime hours or Monday through Friday, provide 24/7 support. PP is not providing that support and they have cut off the forum where at least a user could find out that others were having the same problem.
  24. Paul Wilders

    Paul Wilders Administrator

    Jul 1, 2001
    The Netherlands
    Ladies and gents,

    There's nothing wrong in discussing security software - like PP in this case; on the contrary, that's what this forum is all about.

    That said: please stay factual. We are not in the habit of bashing software over here - and that includes PP. Thus please refrain from calling names, and stick to the factual issues.

    Thanks in advance ;).


  25. marti

    marti Registered Member

    Mar 25, 2002
    Houston, Texas, USA

    I hope you were not responding to my post here. I did not bash PP. I did state, from my own experiences that their support is not very good. Posts to their forum were often ignored or deleted. The official route for reporting problems was, at one time, the forum.

    Iif I create a program so complicated that only me (and my employees) can provide support that's OK, as long as we provide the promised support. But when the developer charges for the program and does not provide support, I do think the customers have a valid reason to complain.
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