Archive corrupted, restore hangs, MBR gone

Discussion in 'Acronis True Image Product Line' started by sjeter, Dec 1, 2005.

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  1. sjeter

    sjeter Registered Member

    Oct 24, 2004
    Oh well, such is life. Stuff happens.

    My favorite quote: "Never ever approach a computer thinking 'I will just do this quickly' ".

    An interesting thing happened when I attached the old drive as a secondary: when I rebooted, XP gave me a gazillion error messages about index files and they all seemed to be fractions of files, and then similarly about orphaned files.

    I was able to see my files in Explorer, and I burned the ones I wanted to keep to a DVD-RW.

    I'm in the process of downloading TI9 (232) and the upgrade to DD10.
  2. sjeter

    sjeter Registered Member

    Oct 24, 2004
    Oops - I meant build 2323.

    I just did some searching and found that the error messages that I saw about the secondary drive were as a result of CHKDSK.
  3. sjeter

    sjeter Registered Member

    Oct 24, 2004
    OK, OK, let's keep it on topic ... acknowledge that a problem exists, and go on from here.
  4. Detox

    Detox Retired Moderator

    Feb 9, 2002
    Texas, USA
    Quite right; and so the (rather rude) previous reply by another poster has been removed. Let's keep it civil and on-topic ladies and gents.
  5. sjeter

    sjeter Registered Member

    Oct 24, 2004
    So far so good...installed TI9 build 2323 on newly built and updated 200GB drive. Went into safe mode and burned rescue CD-RW - put CD in tray and clicked Proceed, TI closed tray and burned disk.

    Rebooted and formatted 2 DVD-RW's (disk space 8GB+); started backup - set target on C:\ drive and set split options to 2GB and TI said "do you really want to do that" so I went back and put the backup on the DVDs. I forgot that I had the option set to split, and when I did a 'Check Archive' (with the second disk first), I was surprised to see files MyBackup4.tib and MyBackup5.tib. Strangely enough, when it finished verifying the second disk, it asked for 'Volume 3'. o_O It finished successfully, though. I opened Windows Explorer and looked at Disk 1 and it had files 1, 2, and 3.

    Tomorrow: Install Disk Director Suite 10, create the bootable CD, swap the hard drives for the old (unbootable) drive, and my original secondary drive (that has the "corrupted" archive). I'll check the archive and see whether or not it's OK, and go to DD10 if it's not. (Fingers crossed :D )
  6. sjeter

    sjeter Registered Member

    Oct 24, 2004
    Archive check completed successfully :D :D :D :D :D

    I plugged the archive as another drive letter and did another copy of the files I wanted to keep to a DVD-RW.

    Having issues with Disk Director (see that forum); still want to check the old hard drive before I do a restore.
  7. sjeter

    sjeter Registered Member

    Oct 24, 2004

    I used Disk Director Suite 10, build 2077, boot CD to boot from the old hard drive. I recovered the deleted partition, but when I rebooted, I still got the blinking cursor.

    The OS is WinXP SP1.

    I also tried "mbrautowrite" and that didn't do anything.

    In DDS10, I can explore the drive and see my folders; it just won't boot.

    Since the backup verified, I can go that route, but I would like to understand what is happening with the old drive.

  8. sjeter

    sjeter Registered Member

    Oct 24, 2004
    Opened problem with Customer Service on Wednesday. I have created a problem report on the failed PC and am awaiting a response from Customer Service.
  9. Anon2

    Anon2 Guest

    If this happens, ask support to send you either a registered copy or trial of TI8 - it should read the TI9 file and restore it without reporting it as "corrupt".
  10. sjeter

    sjeter Registered Member

    Oct 24, 2004
    Anon2 - see posts dated Dec. 17th and 19th. I have already verified the archive with TI9 build 2323.
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