Application Filter and Update from 2.05p2 to p3

Discussion in 'LnS English Forum' started by Praet0r, Oct 31, 2005.

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  1. Praet0r

    Praet0r Registered Member

    Oct 31, 2005
    Hello there to everybody at the forums!

    I've been lurking around here for quite some time now and found this forum to be particularly helpful. Thanx for that ;) question. I'm using LNS 2.05p2 and I am very pleased with it except 1 problem, and that is the TCP SPI "problem", because it is limited to 128 TCP Conns only (no, I am not a fake account of phant0m hehe). I hate to turn it off using BitComet. Now Version p3 offers 256 max TCP Conns for SPI, and that would be "enough" for me. But...since I am a lazy guy I'd love to install Version p3, but I'd hate to be forced to configure an all new application filter. The ruleset I use can be used in Version 2.05p3 also, am I right? But what about the application filter? Do I have to reconfigure all of the apps?

    And another question: If I use TCP SPI while playing Quake3 online I am experiencing a lot of "lag". The game feels kinda "jelly" and won't move and feel as smooth as I am used to. My ping still is fine on most german servers (around 9-25), but the movement is weird and my aiming percentage also drops signifivcantly. If I turn TCP SPI off then everything is fine again. Ports are configured least I think so :rolleyes:

    Thanx in advance for responding...
  2. Frederic

    Frederic LnS Developer

    Jan 9, 2003

    No, you don't have to reconfigure Look 'n' Stop after you install the 2.05p3.
    Of course, just install it on top of the 2.05p2, don't uninstall the 2.05p2 first.

    Besides the number of entries, the TCP SPI engine was also improved in the 2.05p3. Hope it will suit your need.


  3. Praet0r

    Praet0r Registered Member

    Oct 31, 2005
    Everything worked fine. What a nice little program. Thanks for replying.
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