Anyone familiar with Eudora's Web Email?

Discussion in 'other software & services' started by sk, Dec 27, 2002.

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  1. sk

    sk Registered Member

    Nov 19, 2002
    I just found the Eudora free Webmail site yesterday. I signed up, and can send mail from that account, but cannot receive email in that account. I sent several 'test' emails, but the inbox keeps showing "0". I messaged the help center there but have not gotten a response as of yet. The 'status window' shows December 20th as the date of the last site update. So I was just wondering if anybody here used that service and/or had any idea what was going on there. Here's the URL:
    Even though I can't get any mail in, it let's me check my main POP3 email account faster than the ISP web mail checker.

  2. snowman

    snowman Guest

    respectfully suggest that you check out MailWasher on the wilders free tools site..if you want to access your pop3 super will never need to go to your isp pop3 account ever again....
  3. sk

    sk Registered Member

    Nov 19, 2002
    Thanks. Will do. But still looking for any info on the Eudoramail site.
  4. polo

    polo Guest

    Try the Criticism forum. Ppl here basically rate http:/ and as the best. Hotmail sucks

    Eudoramail is okay, recently revamped, but no inbuilt virus scanner or file viewer like Yahoo is. It has nothing to do with the client:
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