anyone ever heard of a prog named Free Surfer

Discussion in 'other anti-malware software' started by I_love_the_USA, Jun 4, 2002.

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  1. i would like 2 know if the prog is a spyware or something.
  2. controler

    controler Guest


    Have you tried installing it yet? If so do you have a friewall telling you it is trying to make an outgoing connection?

    Here is the site link

  3. controler

    controler Guest

    Here is the answer I got from the author
    to post with his permission


    Yes - that's OK. Thanks.


    On Wed, 5 Jun 2002 12:24:20 -0500 controler wrote:
    >Thanks so much for the info. The reson I asked is because of the question
    >posted at a security forum I frequent.
    >Would you mind me posting your answer on the forum?
    >----- Original Message -----
    >From: <>
    >To: controler
    >Sent: Wednesday, June 05, 2002 10:51 AM
    >Subject: Re: FS: Feedback
    >> Hi,
    >> Free Surfer is not spyware, actually it is pure IE extension, working
    >> same 'level' with IE.
    >> Regards,
    >> E.Muhonen
    >> EMS-Project
  4. Thank you. I was about to d/l it and try it tonight.
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