Hi. I had to use Wingate to get ICS working on a home lan, Win2K as the gateway and Win98SE as the client. Outpost shows Wingate as having a ton of ports open and listening all the time. I don't have a clue whats going on here and if I should restrict Wingate tighter that I am doing now. I currently allow standard browser rules for it. I really don't understand much about routers, nat , dhcp and funny sounding things like that. I also currently have netbios enabled on Win2k and would like to get away from that if I could, but don't want to screw up my network. My wife uses the ICS for an online College course right now. I read a lot about this stuff, but a lot just doesn't register. Thought I'd ask in case there was someone here familiar with using Wingate and another firewall.
Hi, root! Judging by the lack of response, no one else is using Wingate with their system. I don't have connected computers, so I've never had to address that kind of problem myself. Does OutPost show an excessive amount of probes due to the open ports? Hopefully someone will come along with an alternative or an answer for you. Pete
Hi Pete, No, Wingate doesn't seem to actually generate traffic on all those ports, it just opens a bunch up to listen, and I assume I have them sufficiently blocked, but would not bet the farm on it. I keep looking for someone who has used Wingate and understands its workings. So far, not much luck. I test stealth on all scans, so everything must be cool. Thanks for taking the time to reply. root
Glad to hear you're still checking stealth on all scans. Have you considered using one of those wireless alternatives for your network? Pete
No money Pete. I'm disabled, and am still trying to get Social Security to pay me the benefits that they made me pay premiums for, against my will, all those years. Anyway, everythings cool. Thanks.