Any views on SpyBlocker

Discussion in 'privacy technology' started by ChrisP, Jun 5, 2003.

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  1. ChrisP

    ChrisP Guest

    I have been using SpyBlocker for a month or so and im happy so far, but i notice it does not behave in the same way that something like internet spy hunter does, in that it does not block all scripts or all referrers etc. It lets Windows Messenger access Hotmail - which is nice - but is it really protecting me in the same way other programmes do - or is it just more selective in the things it blocks - like only blocking things which are risky?

    Any help welcome.
  2. manOFpeace

    manOFpeace Registered Member

    Feb 1, 2003
    :)I also had Internet Spy Hunter but I didn't like it and was lucky enough to get a refund. In one day it read that it had killed over 5000
    cookies. I now have Spyblocker. It at least doesn't make the over-the-top claims that Spy Hunter made.
    There is something in Spyblocker I do not understand. There is a check-box for safe loading. It loaded sites into a temp folder in SB in
    program files. These were sites like Yahoo! Cnet etc. I unckecked the safe loading box and now I don't see those sites in SB file. Some of the sites I was uneasy about. :doubt:
    On the whole I like Spyblocker.
  3. spy1

    spy1 Registered Member

    Dec 29, 2002
    Clover, SC
    This what it says about "Safe Loading" if you right-click the SYSTRAY icon of SB, click on "Help Contents" and then the "Main Features" link:

    "Safe Loading - If checked, Spyblocker will load site graphics
    normally blocked, thru a protected anonimized proxy."

    Yes, SB is "selective" in what it blocks, to an extent, but you also have to be aware that other programs on your computer can affect exactly what SB gets to play with.

    Things such as your browser settings; what your firewall handles (especially one such as OutPost, which has a lot of modules for things like active content/ads) ; whether or not you use stuff like IE-SPYAD (or similar) additions to your "Restricted" sites zone - all of this stuff comes into play.

    Been using SpyBlocker here for quite awhile and am quite happy with it.

    Another "layer". Pete
  4. manOFpeace

    manOFpeace Registered Member

    Feb 1, 2003
    Hello spy1, what is your choice for safe loading.
    Have you it checked or unchecked? Does it make much of a difference whether or not it is running? o_O
  5. spy1

    spy1 Registered Member

    Dec 29, 2002
    Clover, SC
    Yes, I have it checked.

    Yes, it makes a difference insofar as to what you'll see on any given page goes.

    The best way to actually see what difference it makes is to clear your SB log (from the main SB screen, click on "View" , right-click and "Select All" , close and then "Yes" to "Save changes" ).

    Go here:,1367,58909,00.html and watch SB's blocking activity and read the SB log after it finishes loading.

    Now, change "Use Safe Loading' by either checking or un-checking the option (depending on how you had it to start with), close SB, empty your browser cache, close your browser, re-start SB and the browser, go back to that link above, wait till it finishes loading and then compare the two sets of log entries.

    If you had it set to "Use Safe Loading" (check-marked) to start with, you're going to see a lot of log entries that'll say "GRAPHIC ALLOWED".

    When you UN-check "Use Safe Loading", those entries should change to "BLOCKED" (you''ll probably even notice the difference in the way the page displays from one mode to the other visually).

    Whew! Please tell me that answered that question! :D Pete
  6. Bethrezen

    Bethrezen Registered Member

    Apr 16, 2002

    i have been using sb for quite a while and am quite pleased with how it functions it gets rid of them annoying ads and helps to protect my privacy from tracking and
    spying and helps speed up my browsing coz i don't have to load them annoying ads while it don't catch everything it does catch most of the common rubbish and if ya find something that not blocked just add it to ya custom block that simple plus you can always come over to the forum with if you have a specif item that you cant block and leave a message in the spy spotter bored

    plus any suggestion for improvements are always welcome

    hope this helps
  7. manOFpeace

    manOFpeace Registered Member

    Feb 1, 2003
    ;)Hi spy1, thanks for the very detailed answer!!! I would need to copy that to be able to follow instructions. It's good to be able to chat with someone who has and knows about the thing. Thanks. :cool:
  8. manOFpeace

    manOFpeace Registered Member

    Feb 1, 2003
    Thanks also to Bethrezen for input. ;) It's good to get all the opinions
    of members who are in the same boat. :)
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