Any conflicts between AM / AV scheduled scanning?

Discussion in 'other anti-malware software' started by ChrisP, Aug 9, 2008.

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  1. ChrisP

    ChrisP Suspended Member

    Jun 6, 2003
    I have KAV 2009, A-Squared 4, SAS Pro and MBAM Pro. At the moment, I have set them all to perform daily scheduled scans overnight. I have scheduled them to start a couple of hours apart so that there is no overlap in them scanning.

    I understand that SAS works with all other AM and AV scanners with no conflicts, MBAM wont conflict with any AVs and somewhere in these forums, the author of SAS says it works without conflicting with MBAM. A2 wont conflict with any AV, and presumably is fine with SAS - so the only posible conflict could be between A2 and MBAM - I think?

    Would there be any probs in scheduling them all to start scanning at the same time? (no isue about resources being used making PC slow as is done while Im asleep!)

    Advice welcome
  2. emperordarius

    emperordarius Registered Member

    Apr 27, 2008
    Who cares
    Firstly in app filtering in kaspersky for precaution select not to scan opened files and monitor application activity of MBAM,SAS and A2(actually I'd think removing A2, I don't think can find anything more, only a lot of false positives thanks to the Ikarus engine), then I don't think there could be any issue, as I used before SAS+MBAM+Ewido+KIS at the same time and didn't have any issue. Anyway, for precaution you could run KAV+SAS+MBAM at the same time and after let's say 3 hours A2.
  3. ambient_88

    ambient_88 Registered Member

    Jun 23, 2008
    I wouldn't recommend running all scans at the same time. Even though the developers say that their products are compatible with others, you have to understand that these are security software that are embedded deeply in the OS. When all instances run at the same time, there's a possibility that one will act up and mess up the other programs. Heck, you might wake up with the computer locked-up or in a BSOD.
    Last edited: Aug 9, 2008
  4. doktornotor

    doktornotor Registered Member

    Jul 19, 2008
    +1; and additionally, you really won't save much time since running several such scans at the same time will just drive your HDD heads mad and slow down all scans a lot.
  5. Tarq57

    Tarq57 Registered Member

    Oct 7, 2006
    Wellington NZ
    Why not leave them set to start a couple of hours apart?
  6. ChrisP

    ChrisP Suspended Member

    Jun 6, 2003
    I probably will - just wanted to get opinions
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