Anti adblocker troubles

Discussion in 'other anti-malware software' started by Bethrezen, Nov 2, 2002.

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  1. Bethrezen

    Bethrezen Registered Member

    Apr 16, 2002
    hi all

    i remember a post some time ago about a lil bit of software for web page creators that will block people from accessin there sigh if you have an adblocker enabled

    well i just ran in to it and it indeed does work Grrrrr how anoying checkey lil so and so's so as an experiment i tryed accessing the sight the sight with sb disabled and it still blocked me and im just curious whats goin on and if anyone know how to get round this

    my other concern is that if this becomes well known the web will become unsurfable if you like security and you want to block ads and all the other **** that comes with it

    the ads are not so bad i can live with that but i dont like all the lil dirty tricks these advertisers use to colect info on us while we surf bein spyed on profiled tracked etc etc etc



    heres the addey of the page in question

    when i click on this i get this mesage

    Testing, please wait... Don't close or refresh this window!

    then i get this message

    We've determined you're using popup blocking software.

    This site is provided free of charge due to our sponsors and their ads. By blocking ads, you limit our ability to provide a free site. Therefore, if you choose to block our ads you'll be unable to view certain pages. If you wish to view this site, turn off your ad blocking software. (error: 3.1)

    To try again or if you believe you've received this message in error, please go back and try again.

    This site is protected by AntiAdBlocker™ v1.01. Regain control of lost impressions and high bandwidth costs with AntiAdBlocker™.

    i should note that i can surf the sight ok but every time i try to download somthing i get the message above
  2. Pieter_Arntz

    Pieter_Arntz Spyware Veteran

    Apr 27, 2002
    Hi Bethrezen,

    I just tried and it responds in the same way to Adshield.



    PS I sent you a IM
  3. skivvywaver

    skivvywaver Registered Member

    Oct 19, 2002
    It does the same thing to AdSubtract Pro. The way I see it is, if they want to force you into looking at ads or accepting spyware cookies I really don't want to visit their stupid little site anyway.
  4. Bethrezen

    Bethrezen Registered Member

    Apr 16, 2002

    ordenrarly i would probabley agree however its not me thats trying to access this sight its my lil bro

    coz he been downloadin games and havin me put them on to disk for him but the pages he has found are not very good so the resion im tryin to get round this is for him coz this place looks like its got a decent sized arcive of games
  5. Pieter_Arntz

    Pieter_Arntz Spyware Veteran

    Apr 27, 2002
    Here´s the homepage of the software protecting this site:


  6. CP

    CP Guest

    "Free" sites versus "your rights" to not be blasted by Ads. It could be an interesting debate. I think Fred Langa wrote in one of his news letters early this year about the possible cost of people blocking all ads and the fall out of sites that wouldn't be able to make it because of all the blocking. Should people support the sites they visit, if that support comes by way of the ads linked at the site, or should the sites just be totally free regardless? As I said, an interesting debate.
  7. Bethrezen

    Bethrezen Registered Member

    Apr 16, 2002

    intresting indeed my take on this is that if some needs to make revinue through ads thats ok and i kan live with a few honest ads but makin revinu by usin the ads to colect info make profiles hajack browsers ect etc is not ok and i think that you should beable to access any sight regardless of what software you have on ya comp coz thats decrimination besides we all know that there isnt a single honest ad out there thats just tellin ya about somthin and nothign eles if someone whants to put up a free resause thats there choise and there problem where to get the funds to keep it up and it should be free all the way

    and i think that programs like sb etc should be modifiyed to cercumvent scum like this so ya can access and download from the sight regardless

    what do the rest of ya think ??

    also anyone got any ideas how to get round this coz imstill tryin with out sucess but then im no programmer so i dont got a clue really
  8. snowman

    snowman Guest

    the antiadblocker program really doesn't look very impressive.....although I didn't waste time trying to jump through the hoops..........jave and activeX is required an I don't use either......interestingly the visitor appears to be re-directed to another "zone"

    in response to the mentioning of "free vs "ads" websites..........for the past decade advertisers have been abusing the internet for personal the very sneakest manner........if they had been honest in the beginning instead of behaving like snakes perhaps they would not be so disliked.......and mis-trusted...........
    how ironic.....there are those who would say that its fair for advertisers to rape the public of information..but hollar foul when the public takes steps to prevent such abuse.
    they can make and re-make programs in an attempt to prevent ad it will be just a waste of their time.

  9. root

    root Registered Member

    Feb 19, 2002
    Missouri, USA
    The only way to beat this is to not use the sites that insist in cramming something down our throats. Once their traffic drizzles to a halt, they will surely reconsider.
    To make it work, everyone needs to help and spread the word.
    I just saw on tv that the movie theatres are all going to start running ads before all the movies. Lots of ads.
    We are a society that is literaly being attacked, not by terrorists, but by the advertising world. They fight for our attention to get our money. They fight to control us.
    I will resist. :mad:
  10. snowy

    snowy Guest


    Well said my baffles me how so many people so willingly just lay down like floormats for the advertisers to wipe their feet on........this stealing of personal information would end if only more people would simply resist..............

  11. Smokey

    Smokey Registered Member

    Apr 1, 2002
    Annie's Pub
    Very wise point of view! :)
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