Hi, I just found an interesting article on The Register site: http://www.theregister.co.uk/content/6/28842.html The general gist of the piece is about how the RIAA is planting a hybrid virii/worm inside Mp3 file's in order to propagate throughout the Internet of p2p users. The code then catalogues data that the RIAA is interested in and sends it back to the RIAA via crafted packets. This is then going to be used to put an end to p2p file sharing (somehow). I do not use such software but this still worrys me greatly, I am not aware of how legal this is at the moment but I am sure there will be somebody somewhere lobbying to get this kind of practice ok'ed. The very fact that large money making corporations are invading peoples lives more and more on a daily basis is becoming very irratating to say the least. The gradual erosion of peoples privacy is making slow but sure progress ... Where will it all stop? .... Will it ever stop?
Hi guys That is very very illegal indeed. Your MP3´s are your MP3´s no matter what, but all of content of your puter is YOURS and that is unbreakable international law. Hacking without your permission is criminal but cracking your stuff leads into prison. Only legal way to go is police work to reveal music " thieves". No offence at all but I friendly warn using those mp3 swapping tools. Giving server rights for those apps is a risk itself. It is like you say: welcome onto my hard drive, help yourself. ^Ari^
< RIAA.org> hacked again Hackers are having fun with the RIAA. This time their site was hacked to promote file sharing tools, such as eMule and Kazaa. -RIAA - 0wn3d by.... ;p -oooh riaa want's to hack Filesharing -Users / Servers ? - better learn to secure your own server... -Sorry Admin - had to deactivate ur accounts - they'll be reactivated after 2 hours -greetz : Rage_X, BRAiNBUG, SyzL0rd, BSJ, PsychoD + all the others who want to stay anonymous :] -wanna contact ? mailto:h4x0r0815 @mail.ru You can have a look at the hacked RIAA.org <snip)
CAUTION: DO NOT CLICK THE MAILTO LINK Moderators please edit that mailto link..its live....an may lead to a not so nice place
The story was a hoax. http://www.securitynewsportal.com/cgi-bin/cgi-script/csNews/csNews.cgi?database=JanV%2edb&command=viewone&id=12&op=t . Pete
Pete The story about the worm was a hoax.........now please advise if I am wrong but the story about the hack of the website was true..............is that about right ??
Hi, snowman! Yup, the RIAA site gets hacked weekly: http://www.securitynewsportal.com/cgi-bin/cgi-script/csNews/csNews.cgi?database=JanV%2edb&command=viewone&id=5&op=t . Pete
Pete Hiya buddy......an thanks....wasn't sure if the info I posted earlier was reliable p.s. hope all is well with you
lol i post something to bypass that mp3 thing if it were true lol thx got it was a hoax paul would spank me lol hi paul