An overview of Personal Desktop HIPS

Discussion in 'other anti-malware software' started by StevieO, Feb 13, 2006.

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  1. StevieO

    StevieO Registered Member

    Feb 2, 2006
    Another nice review of Apps, and advice from Kareldjag who has just completed part 2.

    . . .

    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 14, 2006
  2. kareldjag

    kareldjag Registered Member

    Nov 13, 2004

    As pointed out to a moderator (Bubba), i don't think that it's necessary to post a special thread for one of my article (interesting or not).
    As a Wilders member, i suppose that my blog is known (and it's sufficient).
    It's ok if an article is linked as a resource about the topic or subject of the thread, but i'm quite disagree if it is linked as a special thread.

    Hope, SteviO, that you understand my point of view.

  3. StevieO

    StevieO Registered Member

    Feb 2, 2006
    Hi Kareldjag,

    Regular visitors may be aware of your website and reviews, but newer people may not be. Also sometimes we might forget or be busy etc and overlook things, as we can't be everywhere all the time. I'm often very grateful to read about and be reminded of Apps and sites that i havn't revisited in a while. So i presumed my mentioning your latest work might point people in your direction who otherwise may not have done, which can only benefit everyone.

  4. trickyricky

    trickyricky Registered Member

    Mar 27, 2005
    London, UK
    I have to say that this post is useful to me as I don't read that blog regularly. There's simply too much to wade through every day blog-wise, but Wilders is a regular stop for me, so I'm always grateful for specific blogged items being pointed out.
  5. EASTER.2010

    EASTER.2010 Guest

    I also must say that running across this Topic is proved useful to me. Even though i had already came across that very nice and detailed Blog, as a Blog publisher myself you can never know if the content is really useful for anyone or not because many times people are either much to busy to post a comment or else are only interested in the reading material alone, overviews, layout maybe etc.

    By my happening on this post and discovering some mention to it simply helps to confirm, along with others for my own interest, that what's been referenced thru those tests are for the most part encouraging from a readers point-of-view. :thumb:
  6. Rasheed187

    Rasheed187 Registered Member

    Jul 10, 2004
    The Netherlands
    I have to agree with StevieO, this post is very useful to me (and probably to a whole lot of other people), personally I don´t see why it would be a problem for you Kareldjag.o_O
  7. rdsu

    rdsu Registered Member

    Jun 28, 2003
    I still think that the HIPS programs still needs a lot of work to make a real good work, because now they are very annoying and use to much resources and users patient...
  8. Rasheed187

    Rasheed187 Registered Member

    Jul 10, 2004
    The Netherlands
    IMO not all HIPS are annoying, for example I´m quite satified with PG and ZA Pro. They will both alert you about possible dangerous behaviour and are not intrusive at all, of course you need to configure ZA Pro in the right way. But both apps can still be improved a lot, that´s for sure.

    And it also depends on what kind of user you are, I think noobs are best of with HIPS that do not give too many popups, it looks like Win Defender, CyberHawk and Prevx1 have chosen this approach. And you also have the sandbox HIPS like DefenseWall, GreenBorder, Sandboxie and BufferZone, I think these apps have a good future if they are able to reduce resource usage and thus work smoother. ;)
  9. rdsu

    rdsu Registered Member

    Jun 28, 2003
    Yep, a lot of work have to be done on these type of programs...
  10. EASTER.2010

    EASTER.2010 Guest

    I agree that there is plenty of room for improvement with the HIPS that we see available. In fact many of them are either just entering beta or still at beta.
    I'll use a couple of examples to make that point. SSM seems to be working relatively well at this point but you will find some bringing attention to issues or making suggestions that are still needed to bring confidence up to what's expected.
    I already made a hastey retreat from a program named CoreForce, the firewall part appears to work just fine on my unit but some of applications and registry monitorings that are also integrated into it tend to pull my system down to a point that's unacceptable. Plus crashed quite a bit on me.
    Now on the other hand that Cyberhawk program is performing exceptionally well and is quickly gained my confidence in part due to the results from the many tests i put on it, it's lightning quick in detection/response and a terminator to boot. I am very pleased with it so far.
    And of course there's ShadowSurfer (not User), right now it just sits in the tray because i want to give more attention to testing the reliability of the others.
    Looks like the biggest beef some have, including myself with those HIPS proggies is the way they can press resources and in the case of CF, even though personally i have some high hopes for it, right now from my experience it just seems to have way too much crammed into it that the present code just cannot handle.
    You do have to keep in mind though, this also is really a very exciting time with all these new approaches and the techniques that are being experimented with.
    This type of competition is fantastic for the security community and should help strengthen and expand safety knowledge well beyond the normal boundaries that we all been used to. If you ask me it's a pretty exciting time to be involved at both ends of this spectrum.
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