Eu and 22 Member States Signed ACTA 'Internet Surveilance' Bill - The Next Web Other sources: EU signs Up To ACTA - Wired UK
ACTA_rapporteur_denounces_ACTA_mascarade Source: Numerama – ACTA : démissionnaire, Kader Arif dénonce "une mascarade" Acta Demissionnaire Kader Arif Denonce Une Mascarade
A person getting a tattoo of a brand logo should be jailed, since there are no more mental institution.
"Acta opposition grows as Pirate Party UK joins day of action" :
"Europeans Protest Anti-Piracy Treaty" :
So far my country did not sign it, Poland and Czech Republic stopped it for the time being, after protests and Anonymous attacks, but I wonder, how long it is gonna last?! Czech Republic & Slovakia, OUT. When I see such huge money and politics driving a movement that flows in the total opposite direction of public opinion and state government, that piques my curiosity. Throwing random trash like this onto the House and Parliamentary floors wastes valuable resources and this legislation now hemorrhages support on a daily basis. Why such a huge push for this now? Is there really nothing worse going on in the world that the internet is what needs to be fawned over? Has the world run out of militarily crippled Arabic countries who need 'liberation'? Here's an interesting vid on how subsidiaries of the major media outlets have promoted and perpetuated piracy back in the day. The guy is kinda irritating to listen to and I don't remember if I found it on Wilders but worth a repost anyway.
In case you haven't signed the petition, I have one here. I hope this ACTA is halted. I've read that so far the Canadian Government has basically said it doesn't care and will do what ever it wants.
ACTA is dead all around the world, but unfortunately the idea will live on to see another day with a brand new name. We can never let down our guard.