Alternative to SpyBlocker ???

Discussion in 'privacy technology' started by Tyler, Sep 1, 2003.

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  1. Tyler

    Tyler Registered Member

    Sep 1, 2003
    As I am experiencing so many problems with S/B 7 does anyone know of an alternative program that will do the same job as S/B ?


  2. Peaches4U

    Peaches4U Registered Member

    Nov 22, 2002
    At my computer
    Without a question SpywareBlaster. :D
  3. LowWaterMark

    LowWaterMark Administrator

    Aug 10, 2002
    New England
    Well, actually, these programs don't do the same things... SpywareBlaster is great for preventing certain types of spyware from installing and running, (limited to spyware ActiveX controls, and spyware related cookies in IE6), but that is about all it does.

    Here was a recent question regarding SpywareBlaster and SpyBlocker, though you'll need to confirm that we're talking about the same SpyBlocker program, of course:
  4. spy1

    spy1 Registered Member

    Dec 29, 2002
    Clover, SC
    Tyler - If you've bought and paid for SpyBlocker and are experiencing problems with it, feel free to post what's happening on the SB forum: . Pete
  5. Tyler

    Tyler Registered Member

    Sep 1, 2003
    Thanks, have been there and done that but the issues have not been resolved. They appear to blame everything except Spyblocker.
  6. Peaches4U

    Peaches4U Registered Member

    Nov 22, 2002
    At my computer
    :rolleyes: Oh dear, I forgot to do my homework first. Well, what about the SpyBlocker Discussion forums - did you visit & post your problem there?
  7. solarpowered candle

    solarpowered candle Registered Member

    Jan 9, 2003
    new zealand
    I am pretty much sure that firewalls such as EZ or zonelabs 4 or outpost 2 can be utilised with their privacy settings .
    Since I have been using EZ with its privacy settings I have no problems
    and do not need to run other programmes. however I do have ad aware and spybot to run a check once a week . Not that its needful any more
  8. spy1

    spy1 Registered Member

    Dec 29, 2002
    Clover, SC
    If firewalls were the total answer, then it seems to me that SpyBlocker would never show any blocks.

    Since that's definitely not the case, I still continue to rely on SB for the things that slip through everything else.

    Let me put it this way:

    I have layers upon layers of protection aside from SB. AV's, AT's, OutPost Pro, IE-SPYAD, AGNIS f/OP, SWG, SWB and MRUBlaster scheduler running every five minutes, CookieMuncher eating every cookie that hits the machine within a half-second of its' arrival - I have run NoScript, DSOStop2, HTAStop, Shoot-the-Messenger, SocketLock, Un-Plug-and-Pray - and probably several other things that I can't even remember at the moment (you'd really think that SB would have nothing to do, right?).

    My browser settings in both IE and Opera are fairly tight, but I do allow some things that other people don't (or shouldn't) - simply because I don't want to be asked every time I want something to happen - I want to be protected, real-time, regardless of those browser settings.

    SpyBlocker does that for me.

    Scans with anything I've got here (SBS&D/AA/SpyCop/NOD32/TDS-3), invariably come up clean (not counting false-positives, of course).

    So I'm quite happy with SpyBlocker.

    Tyler - Sorry you had problems with 7.0.

    Part of the "problem resolution process" with any program is to eliminate all other possible contributing problems first then to tackle whatever remains. (It's about the only way you can really get to the bottom of something).

    If you only knew how many people do not follow the correct procedure for un-installing a program such as SB (un-checking "Start with Windows"/"Okay"/"Close"/un-installing/re-starting the computer, making sure that SB isn't running anymore, checking their computer to make sure they don't have two SpyBlocker folders or exe's because they decided once-upon-a-time to install it somewhere different) prior to installing a new version, you would perhaps understand why some people get the responses they do.

    Everyone makes mistakes - you've got to eliminate the possibility of any mistakes they may have made before you start hammering the program itself.

    Think about it - Every single version of SB has run flawlessly here - whether I was using W98SE, WinMe or my present XP Pro - when I had a GOOD un-install, an UN-corrupted copy of the new install exe and followed proper set-up procedures for the NEW version.

    But it's okay - I wish you the best of luck in finding a replacement program.

    And, I will continue to help anyone that has problems to the best of my ability - because I know the program works. Pete
  9. Tyler

    Tyler Registered Member

    Sep 1, 2003

    Regarding you comments about installing, uninstalling etc, this is not applicable in this instance as this is the only version of SB ever used on my system. It has been installed and left at that. I do not take kindly to you talking down to me as if I were some sort of computer illiterate user.

    You said.......... "before you start hammering the program itself."
    My first post simply asked for an alternative to SB and my second post stated the problems encountered were not resolved on the SB forum. I totally refute your allegation.

    After reading your post I feel the need to ask if you are in any way involved with SB or the SB forum.

    My initial post asked if there was an alternative to Spyblocker and I would appreciate any replies being addressed to the original question.

  10. Vietnam Vet

    Vietnam Vet Registered Member

    Feb 9, 2002
    Hi Tyler,

    I think you have totally misunderstood spy1's comments. Pete is trying to explain to you about the approach used to get to the bottom of the issue. The people trying to help users out cannot possibly know the experience level of every user and must logically try to eliminate the obvious first. All he was saying is these types of mistakes are made over and over and must be addressed. He is not saying that you did this, but instead pointing out that many people do, so it must be taken into account. I think that if you go back and carefully read the post again, you will see that spy1 never said you were doing any of the things mentioned, but was instead pointing out the method used by the folks at the Spyblocker forum to eliminate common errors first.

    No, I am not associated with the Spyblocker forum, nor their software in any way other than the fact that I am a happy user of both. And I don't work for spy1, either. :rolleyes: :D

    Seriously, Tyler, we are on the same side here. I think you will find that spy1 was only trying to help, and still will if given the chance.

    If you don't mind would you post a link to the thread at the Spyblocker forums where you attempted to get help? It would be appreciated. Thanks.
  11. notageek

    notageek Registered Member

    Jun 3, 2002
    I'm not sure what all Spyblocker does but you can try Proxo. I'm sure you get a filter for proxo to block what spyblocker blocks. ;)
  12. JayK

    JayK Poster

    Dec 27, 2002
    Damn, don't you think it's easier just to unplug your computer to be safe? I used to be as paranoid, nowdays.... Let's just say I run some risks :)
  13. spy1

    spy1 Registered Member

    Dec 29, 2002
    Clover, SC
    lol! Wow, do you think that would work? Wouldn't it limit the computers' usefulness somewhat?

    Seriously, this is a hobby for me, similar to putting together a puzzle.

    The fact that my computer is running great, is spyware (and everything-else-ware) free, and that it allows me to see what I want to see and go where I want to go - worry-free - is just the icing on the cake. Pete

    Paranoia is a thing of beauty and a joy forever - spy1 9/3/03
  14. FanJ

    FanJ Guest

    :D I love that one, Pete ! :)
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