The future of Linux and Flash explained - It's your fault Panic time. Here's what I think; an article discussing the recent announcement by Adobe about Flash Player support on Linux, the future, the implications, worst case scenarios, users' fault, monopolies, Google's involvement, and what can be done. Read, now. Cheers, Mrk
Interesting article Mrk, pretty much summarize my own view regarding why Linux hasn´t been able to gain a higher marketshare after all these years. I use my server OS (CentOS) to what it was intended to in the first place, which it does very good. And if someone also wants to use it as a desktop OS without the need of some specialized applications, then that´s fine with me as well, but I´m afraid that´s all it also serves for today on the client side. /C.
Re: The future of Linux and Flash explained - It's your fault It's deals witha little more than just Adobe, Google Firefox, Flash, and Linux! BTW, can't wait for this: "Well, in fact, we will have a dedicated article on premature obituaries ..."
Re: The future of Linux and Flash explained - It's your fault The thing is, this will either have absolutely no effect on anything or it will add a slight boost to Google's monthly Chrome market share increase. At most, if every linux user switched, there would be a 2% market share boost. That's actually really huge in a short time but that would be if everyone switched, which they won't.
Re: The future of Linux and Flash explained - It's your fault Adobe's loss, Google's biggest gain and HTML 5 works fine on Chrome with extra codecs installed, even on ATI cards, it uses multi core CPU to scale it nicely.
Re: The future of Linux and Flash explained - It's your fault I guess talking market share is easier but it's a pity that more attention is not being given to the whole NaCl, Pepper, Dart versus "traditional" javascript dichotomy. Google is being painted as the bad boy here for yet again going their own way and not "innovating by committee". Some oldish links are here:
Re: The future of Linux and Flash explained - It's your fault I had posted previously about how I felt that HTML 5 videos seemed less CPU-demanding with Chrome than with Firefox (on Linux). here: but it was a while ago!
Re: The future of Linux and Flash explained - It's your fault I wish Dart would catch on because, even knowing the little Javascript and HTML that I do, I prefer it to Javascript. The "innovating by committee" thing is really interesting to me. The "browser wars" were turmoil for some users/ websites trying ot support features for each browser. But at the end of it we had browsers with amazing new features. Javascript, SSL, etc. That was the same type of move as adding NaCli/Dart that absolutely changed the internet. We'll see how it plays out. Personally, I'd rather write Dart than Javascript (based on my limited knowledge) but I wouldn't write code that only worked on a single browser.
Re: The future of Linux and Flash explained - It's your fault If you install Chrome via ppa, then you get choice of either regular ffmpeg or extra, in case of later, multi-threading is enabled by default.
Bad for Adobe for sure. I haven't really used it since switching to linux completely. I watch youtube in HTML5 mode, any podcast I watch I can download or watch in HTML5 as well. Really the only thing keeping me back is a few sites like which still require flash for live streaming. Flash will soon (okay maybe 5 years or so) be a dead medium really, especially as mobile browsing gets more and more popular.
Dedo's article got some comments here along with an amazing graphic link. The Tower of Babel seems child's play.
You really shouldn't have posted that graphic link: I'm shocked - just realized that I haven't run one or two of them ... ... Downloading! P.S.: