I have Windows XP Pro with Port Explorer 1.700. When I am a Limited User on the Internet I notice above the Clock that PE is displaying "Admin Privilege Enabled" in one box and to the right of that a second box with "WinXP". No big deal but I wondered why PE is mentioning "Admin Privilege Enabled" for a limited user.
Hi Linney, hope other XP admins or DCS can answer that question, as on my system hovering over the systray icon just gives me the sockets stats and in the taskbar PE name and my registration name.
It means your account has admin privileges needed for certain things in Port Explorer. Does your account have certain privileges over a standard account? If not then maybe it is a bug! -Jason-
Thanks for the replies. I can only add this account is limited for security reasons and has no extra privileges whatsoever.
Linney, it doesn't actually refer to being logged in as an Administrator or anything, but actually a particular privilege known as SeDebugPrivilege, which allows Port Explorer to do a few extra tricks
Re:Admin Privilege Enabled? Wayne Hi Wayne: Does this mean that PE has acquired Admin Privileges? Does this makes room for some connection jokes? (chuckle here)
It means PE has gained SE_DEBUG privilige which allows it to open a few system processes for termination and process handle gathering. It is required if you want the most accurate port description -Jason-
The easiest (and generally safe) test I can think of is to try to terminate MSTASK.EXE - the task scheduler. Taskman+ uses the same privilege to do this, so if you want to test if Port Explorer really does have SE_DEBUG privilege, download that and try to kill the process http://www.diamondcs.com.au/index.php?page=taskman