"ajax.googleapis.com" is often responsible for intrusive ads and sometimes even malicious scripts. A colleague informed me of a website,but with adult content,that currently has these characteristics. I am able to block the intrusive ad with uBlock Origin. Unfortunately, I am unable to do the same with AdGuard MV3. If the moderators will allow me to post this link,I would like some users who perhaps have the MV2 version of AdGuard to remedy this problem. With uBlock Origin Lite it is just not possible to block this intrusive pop-up ads. It would be interesting to notify mr.Hill of this problem as well.
If you are not satisfied with my answer, it is easy (for you) to ask the AdGuard team. Have a good evening.
as written/linked, yes, but in a limited way. uBo/ubo lite/firefox can do this, AG MV3 not (not at all). And it wont help to add lists, they do not work. thats what he wrote, nothing else. so you have to be patient.
@Sampei Nihira @Brummelchen The info on Adguard's MV3 Github page is sketchy, to say the least. No real details. The impression I get from reading Issues, etc. is it's not worth using. From 3-16-23, this quote: https://github.com/AdguardTeam/AdGuardMV3/issues/37 Whatever its faults, µBOL appears more developed. At least @gorhill's development goal is clear, given the limits of MV3.
An issue has been opened to request implementation of these changes in AG.MV3: https://developer.chrome.com/blog/improvements-to-content-filtering-in-manifest-v3/
I just added the AdGuard annoyances filter manually, why is it not included in the list of internal filters? I hope this is the correct URL: Code: https://filters.adtidy.org/extension/chromium/filters/14.txt
I opened a issue because I can’t insert a custom rule to block WebRTC. No problem with ublock Origin.
Classified bug: https://github.com/AdguardTeam/AdGuardMV3/issues/54 I hope to continue using uBlock Origin in my Chromium-based browser for as long as possible.
Browser extension MV3 v0.4.0: time to update February 5, 2024 https://adguard.com/en/blog/adguard-browser-extension-mv3-v0-4-0.html
Out v.5.0.1 Unfortunately, custom rules are always limited to 5000. https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail/adguard-adblocker-mv3-bet/apjcbfpjihpedihablmalmbbhjpklbdf
Manifesting change: AdGuard Ad Blocker on MV3 moves from prototype to beta First ad blocker on MV3: beta version of AdGuard Browser Extension
my nightly became beta automatically, thanks. for me - i have uBoL installed on a testing profile for firefox. nice to have stepwise settings for filtering, although there seem less difference for me between none and others. if someone would ask me about an adblocker as MV3 my answer would be "adguard mv3", no hesitate. except the stepwise filtering uBoL is more limited, in special for own rules. as long i use adguard, either extension or android blocker app i was able to manage its settings with ease.
Indeed, AG MV3 beta with activated annoyances filter doesn't. uBO Light with activated Eayslist/uBO Cookie Notices does. Why not using AG MV3 beta and uBO Light together? Of course not with the same options. My first impression is that they can supplement each other very well in MS Edge. But more investigation is required.