Add clients to ERA Console

Discussion in 'Other ESET Home Products' started by CarinaVB, Jun 13, 2008.

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  1. CarinaVB

    CarinaVB Registered Member

    Jun 13, 2008
    When I start the ERA console i only saw the client in that machine, i can't add new clientes.
    To add clients in remote administrator in each PC I add the name of the server or IP (for example, SERVER OR port 2222) but in the console i can't see that... whyo_O what i'm doing wrong?

    Sorry my english
  2. PRJUS

    PRJUS Guest


    As far as I know ESET Smart Security is not supported on the server as is ESET Antivirus (which you can download and install using your Smart Security license).

    If you have succeeded in installing Smart Security on the server it is probably blocking port 2222 thus the clients can't contact the server.

    Another possibility is that you have put http:// in front of the server name. You have to do that when you set up the path to your update server but not where you set up your ERA server.

  3. ASpace

    ASpace Guest

    This is not true . Both EAV and ESS are supported .

    If the ESET RA service is running and there are other clients in the network installed (clients configured to report to ERA) , new clients will automatically start to appear in the ERAC list. However , in order for them to appear , the traffic with the information they report should be allowed to the machine with the ERAS. Generally a firewall can be blocking it.

    @ CarinaVB
    You write you have installed ESET Smart Security (ESS) on that computer . ESET Smart Security includes Personal firewall . With Automatic mode of its firewall , the traffic on port 2221 - 2223 is blocked . You will need to run the firewall in Interactive or Policy-based mode for the computer which has ERA installed .

    Here is what you can do ...
    Open the user interface (GUI) of ESS BE . Enter the Advanced Setup Tree (F5)

    1. Navigate to Personal Firewall. Choose Policy-based mode

    2. Navigate to Personal Firewall -> IDS and Advanced options
    Make sure all services are allowed (a.k.a 5 options)

    3. In Personal firewall -> IDS and advanced options , enabled logging . Press OK.

    Then, open Personal firewall > Rules and zones > Zone and rule setup
    Choose "Toggle detailed view of all riles" (if already not set to this)

    Make sure that all predefined rules are checked (including the two ones for allowing all initiated outgoing traffic + the one that will block unknown inbound traffic).

    Press Apply button now. Confirm with OK.

    Start creating new rule (use the button called "New")

    Name : your choice but you can call it ESET RA
    Direction : Both
    Action : Allow
    Protocol : TCP & UDP

    Additional action:
    check Log

    In Local tab - add port range 2221 - 2223
    Ports 2221 , 2222 and 2223 are the ones which ERA user by default but you can change them . Generally NOD32 v2 clients use port 8081 , so you can also add this port if you have NOD32 v2 Mirror running.

    In Remote tab - here enter just the IP address or the IP range of the machine(s) which will be allowed to connect to port range 2221-2223 . If you don't enter anything , the rule will allow all IPs connect.

    Confirm with OK . Try again.

    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 13, 2008
  4. PRJUS

    PRJUS Guest


    Well I stand corrected then.

    But anyway - I would prefer EAV on servers unless I really had and took the time to consider all the ports one would need to open for things like AD, SNTP, file services, DNS and so on. Just deploying a firewall to the servers in a network could really mess things up big time.

    In theory it would be best to only open what is needed but with tight security follows more administration and carefull planning.

  5. CarinaVB

    CarinaVB Registered Member

    Jun 13, 2008
    HiTech boy ...... Thank you !!!!!! it works!!!!!!!
    I suppose that this way the basis of virus updates directly from the server rather than the Internet, or am I wrong?
    I must add this rule in all pc I want to connect to this machine, right?

    Thanks again....
  6. ASpace

    ASpace Guest

    You are welcome . I know :D

    Well , we configured just the firewall of ESS , installed on the computer where ERA is . If you want ERA to provide updates to all your clients instead of them conneting to internet , you should configure it .

    From the ERA , open the Tools -> Server options -> Mirror

    No , this is just for the ESS BE installed on the computer where ERAS is installed and running . You can run the other computers in any mode you find appropriate for your network .

    I personally configure my client's ESS in Policy-based mode with blocking/allowing certain applications/traffic but it strictly depends on your network's needs
  7. CarinaVB

    CarinaVB Registered Member

    Jun 13, 2008
    Well... thanks again. I'll try what you said.

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