active content needed

Discussion in 'privacy technology' started by tahoma, Dec 18, 2002.

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  1. tahoma

    tahoma Guest


    i need some kind of webfilter that filters java applets, activex scripts and automatic dialer downloading etc. i have tried most if not all the popupblockers etc, and webwasher and ad subtact. they all can block these things, but not on a per site basis. i need one that, when i visit a site with for instance an activex thingy on it, opens a small window saying: "allow once" , "block once" or "always allow activeX from this paricular site" or " always block from this site"

    you know what i mean? outpost firewall does this, exactly how i want it, but now im in need of a standalone app for this purpose. can anyone help?
  2. :doubt:
    I've tried to find the same thing because I wanted to break away from Outpost Pro and use Sygate, but Sygate doesn't have any of that stuff.. It's not easy.. I think Ad-Subtract Pro comes pretty close, but without the active x stuff.. Maybe someone will make one!
  3. Ghost

    Ghost Guest

    Won't Tiny Trojan Trap do that?
  4. snowman

    snowman Guest

    Can't webwasher do most of that if not all that once the proper box is checked...on a per site basis....

    going out now but "may" check out later to see if webwasher can do this.....its not on my os right now

  5. snowman

    snowman Guest

    oops...sorry can't checkout webwasher right regarding this topic due to other programs being in use.

  6. Jonas

    Jonas Registered Member

    Oct 30, 2002
  7. I don't think Script Defender is waht Tahoma is looking for. He wants something that questions java-script, java, active x, and other stuff, similar to Norton Firewall 2002 or Outpost Firewall Pro

    I've already asked Tahoma's question.. follow the following thread:

    I gave up looking. My solution was to totally uninstall Outpost Pro (paid version) and install the newly updated Zone Alarm Pro..3.5+..

    In my opinion, the privacy features are much better to handle with Zone Alarm. There's good and bad in both of them.. but that's for another new thread...
  8. Jonas

    Jonas Registered Member

    Oct 30, 2002
    I wasn't sure if thats what was needed or not but i figured that it did screen some java.

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