Update: Poll approved and open. [hr] First of all, please don't reply to this poll until Paul Wilders indicates his explicit approval. It's his forum and we should all respect that. The intention of this poll is not so much a poll as a petition. With Paul's explicit permission, I want you all to add your names, anonimously or otherwise, to the choices listed above. Given enough support, I intend to approach major American and European politicans and journalists and wake them up to the ongoing erosion of our Civil Liberties. As anonimously as I can, of course. Help here would be great. It's time to take action and stop feeling so d@mned helpless. Again, please don't reply until you read approval from Paul Wilders (Forum Admin). If he agrees, then kindly broadcast this thread to all the Security Forums you visit. I honestly don't know if this new forum requires registration in order to vote, but I hope not. Journalistic and Political contact email addresses are welcomed. Let's stop bitching and start kicking butt, people. The truth is in here. Finally, kindly keep your replies brief - no more than a short paragraph. PLEASE.
Great idea (for the record, I've IM'd you to that effect), but I'm not sure about the anonymous bit - whilst we have fun hiding behind our aliases here, in the 'real world', you have to speak out in your real name if you want the ear and respect of real people.
Allowed I would prefer all those who want to participate in this, not turning this into a discussion; that isn't the aim of this "poll". Although we are creating a platform here - no problems in doing so - we will not take any responsability for what is/will be done with replies. Just to set the record straight. regards. paul
Thanks, Paul. The poll is now open. Please reply to this thread using your usual forum ID, which will effectively be your signature. And cast your votes. Many thanks. I'll close the poll at the end of the month (June), so you've got plenty of time to consider your response.
Well, I'll start off - two real addies: webmaster@wilders.org support@wilders.org btw: where's yours, Checkout?? regards. paul
So far I see no one has commented apart from you Checkout and Paul. I will NOT vote on this [so far] as the poll is not quite clear Checkout on exactly what liberties for which COUNTRY. You stated you would see American and European leaders, etc. etc. but I live in Oz, so do not know exactly what I should be concerned about. Can the poll be a 'general feeling of not/losing liberties' in every country or as your post implies, USA mainly. Sorry broke the 1 para rule, but wanted to be clear, that's all, as I am sure most of the others here would want to be as well. Cheers.
As a Canadian, i am extremely worried about what i see as a no-boundary, no-limit invasion of private citizen's rights to privacy under the U.S.'s need to protect National Security.....in other words....when the need for this is no longer there, will our privacy also be....no longer there. Just my feelings. pattie
The Internet is a global entity, so this poll is borderless (except to the except that individuals countries have aims at governing it, which doesn't make a lot of sense to me). The issues are privacy and security, and all they entail.
=0 none not a darn one we have no rights no where as soon as you say something wham lock you up freadom of speach a joke places where they say perty much any thing goes blah biger joke the right to have this opnion yeahed at or warn later about it or maybe huemiliated later or worst band or worst alianate my best frinds which sucks worst then anything to feel not wanted by those you respect or hold with such high regard that there opnione actualy means something to you nope anytime you feel that every one around you is like egg shells and you have to tip e toe every where sucks there are no civil rights usa is under marshall law but no one has notice cause there doing it a little at a time so people dont notice. its called september 11 and passing bills with the excuse of sept 11 th
I find it amusing that Americans are p!ssed about being spied on by their government, when they didn't have a problem with their government spying on the rest of the world for the past 50 years.
Thanks to signing some petitions and sending emails i'm in discussion with several governmental representatives (senators mostly) in several countries about spying, draconian laws, acts and bills because of terrorists, etc etc etc. One can learn a lot from that and it gives a feeling of possible influence. I think if people want to discuss this, there are other places for that; my newsgroup at topica among others if you like to discuss in a mature and respectful way. www.topica.com/lists/speakit Thank you Paul for allowing the poll here and what we can do with it. Thank you Pete for the goals of using the email addies for forwaring to politicians. jooske@wilders.org Thanks all for contributing a few words on this without making it a discussion. Edited: Tassie and others who might wonder: it doesn't really matter which country, as many countries are so much involved and working together and/or discussing measures (to be) taken in the one country for their own population.. if not all open, a lot is behind the screens. I posted before somewhere that for instance the Netherlands is known as the worlds most wire tapped / phone tapped country in the world and on the other hand opinions are all is possible and for people with bad intentions it would be easy to hide here. Fot the one we might be more worried now these days, the other we hardly mind at all generally spoken.
Frankly, folks, I'm beginning to think I might as well close this poll now. There just isn't anything in ten votes that I'd dare call a petition. Disappointing but there you go.
The basic problem is that not every thing that can be counted counts, and not everything that counts can be counted. Or so a friend told me.
Isn't the whole point of civil liberties and rights (in USA)that we have certain inalienable rights? The fact is that anyone who believes that is brainwashed. All we have really, is whatever "priveleges" the powerful permit-or-are unable to control. At least I can still vote...I just can't pick what for. Don't forget that where there is convenience, there is always loss of liberty, privacy and security.