These Are Bugs That Are Still Current In This Version Of True Image 9 When Creating A Backup Image Using the rescue CD,I Get the following Error Message On completion of the backup Image (Backup Archive creation has completed with errors ) When creating A backup image with the same file name,true image will not overright the image, it creates a new image as if doing a incremental image (this is the creation for a full image) If You start a backup image use the rescue CD And decide to cancel,instead of getting a message saying it has been cancelled by user as version 8 would,true image 9 says the image has been completed even though nothing has been created and then if you decide to create the image again after it has been cancelled,it is not possible as you get a error mesage something like , it has been completed with errors even though nothing has been completed, this Is A Bug as version 8 would not do this when a error occurs using the rescue CD,It is not possible to view the log,the log has been de-activated if you use the rescue CD On a diferent computer,it will not load
Hello Jbmoar, Could you please use the latest build (2303) of Acronis True Image 9.0? The new build includes many main and minor fixes. Thank you. -- Irina Shirokova