Acronis Support is non-existent!!

Discussion in 'Acronis True Image Product Line' started by Oliver H Bailey, Dec 9, 2005.

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  1. Oliver H Bailey

    Oliver H Bailey Registered Member

    Dec 9, 2005
    We have emailed Acronis support a dozen times and left no less than 5 voice messages. We are registered user of Acronis 6, 7, and 8. Version 8 has never successfully backed up a disk! It always terminates with an error and we have been unable to download any patches or upgrades. Version 8 was an upgrade from version 7 for us and we don't have a registration number we can find anywhere. We have sent emails asking for the registratyion number that are never answered. We have left voice messages that are never returned. We have never been able to get a human on the telephone. Is this company real! We are about ready to put a page on our web site that tells the real story of a product that doesn;t work and a company that doesn;t support it! Instead of peddling upgrades, how about fixing products and responding to existing customers!
  2. TheQuest

    TheQuest Registered Member

    Jun 9, 2003
    Kent. UK by the sea
    Hi, Oliver H Bailey

    As you have registered the above, [which you did?] go here:- Support :: Updates, then click on My Account [near top right] login, and you will find all your registered acronis products along with your serial numbers also all updates for them.

    Take Care,
    TheQuest :cool:
  3. Oliver H Bailey

    Oliver H Bailey Registered Member

    Dec 9, 2005
    Version 8 does not appear! The version 8 upadate was purchased direct from Acronis.
  4. Oliver H Bailey

    Oliver H Bailey Registered Member

    Dec 9, 2005
    By the way. It's time that Acronis Support responds to this issue, not other customers.

    Thank You
  5. TheQuest

    TheQuest Registered Member

    Jun 9, 2003
    Kent. UK by the sea
    Hi, Oliver H Bailey

    So You did not register it. :oops:

    Well it is a acronis members support forum, where most are Customers of Acronis as well as Members of Wilders Security Forums. o_O [;)]

    Your most welcome.

    Take Care,
    TheQuest :cool:
  6. I didn;t mean to be rude to you. The reason the message was left in this forum is because it's the last stop for support. If they don't respond here they probably aren;t going to respond. There has been no response from Acronis when emailing support directly or leaving a voice message. It seems there are a lot of support questions in this forum that are never answered and that's unusual for a company that sells a product such as this. After reading some of the comments in this forum it makes you wonder if the product works at all. Most companies are gracious enough to return a call or respond vai email and in the early days of Acronis this was true as well. But it seems that if no one ever answers the phone during business hours they probably are working other day jobs. Anyone can have a well designed web site and be almost out-of-business. I was in Virginia earlier this week but did not have the time to drive over to their corporate HQ to see if it really exists or is a house. It is very troubling to not have them respond to issues that existing customers are having. It seems to me this outfit is pretty close to extiction since thay no longer seem to care about customer support.
  7. I guess someone ought to tell Acronis Support to stop all that posting then...

  8. Well, If you take a look, it seems there are a great many posts that never get a response. They seem to be very selective on what posts they respond too. It would seem that all customers with problems deserve a response. I see there are a lot of opinions about that on this forum but if they had the same issue they would probably feel the same as I do.
  9. crofttk

    crofttk Registered Member

    May 15, 2004
    Eastern PA, USA
    Hmmm...well, my experience in hanging around here two or three months is that a person posting a problem and not just making a comment or being abusive is ALMOST without exception responded to within about 48 hours. Mostly the responses occur overnight (due to time zone differences) and in less than 24 hours. If someone were to come in during the evening hours (Eastern U.S.), that person would see a number of posts not responded to by Acronis support. However, if you come in around 7:00AM (Eastern U.S.), you'll see most HAVE been responded to and you may still catch Acronis Support still online.

    Take that as debate if you want but that's MY perception and you haven't defined the constraints of the observations you've made.
  10. TheQuest

    TheQuest Registered Member

    Jun 9, 2003
    Kent. UK by the sea
    Hi, oliver bailey

    I know you was not being offensive or abrupt towards me, and I was not offended, that why I added the ;) in my answer to your post.

    Take Care,
    TheQuest :cool:
  11. noonie

    noonie Registered Member

    Jun 7, 2004
    So if I understand you correctly, oliver bailey should expect a constructive answer to this post in 48 hrs or perhaps even overnite, explaining why he can't download patches for his registered versions of TI, one of which he bought directly from Acronis?

    On the brighter side, they always answer buying inquiries very promptly. Also email or
  12. crofttk

    crofttk Registered Member

    May 15, 2004
    Eastern PA, USA
    I don't believe that would be unrealistic based on what I've seen and it would be even less unrealistic if he were to post the six digit number he was issued when he made his technical support request the way the us mere peons are required to do. However, as always, YMMV.
  13. TheQuest

    TheQuest Registered Member

    Jun 9, 2003
    Kent. UK by the sea
    Hi, crofttk

    He could also send a PM to Acronis Support. :(

    Take Care.
    TheQuest :cool:
  14. crofttk

    crofttk Registered Member

    May 15, 2004
    Eastern PA, USA
    Indeed he could. Good point.
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