About OpenDNS if I use a proxy server

Discussion in 'other software & services' started by berryracer, Mar 25, 2012.

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  1. berryracer

    berryracer Suspended Member

    Jan 24, 2008
    Dubai, UAE
    My ISP which is ETISALAT in Dubai routes all its customer's connections through their proxy server: proxy1.emirates.net.ae port: 8080

    even if I don't enter any proxy settings in my browser, somehow the connections still route through their proxy.

    Is it true that in my case, no matter what DNS Servers I define for my router manually in the router configuration (I have a linksys E1000) or in Windows TCP/IP / Network Adapter Settings, I will still be using Etisalat's DNS and not the OpenDNS or Google DNS that I have set??

    Well if that is true, then why is it that when I do set an alternate DNS server on my own and run a program called namebench, it actually detects that I am using a different DNS server and tells me that my ISPs default DNS servers are like 70% faster than the ones I am currently using?

    I thought it should be the oppoosite way round

    I am confused with this really

    hope someone can shed some light
  2. berryracer

    berryracer Suspended Member

    Jan 24, 2008
    Dubai, UAE
    Nervermind, I read an article that using DNS serveers other than your ISP if you are not living in the USA is a bad idea
  3. Hungry Man

    Hungry Man Registered Member

    May 11, 2011
    It's not necessarily a bad idea, but everything goes through your ISP anyways so they will almost always give you the fastest response.
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