A small suggestion for Acronis

Discussion in 'Acronis True Image Product Line' started by thebigdintx, Oct 12, 2005.

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  1. thebigdintx

    thebigdintx Registered Member

    Aug 31, 2005
    Dallas, Texas
    I wrote this at the bottom of another thread, but thought it could use it's own thread as a suggestion for Acronis to consider......

    If we are going to get error messages from the True Image software, and we are completely frustrated that we can not use the program, can the error message at least be spelled correctly? The error message reports that "The archive is currupted" when it should be "corrupted". Small things like that become very irritating when you have spent many, many hours trying to get a simple disc image back up to work! I have noticed that many items in the program itself, and the user manual are spelled incorrectly, and worded in improper english. Maybe Acronis could hire someone with a degree in english, (or just hire them for a consulting job rather than a full time employee), to aid in properly wording the instructions both within the program itself, and in the user manual. This would make it much more understandable, and less people would make incorrect choices while performing various tasks within the program. Just a suggestion. (Disclaimer: I already know that my english is not always perfect, and that I may also mis-spell words at times, but I expect more from a software program which I am paying for. Also, better wording within the program, and in the user manual would make things a lot easier for many of us).
  2. crofttk

    crofttk Registered Member

    May 15, 2004
    Eastern PA, USA
    Yeah, this kind of thing irritates me to no end as well. But, I make myself count to 10 and, usually, the irritation fades enough for me to carry on.

    It really takes away from the appearance of competency and thoroughness you would like to have in critical software such as for backup and restore. After all, perception being 9 10ths of the rule, it's OK to screw up, as long as you look good doing it ! (I am serious, NOT being sarcastic)

    As an outlet for my frustrations, I volunteered my time to do some proofreading and English translation at a web site. That helped a little (I also earned some free software licenses for my trouble). ;)

    TO ACRONIS, I would be MORE than happy to do proofreading and translation cleanup in all of your software texts, NO COMPENSATION REQUIRED. (but I have two other computers and extra license(s) are always appreciated !)
    Last edited: Oct 12, 2005
  3. Acronis Support

    Acronis Support Acronis Support Staff

    Apr 28, 2004
    Hello thebigdintx and crofttk,

    Please accept our apologies for the delay with the response.

    Dear thebigdintx, could you please let us know the build number of the product, which you can find in the Help -> About dialog (it should be a 3-digit number)? Could you please also provide us with more details on the main problem? When do you receive that message? If possible, please make a screen shot of the error message and send it along with the other requested information to our technical support team.

    Dear crofttk, thank you for your offer, unfortunately we can not accept it at this moment. However you may send us a Private message with your contact information (e.g. e-mail adress) and we will forward this information to the responsible department so that they'll be able to contact you if necessary.

    Thank you.
    _ _
    Alexander Fedotov
  4. crofttk

    crofttk Registered Member

    May 15, 2004
    Eastern PA, USA
    Thanks, Alexander.
  5. Wayne S

    Wayne S Guest

    You see more and more misspelled words in manuals, and growing. Many manuals are written and printed overseas. Not such a big deal anymore as far as many companies are concerned. I guess they figure todays 'kids' wouldn't notice.
  6. crofttk

    crofttk Registered Member

    May 15, 2004
    Eastern PA, USA
    Unfortunately, there may be more truth to that than we care to know about :mad:, but that's no excuse, right ?
    Last edited: Oct 25, 2005
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