A NOD Newbie, w/dufus questions!

Discussion in 'NOD32 version 1 Forum' started by SG1, May 12, 2003.

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  1. SG1

    SG1 Registered Member

    Jan 16, 2003
    Took the plunge, installed NOD; but tell me this, pls.

    a) How do I update it (or can I update the trial ver)?
    b) ZA Firewall asked something about NOD re server rights, having to do with doing its AV thing, on e-mail(?) Not sure about that, either.

    Will get to NOD site, read FAQs etc., but will appreciate answers to above questions, if you would, please.

    Thanks, SG1 (Pat)
  2. mrtwolman

    mrtwolman Eset Staff Account

    Dec 5, 2002
    you have to set it up in Control centre. Choose server, put login/passwort and it is done.....Trial should have this already set

    For accessing to update site (from where NOD32 dl the the updates)you have to configure the firewall in that way it allows NOD32 to communicate ...
  3. LowWaterMark

    LowWaterMark Administrator

    Aug 10, 2002
    New England
    Hi SG1,

    Regarding this question...

    >> b) ZA Firewall asked something about NOD re server rights, having to do with doing its AV thing, on e-mail(?) Not sure about that, either.

    Yes, this is okay. NOD32 scans email by setting up an email proxy port locally on your system. Normally, without NOD, your email client would connect out to your ISP's email server directly, on a specific port, but, with NOD's email scanner running, NOD connects to your ISP's email server, and your PC's email client talks to NOD locally on your machine.

    Zone Alarm is simply asking if you want to allow the NOD email client to run on your system locally, and if you want it to be able to accept connections from your email client. Giving this server rights is okay!

    I hope this help,
  4. sig

    sig Registered Member

    Feb 9, 2002
    The trial version can be updated, if you've got it set up as mrtwolman said, just open the Control Center app and click on "update."

    For ZA, first deny NOD's email scnner all server rights and if everything works, both email and the scanner, then you're ok. If that doesn't work then try letting it have local server rights and denying it internet server rights and see if both your email and the scanner work as they should.

    If those settings don't allow you to download email in the normal fashion, then give the email scanner internet server rights, but then use the advanced ZA global settings to block all servers so the port won't be held open on the internet. (That worked out for me on an earlier version of ZA 3 which had some quirks with proxy apps.)

    Hope that helps. :)
  5. SG1

    SG1 Registered Member

    Jan 16, 2003
    Did I gaffe in NOD setup? I only see the "blue cross" type icons, no CC icon (mentioned here and in the NOD FAQs).
    Surely there must be simple way to go back and choose the AMON(?) scanner deal-y, w/out reinstalling, I hope?!
    Thanks again, SG1 (Pat)
  6. sig

    sig Registered Member

    Feb 9, 2002
    I don't have NOD's CC set to run on start up since I update manually, although during your install process you can have run on start up. I only have Amon running on start up (I don't use the email scanner) so I only have Amon in the systray. (If you go to uninstall you'll find you don't have to actually uninstall the app to change what loads on start up, if that's the way you want it. You can just go back through the selection process of what to run.)

    But I do have a shortcut to the Control Center in the start, programs menu under Eset and I open it from there just for the purposes of updating and close it after the updates are installed. Have you looked in the programs menu?

    (You are using the released version, version 1, not the Beta of the new NOD2?)
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