Yeah -- it's a small one, but needed and necessary none the less. There should be some indication on the systray icon that AMON is disabled. After turning AMON off for a software install (or any other reason), I find myself checking two or more times just to be *certain* I have turned it back on. Please add this to the "list". Thanks, Phil
Phil, Add me to the list of users wanting this feature. I've had to disable AMON for various reasons and have forgotten to turn it back on. Luckily, I did remember before too much time had gone by.
Yeah, like maybe a big red "X".... A la Norton .... Just kidding.. But, seeriously, Maybe a big black "A" and a Red "X" on it, when AMON is disabled, a Big Balck "I" and a Red "X" over it when IMON is disabled... I don't know, I'm goofy today...
Hello all, I will add my vote for this feature also. And I will add an item .... The password option protects my settings and configuration, but it does not prevent someone from disabling one of the modules. The disabling of the modules really needs to have the password protect option also.... Thanks.... Regards, Kent
Big red X would be nice. I've turned off AMON, rebooted and was on-line for close to an hour before I remembered that I had turned AMON off. Oops... Password should prevent someone else from disabling modules; password is there to keep your kids or others sharing your computer from "messing" with the software.
How do you disable Amon All I can do is "quit" the entire program. There is no way to disable temporarily. At least not for me! After "quitting", I have to go to start/programs/Eset and then click on Nod32 Control Center to restart the application. There should be right click capability to disable AMON, but I don't have it. I agree there should be a big red X when you do temporarily disable so you notice it and remember to reenable. Like how NAV does it. As it is now, it stinks. You don't know how many times I have clicked on that quit button and completely closed the application as I can't get it in my head that I can't temporarily disable. Plus, the word quit is a strange one and is confusing in itself. (Or I have killed the application by double clicking on the logs). It is extremely easy to have no protection at all with this beta version.
Open the Control Center by clicking on the systray icon. Click the AMON module. Do you see a little check mark to the left of "Resident module (AMON) enabled"? Uncheck it. taadaa When you are ready to enable again, click in the little box to put the check mark back. Phil
Yep. Have done the same myself. I have put a good 2-3 extra miles on my mouse making sure I have it turned on. Phil
...or simply a red A and/or I superimposed on the normal systray icon would work fine. It's certainly large enough to accomodate those. I have decided to just stay that way. Saves a lot of time and effort not having to make the trip. Phil
>Open the Control Center by clicking on the systray icon. Click the AMON module. Do you see a little check mark to the left of "Resident module (AMON) enabled"? Uncheck it. taadaa Thank you. I had forgotten about that little box. Disablement should be available on right click, instead of right click bringing up the Control Center seems to me. I find this NOD beta version to be harder to use than the current interface (except the help file is greatly improved and there is no need to configure non OE email clients which is great). I found NAV easy to use and McAfee was very similar to NAV in its interface. I keep wanting to see a NAV/McAfee like interface since those were what I used for three years! So, I'm still trying to get used to NOD's new interface. Hopefully, I will get there one of these days!