2009 does not resize secure zone

Discussion in 'Acronis True Image Product Line' started by KenWA, Nov 1, 2008.

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  1. KenWA

    KenWA Registered Member

    Nov 1, 2008
    I have upgraded from 11 to 2009 and successfully created a rescue disk (which boots etc) and did a full backup to my existing secure zone but repeated attempts to increase the size of the zone (to allow at least two successive backups to be retained) fail. The program goes through all the windows and says 'processing' but at the end the partition has not increased in size and attempts to backup to that zone are refused. Has anyone else experienced this and if so have they found a solution?
    I have submitted a report to Acronis but have received no reply as yet.
  2. MudCrab

    MudCrab Imaging Specialist

    Nov 3, 2006
    Are you doing this from Windows or when booted to the TI CD?

    If the CD, have you tried both the Full Mode and Safe Media versions?

    Have you checked your partitions for any errors or bad sectors? Usually, if a partition contains any errors or bad sectors, TI won't make changes.

    I think there have also been some posts regarding problems using a SZ created with TI 11 with TI 2009. Have you tried removing the existing SZ and creating a new one (you would lose any backups in the SZ if you did this)?
  3. KenWA

    KenWA Registered Member

    Nov 1, 2008
    I have only been using TI under Windows. If I had to load from the CD in Full or Safe Mode then 2009 must be very buggy. The computer is new and version 11 had no problems with the partition. Your last suggestion seems the most likely but it is a drastic solution and, once again, would highlight 2009 as being dangerously faulty.
    The really troubling aspect is that the program does not come up with any error messages, it just continues as though everything is in order. Surely if it reads the disk as being faulty it should report this.
    I think I will wait a while and see what Acronis support has to offer. Your suggestions may be perfect workarounds but any one of them would leave me very unhappy about the status of 2009. After all, backing up your whole system is the ultimate safety net and one must have absolute faith in the program.
    Anyway, thanks Mudcrab for your suggestions.
  4. MudCrab

    MudCrab Imaging Specialist

    Nov 3, 2006
    Keep in mind that if you are taking unused space from the Windows partition to add to the SZ, TI usually has to reboot to make those types of changes. Doing it from the CD allows for more control over the process.
  5. Xpilot

    Xpilot Registered Member

    May 14, 2005
    Does TI 2009 allow more than one full image in a secure zone? Has anyone managed to do this?

    My understanding, based on other posts, is that one of the new "Features" of TI 2009 is that it cannot handle more than one full image to the zone.

  6. KenWA

    KenWA Registered Member

    Nov 1, 2008
    Sorry Mudcrab! I should have mentioned that after reading the Manual (... may require a reboot.) I tried rebooting after the process as well but without any change.

    I cannot believe that the normal use of TI would demand that the user boot from the Rescue disk. This is a workaround for a crisis but not a solution to a software problem in the main program.
  7. KenWA

    KenWA Registered Member

    Nov 1, 2008
    XPilot, perhaps this quote from the TI 12 Help File will answer the question.
    "• If you are in the process of creating a backup and there is not enough free space in the zone to create it, the program will display a dialog which warns you that the Acronis Secure Zone is full. You can click Cancel to cancel the backup operation. In that case, you may want to increase the size of the Acronis Secure Zone and then run the backup operation again. If you want to free some space in the zone, click OK and the oldest full backup of the type being created will be deleted with all subsequent incremental/differential backups, then the backup operation will recommence.
    • If deleting the oldest backup does not free enough space, you will get the same warning message again. You may delete the next oldest backup (if any) and repeat this until all the previous backups are deleted."
  8. Xpilot

    Xpilot Registered Member

    May 14, 2005
    Thanks for that but I will be very interested to hear what actually happens if you are able to increase the size of your secure zone.

    The write up does not inspire much confidence in one who runs scheduled full backups to a secure zone. It appears that once the zone is full the next automatic backup will fail until the user takes some manual action.
    Whatever happened to the FIFO method which worked with all previous versions up to V11?

  9. Acronis Support

    Acronis Support Acronis Support Staff

    Apr 28, 2004
    Hello all,

    Thank you for using Acronis True Image

    In order to not worry about zone overflow during a scheduled backup, it is recommended to enable automatic consolidation of backups in the zone by setting a limit on the archive size. However, if you keep long chains of incremental backups, it will be good practice to periodically check the zone free space, indicated on the Protection State -> System Information screen or on the second screen of the Manage Acronis Secure Zone Wizard.

    Thank you.


    Oleg Lee
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