1.Why is internet not free? 2.was internet meant to be open source? 3.why is an open source now being run by us goverment and politics as well as big time companys like holly wood. 4.why dont civil libritys apply in cyber space but laws do that apply for the benifit of big time corporation. 5.who invented the internet. 6.why is one consider a terriost when opnion is difrent point of view then the majority. 7.why must we practice being politicaly correct even on this bord and every where lse that applys but why. 8.why does the goverment owen the internet 9 if the indians in wasghintion on the resivation do not have to abide by us mandate or laws and are consider a nation within a nation do they have the follow the same laws puts on the internet or does it mean i can put a server on it and be imune to us policy. 10.what you eat today and was it good and do you have any left overs=)
..its isnt? no way! mmm..aren't all sources around being runned by money and power? money rules - always did. Dwight.E. McGuire - back in 1923. Well, over here one's entitled to his/hers own opinion, without being considered a terrorist Don't know about other places, but as far as this board is concerned: please define what's "politically correct" Which governement? Hey Blaze, I'm not an US attorney - not even an US citizen! Two sandwiches and a cup of coffee. Enjoyed it very much. Only crumbs left on the sheets My lady serves me breakfast every morning - nice habit! regards. paul
re 8: the one that thinks they can own this whole planet, but they are wrong, very wrong as we soon will see again!
Ah! Jooske is hijacking my personal questionare! Sir Blaze, you left out one of the major powers on this earth: women (bless them all - oh well, most of them..) regards. paul
grin..I'm reminded every single day by my lady - thanks nevertheless! Just teasing, Jooske regards. paul