Can't update Spybot S&D

Discussion in 'other anti-malware software' started by root, Sep 18, 2002.

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  1. root

    root Registered Member

    Feb 19, 2002
    Missouri, USA
    Decided to try Spybot S&D, so I downloaded and installed it today. I have Win2K SP3, I allowed it out as a download manager in Outpost and checked for updates. It said I needed several updates, so I checked some and clicked the update button, but when I do, the program locks up.
    Any ideas?
  2. LowWaterMark

    LowWaterMark Administrator

    Aug 10, 2002
    New England
    I had a difficult time when I first installed Spybot my XP Home system. It would hang and hitting File > Exit or the X (Close) wouldn't shut it down. I ended up uninstalling it and tried it again a few days later. The same thing happened. It occurred to me though that neither time had I rebooted after the installation. I had just attempt to Install > Configure options > Update > Run.

    I did it one more time. Installed > Rebooted > Configured > Rebooted and then > Ran Update... It went okay that time nd has worked ever since. But, since I've never read the manual, I don't know if it recommends rebooting between these first major steps. But, this worked for me.
  3. Hi Root, the site could be down or changing over mirror sites..but let's review this cause I am a little confused at what you wrote up having to do with Outpost??

    So when you brought up the program for sybot on your desktop...then hit the "online" button..another screen came up. Then you hit the button to "search for updates"..they all appeared in that put a check make in front of the ones you wanted. then you hit the other button called " download updates..then one by one each would download and install. and when each is completed you will get a green check mark in each one..Do not put a check mark in the ones called PGP...if for some reason it hangs up just do the who process again starting with search for updates.

    Also thiswill help.

    Introduction and Installation
    Updates and more
    Tests and Conclusion
    by Craig A. T. Rashad
    June 17, 2002
    All rights reserved
  4. root

    root Registered Member

    Feb 19, 2002
    Missouri, USA
    Well, I rebooted and when I tried to check for updates again, I got and error message.
    So, I thought, lets uninstall and reinstall it and reboot and see what happens. Got an error message from the uninstaller.
    So I wiped out the remains and restored to a saved version of the registry.
    Spy bot is history and its going to stay that way. This is the second time I tried it and it just doesn't like my machine.
    With AdAware being unreliable now, I'm at a loss what to try for spyware protection. I don't like Pest Patrol and don't know of any others worth trying.
    Bummer. :'( :(

    Thanks for trying to help.
  5. snapdragin

    snapdragin Registered Member

    Feb 16, 2002
    Southern Ont., Canada
    hi root, i am sorry you're having such a time with Spybot....i was wondering if you checked the SpybotS&D folder and had the there? You need that to be able to do the up-dates. Also, you may need to create another subfolder within SS&D's main folder called "Plugins" if one wasn't created when you installed SS&D. You have to copy the tempfile.dll from the to the "Plugins" folder.

    it maybe the problem that you are unable to do any updates.

    there is a thread here at PepiMK's site about the orums/ikonboard.cgi?act=ST;f=28;t=268

    i know it was mentioned that it was going to be included in the next fix...but maybe it hasn't been yet?

    hope it might be helpful, and you'll give SpybotS&D another chance. :)


    (sorry i didn't get a chance to post this sooner, i had trouble staying connected to the Forum)

    *fixed my url....had an extra space in there.
  6. Snap is correct..and I would like to know from "which site" you are downloading spybot S&D.

    I know you can download it from Wilders. I downloaded mine from the developers site when the project first started.


    I can tell you..if you download it as a zip must create a new folder someplace...then unzip and drag/place all of the files in that zip folder into this new folder. then from that folder do the install on to your system.

    Once you have done this do not move that folder..just give it a name.
  7. Technodrome

    Technodrome Security Expert

    Feb 13, 2002
    New York
    Download one plug-in at a time! Don't select them all! It should work!

  8. snapdragin

    snapdragin Registered Member

    Feb 16, 2002
    Southern Ont., Canada
    root, i haven't tried this program myself yet, SpyCop, but a few here have.

    i am having the same problem that you are having with SpybotS&D but on my Win98se (on my XP-home it works great!)...but i know what the problem is on my Win98se...i am missing the above files i mentioned in the previous post, but before i uninstall & re-install again, i am making sure i have my backup ready and the system stable, then i will re-install Spybot Search&Destroy again on my Win98se)

    i will probably give SpyCop a try too, just for fun. ;)


    (p.s. i believe it was posted that SpyCop has been up-dated since the above link, but i don't know what the reviews are regarding it's up-date & detection)
  9. Prince_Serendip

    Prince_Serendip Registered Member

    Apr 8, 2002
    :) Hi root!

    There is not much I can add here except I put SpybotS&D on a seperate folder that is not part of "Program Files" nor "Windows." That way I have no conflicts with other apps. Also, whenever I do scans, I turn off all running apps except Systray and Explorer. Seems to work better and fewer false positives. Hope this helps. I'm running on Win98se.

    BTW, why is Adaware unreliable? (First I've heard.) I use it too.
  10. root

    root Registered Member

    Feb 19, 2002
    Missouri, USA
    I really appreciate everyones attempts to help.
    The first time I tried SPyBot was about three weeks ago and I downloaded it from Wilders. I unzipped it to a spybot folder under the root directory, C: I could not get it to update then, and when I ran a scan, it suggested some things to delete, so I did, and my machine crashed. I promptly uninstalled it.
    Yesterday I downloaded form LurkHere. Unzipped it to the C: drive and rebooted. I set up the options, and ran a scan. It found some things so I deleted them and rebooted. Things seemed to be working.
    I was online for a bit and then decided to check for updates and it told me there were a bunch available.
    I selected several, but not all. I hit the download and it froze my machine. Had to do the three finger salute to kill it.
    The next time I tried it, I only selected three of the updates to try to download and it crashed me again.
    So, when I went to uninstall it, and I got another error message, I thought, OK, I'll just wait a few more versions and see if something changes.
    I really appreciate your efforts and ideas, but I think I'll investigate Spycop.
    About AdAware, I have been reading about the scarcity of updates and other comments for the last six months. I don't think its a secret, theres been a lot of hard feelings and disjointed support. I choose to stay away from such stuff. :(
  11. Technodrome

    Technodrome Security Expert

    Feb 13, 2002
    New York
    SpyCop detects completely different types of spyware.

    From SpyCop Site:

    I have Ad-Aware, why use SpyCop?
    SpyCop and Ad-Aware detect completely different types of spyware.We do recommend that you use a program such as Ad-Aware in addition to SpyCop.

    So should I use other scanners in addition to SpyCop?
    YES! For Web Bugs and Advertiser spyware, we recommend Ad-Aware or SpyBlocker. To keep your system anonymous while on the Internet, we recommend a service such as Anonymizer. To protect yourself from viruses, we recommend AntiVir. And of course, use SpyCop to protect yourself from computer monitoring spy programs. Some of these programs overlap a bit. For example, SpyCop finds some advertiser spies, but not all of them. To protect your privacy 100%, we recommend the use of all of these programs

  12. Checkout

    Checkout Security Rhinoceros

    Feb 11, 2002
    Visiting the SpyCop site:
    They also support "Evidence Eliminator" which is a total loser in my eyes and just about everyone else's in this industry.

    I don't need or want crap and hype like this. This is the worst kind of FUD (Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt) kind of marketing which is totally stomach turning. I hope they go bankrupt, and quickly. I prefer to deal with reputable companies such at SpyBotSD and Adaware.
  13. FanJ

    FanJ Guest


    That is not true !

    I'm afraid you're confusing Evidence Eliminator and Evidence Terminator.

    See this page:

    Quote from that page:

    Q. Is this the same as Evidence Eliminator?
    A. No. Evidence Eliminator and Evidence Terminator are completely different products. They are produced and sold by completely independent companies. The SpyCop product is Evidence Terminator. Please make sure you are emailing the correct company when inquiring about a product.
  14. FanJ

    FanJ Guest

    Everybody is of course entitled to his/her own opinion (no doubt about that), but may I also point to the spyware page, where several anti-spyware programs are mentioned, including SpyCop with screenshots:
  15. Checkout

    Checkout Security Rhinoceros

    Feb 11, 2002
    Jan, I stand corrected. i still resent marketing hype, though - i think it's predatory.
  16. FanJ

    FanJ Guest

    Hi Checkout,

    the names are, eh, a bit confusing ;)

    I see what you mean.
  17. the Tester

    the Tester Registered Member

    Jul 28, 2002
    The Gateway to the Blue Hills,WI.
    I am having a few minor difficulties with Spybot on my xp home edition.I can update,that's never a problem.I get error messages when I scan.I have been to the Spybot forum and tried suggestions to no avail.I haven't had any system or program crashes.It seems to be compatable with my security software programs.I really like the program and it still functions.Just some minor problems.I believe that PMK will get it all sorted out in time.In the mean-time I am contemplating un-installing it and re-installing all over again.
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