Can't Uninstall/Reinstall

Discussion in 'FileChecker & ID-Blaster Forum' started by zarzenz, Jan 16, 2003.

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  1. zarzenz

    zarzenz Registered Member

    May 19, 2002

    I messed up the password feature... I tried to unset it... but found that I couldn't do that... it just wanted a new password. Anyway... I entered no word in the password set field... then I tried to run the program and it says

    Run time error -2147221504 (80040000)
    Error during CryptDecrypt.

    So... I thought... no problem... I'll just uninstall it and reinstall it again to start all over... and after doing that... it just does the same thing again... asks for password and gives the same error. It's as if the original program is still installed even though I've just uninstalled it.

    I don't get this at all. I've never had this problem when trying to reinstall a program before.

    I'm in a right mess here now... what must I do to uninstall the old program and then reinstall it again from the original download.

    By the way... I'm using WinME.
  2. javacool

    javacool BrightFort Moderator

    Feb 10, 2002
    To delete the FileChecker password entry, browse to the string registry value noted below and delete it (using regedit - Start>Run... and type "regedit" - be carefuly when doing this if you haven't used it before - if you are unsure at all about anything regarding the registry, feel free to ask before making any changes).


    Registry Value Name: "Password"

    Simply delete just that "password" registry string value, and your password will be reset.

    Best regards,

  3. zarzenz

    zarzenz Registered Member

    May 19, 2002
    Thanks Javacool,

    I can get in again now. The strange thing is now... there are only 5 entries in the watch list... and they look like the first ones I put in there from the start. So maybe all the watch list entries have to be deleted before the program is reinstalled... anyway... I can always check that again later.

    Many thanks for giving me the way out of that problem.
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