Is Image for Windows a good drive image backup?

Discussion in 'backup, imaging & disk mgmt' started by teddy60714, Jan 6, 2006.

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  1. teddy60714

    teddy60714 Guest

    Any one ever tried Image for Windows. I was wondering how good it may work and how quickly you can image your drive and restore it. Does it take hours or minutes? Ever compared it to Ghost and TI? Can I copy my entire hard drive with it, like Ghost and TI, or just certain partitions? Thanks for any replies/help.
  2. WSFuser

    WSFuser Registered Member

    Oct 7, 2004
    i personally have not tried it, but i found a few responses in this thread.
  3. Hi, image for windows makes exact images from a partition or a complete HD.

    ok, these are your questions:
    1.-how good it may work and 2.-how quickly you can image your drive and restore it. Does it take hours or minutes? 3.-Ever compared it to Ghost and TI? 4.-Can I copy my entire hard drive with it, like Ghost and TI, or just certain partitions?
    These are my answears:
    1.-very good, never failed for me.
    2 and 3.-for me 4mb partition in 25 minutes to backup and restore it. I use TI 8 and it takes 42 minutes to restore an image with the TI rescue CD.(TI is very good too, no matter the 17minutes of diference, I like it too).
    4.-you can copy a partition or all of your drive.
  4. teddy60714

    teddy60714 Guest

    Thanks for the replies guys.

    WSFuser, thanks for the link. :) I noticed that you can't do incremental backups with IFW. I think that's a feature I would want though. Maybe not right now, but I will probably want that down the road and being the cheapskate that I am, I will probably only buy one image program. So I'm still not sure IFW is the right choice for me.

    Zorro zorrito, thanks for the info and sharing your experiences. Very helpful information for someone like me still trying to find the right image program. :) I'm just not sure how important incremental backup would become to me after a while of using IFW. I suppose it depends on how long it takes to make a backup image without it.

    Maybe I'll give it a try though because it does sound like it's very reliable and that's definitely something I want in an image program. I heard so many horror stories about the latest versions of Ghost and TI that it makes me want to stay far away from those programs. Thanks again.
  5. pvsurfer

    pvsurfer Registered Member

    Sep 1, 2004
    Teddy~ As one who uses an imaging program, TI8, I just wanted to mention something about making incremental images (with any image program). If (like me), you might defrag your HDD between image-backups, you will find that the incrementals can approach the size of the original image (as well as the time to create it)! As a result, I never bother with incremental images.

    Btw, I run a file-by-file backup program (Retrospect 7) at the office and I do take advantage of their incremental ('progressive') backups, as they are not affected by defragging.

    Cheers ;) ~pv
  6. forty

    forty Guest

    Does anyone know why I can't get Image for Windows to boot from the boot cd I made? I get the error message: unable to execute image.exe. I'm using the trial version.

  7. Peter2150

    Peter2150 Global Moderator

    Sep 20, 2003
    You can't boot Image for Windows from the boot cd. You run Image for Dos from the CD. Did you download the trial of Image for DOS.

  8. forty

    forty Guest

    I get it now! Thanks I'm a fool.
  9. Actually, you should be able to boot from the IFW dvd (or whatever). The latest version supports complete bootable recovery.
    Bootable rescue discs -- Whenever you save a drive image to a CD or DVD, it will automatically become a bootable restore disc.

    I love Terabyte products after years of using Drive Image and Partition Magic.
  10. Peter2150

    Peter2150 Global Moderator

    Sep 20, 2003
    Absolutely, but I bet it's running Image for Dos to do the restore.
  11. pvsurfer

    pvsurfer Registered Member

    Sep 1, 2004
    From IFW's feature list, I note that it has the native ability to write directly to DVD. Sure wish Acronis TI could do that (rather then require a 3rd party packet-writer)! :isay:
  12. Reggie

    Reggie Guest

    Although I've not yet had a disaster recovery situation (thank goodness), I have been backing up with IFW for a while now. Price is right, smooth operation creating image (dunno about restoring!) and best of all it can write directly to DVDs which I use to backup my notebook's hard drive.
  13. RealResults

    RealResults Guest

    Like others who have already commented I also like IFW/IFD. It has been rock solid on my system. I like to play around with system settings and new software then restore system to previous state. Have probably backed up and restored 50 times never with a problem.

    I tried Acronis TI but was never successful with a restore. I think it did not like my Highpoint raid controller. I am not knocking TI, a lot of people like it, just never worked on by system. IFW/IFD has worked perfect with my controller.

    A few other points in regard to Image for Windows/DOS that I like:

    1. You can try before you buy. They offer a fully functional 30 day trial.
    2. No bloatware. The full install is about 2 megs.
    3. Does NOT install any services or processes.
    4. The price is right. Image for Windows and Image for Dos package for $26.98.
    5. Backup and restore speed seems to be about the same as Ghost 8 (DOS boot disk).

    I was using Ghost 8 (DOS boot disk) to do backups and restores. Excellent little program (DOS boot disk only). However, I was unable to backup from within Windows. Not a big deal. Then read about IFW on another forum and gave it a try. Was impressed with what the developers were able to accomplish with such a small package as listed above. After a trial, bought the software. Also like to support small independent developers that publish good software.
  14. I'm very interested in using IFW/IFD to backup (image) my notebook's HDD to DVDs (using its DVD-RW). I realize that it may take several DVDs to do this, but I don't have an external drive and I only plan on doing this on a monthly basis.

    Is this software practical for my intended use and would IFW or IFD better serve my purpose?
  15. Sean, I don't think you would need as many DVDs as you might think. The IFW compression is great and very reliable. I really like the verification routine. The program is simple, simple, simple. It's free for 30 days, you should give it a try. I used to use TI and Partition Magic at one time, but nothing beats the simplicity and reliability of IFW. I can't recommend it highly enough. With IFW now offering native support for your DVDs to be bootable, there's no need (if you have WinXP) for IFD.
  16. securityx

    securityx Registered Member

    Dec 1, 2005
    I just mentioned Image For Windows in another thread and then saw this! I give a big thumbs up to Image For Windows. Very sweet.
  17. Antarctica

    Antarctica Registered Member

    Feb 25, 2003
    I bought this program last week and I really, really like it. So simple to use and no problem at all to backup my system.

    Nice job Terabyte.
  18. Thanks for the good words - Fwiw, I recently completed a 30-day trial of Acronis True Image which worked well EXCEPT that it couldn't backup to DVD without my having to buy yet additional software! That is when I decided that there must be imaging products with that feature. Looks like I may have found it...

    I will download the IFW trial and give it a go tomorrow. Am I correct in that I will be able to create an IFW Emergency Recovery CD/DVD capable of restoring a system that won't boot?
  19. nick s

    nick s Registered Member

    Nov 20, 2002
    Hi Sean Sullivan,

    When you burn an image directly to CD/DVD, IFW creates a self-booting restore disk(s). The restore process can be automatic and requires no interaction on your part. You are given an opportunity, via a count-down timer, to interrupt the process if you want to customize the restore.

  20. Nick: That is fantastic - I don't know what more one could want in an imaging backup system. :)

    I've downloaded IFW and will be making my first backup today, but I'm very nervous about attempting a full system restore just to prove to myself that it works... So until I actually need to recover my system, I guess I'll take your word (and the word of others) that it does! ;)
  21. RealResults

    RealResults Guest

  22. Image for Windows & PHYLock

    I'm not sure I understand why that is needed... Is it required even if my hard drive consists of only one (C) partition? And if it is necessary to add that utility, do I install it into the IFW directory?
  23. SSK

    SSK Registered Member

    Nov 28, 2004
    PHYlock is a utility that "locks" your Windows disk in a current state so that it can backup the data without Windows changing things that would cause corruption.

    PHYlock is ONLY needed if you backup while running Windows, if you backup from a floppy / cdrom it is not necessary :)
  24. nick s

    nick s Registered Member

    Nov 20, 2002
    Re: Image for Windows & PHYLock

    Hi Sean,

    PHYLock is a free driver that you can install that assists IFW in locking a snapshot of your live Windows system as IFW creates its image:

    "PHYLock is an add-on software component for Win NT/2K/XP/2003/x64 that enables Image for Windows to maintain a consistent backup of an unlocked partition or volume. See the readme.txt file in the zip for more information."

    PHYLock is available on Terabyte's free software page: Since you plan to image your system within Windows, you should install it along with IFW.


    edit: SSK beat me to it :)
  25. 10pack

    10pack Guest

    Does anyone know how long it takes to make a image of your drive with IFW? Let's say you had a 30GB drive with 20 full GBs of data on it, approximately how long would it take to do a full image of the drive?
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