The Dangers of a Mandatory DNA Database

Discussion in 'privacy problems' started by guest, Feb 22, 2019.

  1. guest

    guest Guest

    The Dangers of a Mandatory DNA Database
    February 22, 2019
  2. kls490

    kls490 Registered Member

    Aug 15, 2015
    Mid Atlantic Region (USA)
    That's a VERY scary article, mood. You can bet if that bill manages to become law in Arizona, it is just a matter of time before some lawmaker in another state, or even someone at the Federal-level will be attempting to do the same thing, and it won't be limited to just one small segment of the population either! :blink:

    People in this country had better wake up...before they find themselves without ANY privacy rights at all!
  3. mirimir

    mirimir Registered Member

    Oct 1, 2011
    Mandatory or not, DNA databases (be they commercial or governmental) will totally transform privacy in meatspace. Even if your DNA isn't in the database, with enough relatives represented, you can be linked (as child of foo, sibling of bar, etc). So good OPSEC for meatspace will include leaving no DNA.
  4. Floyd 57

    Floyd 57 Registered Member

    Mar 17, 2017
    When you say it like that, all I can think about is objects :D

    They still don't have your DNA tho, what are u trying to say?
  5. mirimir

    mirimir Registered Member

    Oct 1, 2011
    In the case I'm considering, they do have your DNA. From a crime scene, or whatever. But they don't know who you are.

    My point is that they can figure out who you are, even if your DNA isn't in any database that they can access.

    Current DNA tests don't actually involve total DNA sequencing. They're just looking at a bunch of sequences that are relatively unique. But they're shared in family lines. So if anyone in your family tree is in databases that they can access, they can determine who you're related to. And the more relatives there are in those databases, the more accurately they can do that.

    And even if we're talking about total DNA sequences, it's still doable. It'd just take lots more computation.
  6. Palancar

    Palancar Registered Member

    Oct 26, 2011
    The unfortunate thing is that Genealogy companies have millions and millions of folks sending samples in out of curiosity about the heritage. Sounds good on paper but then databases are created and as Mirimir stated family members end up indentifying other members by default. For a major crime such as the BTK killer in the USA things like this seem to be concluding cases more every day. I won't fight you on whether or not that is a good thing. But lets say "big brother" now wants to find you for ANY reason. They go to the genealogy companies and soon they will find you. I don't like that part of it!
  7. Socio

    Socio Registered Member

    Jun 29, 2004
    Here is a related article:

    China Uses DNA to Track Its People, With the Help of American Expertise

    This is just around the corner for the Western World, the bigger government gets, the more control in garners, the more it wants to and needs to protect itself from it's own populace.
  8. guest

    guest Guest

    China Is Collecting DNA From Tens of Millions of Men and Boys, Using US Equipment
    June 17, 2020
  9. xxJackxx

    xxJackxx Registered Member

    Oct 23, 2008
    The thing is it wouldn't even really be necessary to go to this extent to do it. They could just claim to have found your DNA at the scene. How would anyone prove otherwise? Framing someone doesn't require intricate solutions. Someone can just make a false claim. Nobody would come to your defense. If anything others would come forth as victims of whatever it is claimed you did.
  10. guest

    guest Guest

    China Is Harvesting the DNA of Its People. Is This the Future of Policing?
    The Chinese police are systematically collecting genomic data from tens of millions of men and boys
    July 24, 2020
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