XeroBank: Update Credit Card Expiration Date

Discussion in 'privacy technology' started by Pleonasm, Dec 31, 2009.

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  1. Pleonasm

    Pleonasm Registered Member

    How does one update the expiration date of a credit card used for the monthly billing of the XeroBank service? Perhaps I'm missing the obvious, but I see no option to do so -- either on the XeroBank or on the Dalpay website.

    Thank you.

    P.S.: A support request submitted through the Dalpay website has gone unanswered, as well as a post about this issue on the XeroBank forum.
  2. Genady Prishnikov

    Genady Prishnikov Registered Member

    Some of you still have not figured this out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Xerobank is a one-man operation. It is run, though not financed, by one person: STEVE TOPLETZ. He hires out Kyle Williams for coding on his products. He handles support BY HIMSELF. Is there anybody that can look at it objectively - with all the evidence - and still believe otherwise?


    The big project now - though it changes regularly - is this VM VPN service all wrapped in one. Is this new? Remember the MetroPipe Portable Privacy Machine? Please use Wilders search about my earlier posts concerning Xerobank and MetroPipe and you'll find screenshots. Metropipe and Xerobank even used the same payment processor with DALPAY, not sure they still do. Would somebody care to tell me the chances of that?

    Steve's been pushing Mailvault lately. Steve, would you like to tell us about the connection between your financial partners and Mailvault? If you don't, I'll be happy to.

    Xerobank has few customers. Please check their forums and see how little discussion there really is. Besides those complaining about the lack of support, of course. A familiar story of old MetroPipe customers!

    Many bank on Steve's so-called reputation. Steve "joined" Hacktivismo just as he was transitioning his old TORPARK Browser to the commercial TORRIFY and weeks later, to XEROBANK. There's an inside story there and it can be told later.

    Finally, STEVE, it's no big deal if you could just be honest about your operation! I've said that over and over - JUST TELL THE TRUTH! But I know what's coming - defensive arguments by attacking me!

    Same story just chapter two - or is it three, four and five?


    ---- Genady ----
  3. Mover

    Mover Registered Member

    One man or huge corporation. Who gives a %$it. As long as the product/service does what it says it does and support is acceptable, I personally couldn't care less. I applaud Steve for putting this together.

    I recall being a member of a particular club that started up a new forum.
    There were around 6 of us that were members at the beginning and it stayed like that for weeks. I'm sure all of us thought it would be a dead board. At present, it has accumulated over a million posts with a huge membership.

    How many people does it take to hack into the DoD ?
  4. caspian

    caspian Registered Member

    I have had to update credit card info a couple of times. I called Dalpay. I have spoken to a guy there a couple of times. He is very nice. But I ultimately logged into my Dalpay account and changed the info. The Dalpay guy will hang on the phone with you to make sure it takes. But I doubt he will be in the office until Monday.
  5. caspian

    caspian Registered Member

    Try this: Add your order number to this link (at the end where the x's are)


    This should take you to your Dalpay account. You will need to enter your security code.

    You can find your security code in the original email from Dalpay. You will see your order number and your security code right under it. If you need another security code, there is a button to click for a new one to be sent to your email. Login and update your account with Dalpay.
  6. Less

    Less Registered Member

  7. box750

    box750 Registered Member

    Regarding Mailvault, I opened an account with them not long ago, just to try it out.

    The sign up process worked fine, but any message you send through Mailvault vanishes in thin air. I did not get any error message or anything, the email simply never reached my friend at the other end.
  8. hierophant

    hierophant Registered Member

    Their SMTP traffic gets blackholed sometimes after complaints re spammers or other troublemakers. I've sent and received messages over the last few days with no apparent problems.
  9. Pleonasm

    Pleonasm Registered Member

    The problem of updating the credit card information for my XeroBank account has been resolved: see this thread on the XeroBank forum for additional information.

    P.S.: Caspian, thank you for your helpful guidance.
  10. caspian

    caspian Registered Member

    You're welcome!
  11. oldymin

    oldymin Registered Member

    Did you contact metropipe for support or xerobank ? What did they say btw ?
  12. excellust

    excellust Registered Member

    Years ago i used metropipe and mailvault... and got scammed handsomely. Mostly through mailvault, which was the only place I had my credit card details stored (in a so-called encrypted environment...), and that credit card was completely lifted (a clear insider job form the folks who ran and still run mailvault).

    The tunnel service was not working well, and support was non existent.
    And when I compare today zerobank with metro.. it has the same ownership/mastermind . So stay away. It's just not worth it.

    Regarding mail: Never trust your mail to any mail provider who offers it for 'free', the bill comes later. You should only store mails on servers you have encrypted yourself and you are in full and only control of the key rings

    And if you need a good proxy, be it ssh or vpn, there are better and way superior outfits on the market. Remember, the outfits who claim to be the best and employ a fan club of claquers (like zerobank does) are the worst choice - they have nothing more than hot air. Use providers who are not on everybody's forum/blog, because:
    - most are paid reviewers ~ Snipped as per TOS ~

    When everybody talked about Enron, what a great company it was, the end was near, the biggest scam. The same applies to MCI, Parmalat, Madoff, anonymizer (endless list of sucker outfits)... stay away from high flyers, and much talked about/pushed entities. The fall is steep.

    You are using proxies for a reason, is that reason compatible with a hot air balloon like zerobanko_O You have the answer
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 11, 2010
  13. box750

    box750 Registered Member

    No I certainly didn't, as I pointed out I decided to give Mailvault a go just out of curiosity.

    I have no interest whatsoever in letting any email service keep my PGP encryption keys and I would advise everyone to get their own encryption keys and trust them to nobody.

    Most people here probably know what happened to a certain Hushmail user who had his emails decrypted and read by the FBI. All that Hushmail advertising about "we can't read your emails" suddenly vanished into thin air too, just like the email I sent through Mailvault.
    Last edited: Jan 16, 2010
  14. bryanjoe

    bryanjoe Registered Member

    what it is that mailvault has to do with xerobank?

    i am using mailvault...... if it's not secured .... will have to ditch it
    please enlighten.....
  15. SteveTX

    SteveTX Registered Member

    Sorry you had such trouble Pleonasm. I find it frustrating as well, but I've got Kat and a new support team receiving all the support emails now. Let me hook you up with some free services to make up for your trouble.
  16. Pleonasm

    Pleonasm Registered Member

    A very kind and courteous offer, Steve -- but not necessary.

    I do recommend, however, that XeroBank use its influence with Dalpay to encourage them to review and revise their website, in order to make its functionality clearer and easier. (Note that the telephone support by the staff of Dalpay, however, is excellent.)
  17. caspian

    caspian Registered Member

    I know. Isn't he something??:eek:
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