Windows Disk Cleanup Experiences

Discussion in 'other software & services' started by TheKid7, Dec 25, 2013.

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  1. TheKid7

    TheKid7 Registered Member

    Jul 22, 2006
    Do you use Windows Disk Cleanup? Have you had any negative experiences with using Windows Disk Cleanup?

    I just ran Windows 7 Disk Cleanup and I saw a some MBytes listed under one of the unselected options. I selected that option (I think that the option was 'Setup Log Files', but it may have been 'Temporary files'.) and I ran Disk Cleanup.

    On each restart I started getting an error that a file was lost:

    C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Temp\133158Log.iniis lost

    I did some web searches on this issue and found out that the lost file is some sort of configuration log file for ASUS. One suggested 'fix' was to open the Windows Task Manager and delete the ASUS Task. I did not like the idea of deleting a Windows Task when I am not sure of the purpose of the Task.

    So my 'fix' was mount the most recent Terabyte Image, copy all of the files from the same Temp folder and paste to the current Temp folder without over-writing any files. This resolved the problem.

    Please share your experiences with Windows Disk Cleanup.

    Thanks in Advance.
  2. Robin A.

    Robin A. Registered Member

    Feb 25, 2006
    I use Disk Cleanup regularly on both Windows 7 and 8.1. I always run it as Administrator (or use the option to cleanup the system files), to be able to include the unnecessary update installers. Also, I always reboot after the cleanup finishes, to complete the process.

    In Windows 7, I haven´t had any problems. In 8.1 (Dell laptop), the operation is usually very slow. Sometimes it takes more then 30 min. to complete.

    I haven´t used ASUS computers.
  3. J_L

    J_L Registered Member

    Nov 6, 2009
    It's too limited in scope to use regularly, but I've never had a problem with it. Also cleans some special Windows files that other cleaners can't, so I do use it a few times.
  4. moontan

    moontan Registered Member

    Sep 11, 2010
    the first disk cleanup after the Windows install took indeed awhile, but after Windows Updates only a few minutes.
    i use a SSD so maybe it is much longer with a platter drive...
  5. roger_m

    roger_m Registered Member

    Jan 25, 2009
    It would have been quite safe to delete the task as per the details here.

    Hopefully this is just a temporary file which is only needed until the next time you reboot your computer. Otherwise you are going to encounter the same problem next time you run disk cleanup. In which case you will need to delete the scheduled task (there is no reason not to delete it).

    Windows Disk Cleanup is safe to use, and you have encountered the same problem with most other disk cleanup software. Some cleanup software e.g. CCleaner will not delete temporary files until they are a few days old.
  6. tomazyk

    tomazyk Guest

    I use windows 7 built-in disk cleanup at least once a month. I run it to clean junk that CCleaner doesn't remove. I never had any problems.
    I especially like the possibility to delete unneeded service pack and updates files. It greatly reduces the size of system backup image.
  7. TheKid7

    TheKid7 Registered Member

    Jul 22, 2006
    Do you select all of the Disk Cleanup options or do you do a cleanup with the default selected options?
  8. erim

    erim Registered Member

    Aug 29, 2006
    There's a bug related to a .NET update, which gets deleted in some cases. more info here
  9. tomazyk

    tomazyk Guest

    First, I'm sorry for my late response.
    I usually leave default options turned on. Sometimes, when there is large amount of data in section that is not checked by default, I delete those too.
    Till now, I never had problems like you.
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