What anonymity techniques did LulzSec hackers use to stay anonymous online?

Discussion in 'privacy technology' started by DesuMaiden, Apr 3, 2013.

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  1. PaulyDefran

    PaulyDefran Registered Member

    Dec 1, 2011
    I disagree, mostly. Is it 100%, of course not. But you are basically saying that the masked bank robber is holding up a sign to the bank camera, saying "my name is Mike Smith and I live at...." LOL. Don't do that then :D Public cameras are a joke, the UK estimates they stop 1 crime per year. After all, aren't all the tens of thousands of 'hackers', world wide, still free? The one thing that Sabu and Hammond had in common, is that they did stuff from home (but yes, they made other mistakes). There is also a thing called rules of evidence. You can't just bust somebody because you *think* this bad guy at Starbucks, is also the guy that lives *there*...you have to prove it. And doing nothing from home is a huge help to your lawyer.

    I guess that I disagree that:

    ...it could make ALL the difference, and definitely doesn't hurt to do.

  2. Taliscicero

    Taliscicero Registered Member

    Feb 7, 2008
    Not using your home connection is inconvenient. I would say you would be better off setting up a server in the Netherlands you can connect to, and connect that connection up to a VPN service provider such as AirVPN. This way your not doing anything from home yet your server provider does not know what your doing and its a duel level of OpenVPN encryption from home through your ISP, and then TOR can be used also.
  3. luciddream

    luciddream Registered Member

    Mar 22, 2007
    Yep... that being the aforementioned trust of Hidemyass namely.
  4. PaulyDefran

    PaulyDefran Registered Member

    Dec 1, 2011
    Agree. But the thread is about hackers...so I assume illegality. If so, inconvenient or not, you'd be nuts to hack from home. IPs are only one worry. Sniffing the air, using powerful lens' for observation, camera/mic "bugs", etc... It's hard to do all that at random locations. Homes are a surveillance choke point. Doing nothing there takes away a big advantage from the adversary. JMO.

  5. Taliscicero

    Taliscicero Registered Member

    Feb 7, 2008
    I would somewhat agree, however you also risk CCTV at coffee shops and other places, also the connection you get is not guaranteed. I would prefer to use my home connection, and just beef up security on my end.
  6. DesuMaiden

    DesuMaiden Registered Member

    Jan 25, 2013
    Your set up is only secure if you never never connect to the vpn using your real ip address.

    So it works like this.

    Create a VM.

    Force all the connections in the VM through the VPN so when the VPN disconnects all your internet connections are dropped. Since your real ip is never connected through the VM, it will never be exposed if the VPN disconnects.


    Even with technological anonymity, the government can still identify you if you reveal any identifying information (i.e. race, sex, nationality, political views, rough geographic location, and hell even your writing style). Especially writing style since certain software can do that.
  7. DesuMaiden

    DesuMaiden Registered Member

    Jan 25, 2013
    Thanks for the advice. I'm gonna credit card theft now! Just joking.

    The government can match the timings of the hackings with the camera recordings of x guy in a public wifi, but that would be time consuming.

    If you are doing anything highly illegal, the best you can hope for is make it harder for the prosecutors to prove your guilt. You CANNOT expect to never ever get caught.

    Where any of them using windows for their host and guest os?

    Using windows for hacking would be an EPIC FAILURE.
    Last edited: Apr 20, 2013
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