Webwasher vs. Proximitron

Discussion in 'other software & services' started by gary0114, Feb 12, 2003.

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  1. gary0114

    gary0114 Registered Member

    Feb 10, 2003
    :) If this topic is out of place or has been discussed before,please bear with me.I've been using Webwasher for months now and lately have realized that its filtering system is taking more out of webpages than I'd like,so I've decided to give Proximitron a try.I'd like to hear what others think of either of these two programs,opinions good or bad. thanks,.........Gary :) :) :) :)
  2. notageek

    notageek Registered Member

    Jun 3, 2002
    I like proxo. I use it myself. I also tried Webwasher but didn't like it as much.
  3. _Ralph_

    _Ralph_ Registered Member

    Oct 12, 2002
    Vermont , USA
    Re:Webwasher vs. Proxomitron

    Proxo is more complex but much better . It can be fine tuned and there is a great forum . The learning curve is steep but you can just use the default configuration until you get used to it . WW leaves much to be desired . They can be used together for overkill . WW uses more system resources . Regards , Ralph
  4. gary0114

    gary0114 Registered Member

    Feb 10, 2003
    :) :) Thanks for the replies and opinions.Proximitron seems a bit intimidating,with it being a wee bit more difficult to configure compared to Webwasher but just like everything else I'm sure after a while I'll figure it out.........Gary :D :D :D
  5. Smokey

    Smokey Registered Member

    Apr 1, 2002
    Annie's Pub
    Try following link and you have not to configure Proxo... ;)

  6. sig

    sig Registered Member

    Feb 9, 2002
    Just to add my 2 cents to Smokey's posted link: I've been using JD's Proxo configuration file for quite some time and I recommend it to Proxo newbies and regular users alike as a user friendly way of maximizing Proxo's capabilities. JD has a number of configurations that range from minimalistic filtering to the more restrictive JD Advanced filter set. He has info within the configs as well as on his website to help out those who want to learn and/or just customize the settings for their needs.

    JD keeps tweaking his configurations and each release is better than the last, IMO. Anyway, it's well worth trying out. It doesn't overwrite your default configuration so there is no loss of current settings. Although if in time you decide one particular filter set is best for you almost all the time, you can make that your default. I ususally wind up making JD's Advanced my default configuration with some minor changes, but everyone has their own needs and preferences. :)

    [I used to use WebWasher, by the way, and liked it very much but once I switched to Proxomitron I found there was really nothing WW did that Proxo couldn't do better and with fewer resources used. (On W98, resource use was always something to consider.) Additionally, Proxo's functions can be expanded simply by using filters that provide addtional functionalities/features. The availability of additional filter configuration sets such as JD's makes a fairly sophisticated use of Proxo available for the new user almost virtually out of the box.]
  7. museheart

    museheart Registered Member

    Jan 3, 2003
    Oh MY!!!

    I tried WebWasher and I think I was letting in more info and more go out than I did without it.

    And Proximitron is harder? ROFL!!! There must be something for people who are not geeks!

    Is this a free utility?

  8. sig

    sig Registered Member

    Feb 9, 2002
    I used WebWasher for years and really do not see how one could give out more info or filter pages less with it than without it, unless one previously was using a remote proxy of some sort.

    Here's a site where one can see what info can be derived from one's browser: http://www.gemal.dk/browserspy/

    Another site, where, among other things, one can see if the local proxy can spoof the browser's referer function, for those who are interested in that sort of thing. Also has some other good info: http://privacy.net/

    Proxomitron's site: http://www.proxomitron.org/

    Proxo is freeware. It works right out of the box and has a good help file. As with any local proxy app, the trick is to learn what the various filters do in order to have sites and pages display/work the way you want them to while filtering out the sorts of things you don't want. Proxo's use of various filters and block files, etc allows for greater customization than WebWasher. JD's config, for example also incorporates Steve Martin's Hosts file (if I recall correctly).

    AdSubtract Pro is another local proxy app but is not freeware. (The freeware version is old and not so easy to find anymore.) Many people find this app more effective and configurable than WebWasher but easier to use than Proxo. (Absubtract is partly based on Proxomitron and I believe still pays license fees to Proxo's author.)
  9. museheart

    museheart Registered Member

    Jan 3, 2003
    Obviously, you don't know me. I can mess up anything right out of the box. It is sad, but true. I am on cabel and have a Linksys router. (That is a lot of fun for me too... :( )

    I have that site listed on my "Fighting Back," page below.

    Thanks for that one!

    Thanks for all the info. Proxies are something I don't get.

    I updated my page today...

  10. sig

    sig Registered Member

    Feb 9, 2002
    Ah, I just looked at your site. Nicely done. Great graphics too. :)
  11. museheart

    museheart Registered Member

    Jan 3, 2003
    Thank you very much!

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