UltimateDefrag v3 - is THIS the very best defragger ever?

Discussion in 'backup, imaging & disk mgmt' started by qazwee, Jul 21, 2010.

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  1. pbmcmlxxi

    pbmcmlxxi Registered Member

    Oct 28, 2006
    Hants, UK

    must agree, it does seem very buggy. Doesn't remember all settings, won't let you change the settings on one pc yet on another the same settings can be changed. Shame I think the software has potential. I think this release should really be classed as a beta, not ready for prime time.
  2. zfactor

    zfactor Registered Member

    Mar 10, 2005
    on my zx10-r
    agreed also about this possibly being beta. whats even more crazy to me though is this version took FOREVER to come out. why all the kinks are not gone yet is beyond me. for the amount of time it took this version should should work flawlessly. for our money we should get a fully working program. many others are totally free and manage to work great (like puran) they may not have as many features but the ones they do have always just work perfect

    also i notice this version is not consistent each time it seems. if i defrag and then right after analyze the drive it gives me a different % fragmented then previously. i did nothing but let it finish then instantly click analyze again. after it was done it read 0% now it will maybe say 1.68 or higher. this is not all the time but i have seen this on a few occasions. also i do not touch the system during defrag either. no programs are open and same goes for the second analyze run... not sure why
  3. mike42

    mike42 Registered Member

    Aug 5, 2010
    Can you guys be a bit more precise? What bugs are there? Just saying "it's very buggy" doesn't help anything.
  4. zfactor

    zfactor Registered Member

    Mar 10, 2005
    on my zx10-r
    on 2 systems boot time does not work i get a error 103, on another it will not remember settings i select, on yet another system if i move a file to a specific place it will move it from that place i select on its own on the next defrag it does not remember where i put it. it crashed one of the 64bit systems i have it on with a bsod and reboot. etc etc...out of 4 systems i do not have one that everything FULLY works on
  5. Isso

    Isso Developer

    Mar 28, 2009
    Hi all, sorry for late reply and thank you for your posts.

    We are currrently working on a bug-fix update and it should be released very soon. I'll try to address all issues in this message.

    1. zfactor - "Boot defrag error 103" - this is a bug and will be fixed in the next update.

    2. zfactor - "Program not remembering the settings" - this is a bug and though I wasn't able to reproduce it so far, I think I'll find and fix it in the next update too.

    3. mantra - "move folder close to the mft ultimate defrag move them to the reserved zone" - the program isn't allowed to move anything to the reserved zone. Most likely it moves it right after the reserved zone and that's normal because it shouldn't touch the reserved zone. Please let me know if I understood this wrong.

    4. dcodeking - if you drag a file to a zone that has files in it, those files will be moved to some free space.

    5. pajenn - running the analysis as a command line - I think this is a great idea and I'll talk to the management about including it.

    6. Mike42 - 1) and 2) - because of Windows limitation it's not possible to specify the exact size of the MFT reserved zone, it can be specified only with approximate figures. The exact size is calculated by Windows NTFS driver at runtime, and may differ from the one that you specify to "boot time defrag" module. 3) The displayed size of MFT reserved zone in the Settings dialog is made "not to scale" intentionally - to allow display of other (mostly smaller files) in a way easier to the user.

    7. corttex - non working external drive - probably something is wrong with the drivers or hardware. Do other defragmenters run on that drive?

    8. Mike42 - program icon - will be fixed in the next update

    9. rendez2k, zfactor - regarding slow defrag - if you want fast defrag just use "Fragmented files only" method - I bet no other defragger can do it faster. Or use COnsolidate with "Very fast" option on - it is fast too.

    10. mantra - screensaver to defrag in background - I think it's a great idea and we'll see if we can add this to our feature list.

    11. mantra, zfactor - if you move a file manually and don't want it to be later touched, just select "Exclude this file from subsequent automatic defrags" option of the position dialog

    12. zfactor - % fragmented not consistent - it happens because some background processes make changes to the HDD while UD is defragmenting. It's normal and may happen even if no other programs are open, because Windows constantly works with disk.

    Again thank you for your posts and sorry for problems. Any software has bugs and UD is rather complex program to be completely free of them. Anyway I don't agree that this version is unstable. There are thousands of machines where is works perfectly, and we'll do our best to fix the existing bugs ASAP so the users who currently experience problems are happy.
  6. zfactor

    zfactor Registered Member

    Mar 10, 2005
    on my zx10-r
    but i have seen it go from 0% to near 7-10%o_O that should not be from backround things.. also when scanned with puran defrag directly after a scan it still shows 0.

    i may not have explained it properly... what happens is it will show this descrepency UNTIL i close and re-open the program, then if i analyze it will show the correct (close to) zero percent again. so something is wierd if you do a defrag then DO NOT CLOSE it and re analyze the drive.. then its showing a weird number... sorry for not explaining further on that one.

    i know you said it will be fixed but imo after that LOOOOOOOOONG wait for this version i would have thought enough beta testing would have been done to eliminate things like the boot time issue and the settings things...

    as far as the speed thing on 3 different systems (i own 4 lic's overall) puran defrag is my normal go to defrag program and it blows almost everything away as far as speed goes. i will try what you said but even puran moves the directories, free's some space, fills gaps etc... during its pass and its lighting fast for me.. (not wanting to start any wars over this though trust me i do not want that)

    overall its still one of my favorite programs and i never asked for a refund in hopes it would one day be what i expected and i still hope it will be that..

    thank you for the responses isso
  7. corttex

    corttex Registered Member

    Jun 29, 2009
    Yes, Auslogics Disk Defrag and Iobit Smart Defrag can defrag this Ext HDD, even built-in Windows Defrag in XP.
  8. qazwee

    qazwee Registered Member

    Apr 8, 2007
    UD have problem with Kaspersky AV 2010.
    When KAV is active UD can't defragment files and just move them to some random location.
    It seems like UD have problem with KAV self defense module as disabling just AV itself won't allow UD to touch KAV files/folders.
    And even disabling "self defense" won't let UD properly defrag KAV files.
    Strange thing is that in this case "Fragmented files only" option was able to defragment files wile "Folder/file mode" wasn't.
    Only after adding UDefrag.exe to either exclusion or trusted application list I was able to properly defragment C drive. In this case KAV can be turned on with self defense enabled.

    Tried also O&O Defrag and it seems that is not affected by Kaspersky AV at all.

    One bug:
    In Settings-> General -> Strict Placement, sorted by folder/files it's not possible to select different sorting order for different drives. All drives must be either ascending or descending. For example I can't choose ascending for C: and descending for D:.
  9. the_sly_dog

    the_sly_dog Registered Member

    Feb 28, 2006
    The Heart Of London
    Hi After reading all of your posts how great this defrag is i decided to try it, But it doesn`t seem to work ?

    Windows vista

    All i get is this Error.. Any help please would be greatly appreciated

    Attached Files:

  10. mike42

    mike42 Registered Member

    Aug 5, 2010
    Maybe related to this (or probably the same problem):
    Settings->General: No matter what sort method is selected (fast, very fast, strict), the sort direction always changes in the following manner:
    -If you click on the drive letter in the Drives-list repeatedly, the sort direction swaps every time.
    -If you have two drives and you click back and forth (alternating), the sort direction swaps every second time.
    -I didn't check for >2 drives.
    Last edited: Aug 13, 2010
  11. mike42

    mike42 Registered Member

    Aug 5, 2010
    BTW Isso,

    here is what I meant about the MFT zone size:
    Last edited: Aug 13, 2010
  12. mantra

    mantra Registered Member

    Jan 25, 2005
    i had the same error on w7
    right click and set run like an administrator and error did disapear
    hope it could help you
  13. the_sly_dog

    the_sly_dog Registered Member

    Feb 28, 2006
    The Heart Of London
    Hello Mantra

    Thank for replying to me, I`m afraid the error still appears if i right click and run as admin o_O Not really much of a trial 27days left of the trial and still no defragging happening lol.. :argh::argh::argh::argh:
  14. zfactor

    zfactor Registered Member

    Mar 10, 2005
    on my zx10-r
    now testing the program on another win 7 64bit system with the same boot time error code 103...o_O can you explain whats causing this


    sorry for another post but isso any idea when this next update will be for the boot time fix? the program is simply not able to do what i want it to without that. if it will be soon i will wait but if it will take a longgggg time ill go back to my previous program and honestly i will prob not be trying this again.. its never really worked for me perfectly since day one but i was hopeful it soon would especially with the release of version 3.. the boot time thing should be PRIORITY since that is one of the best new features of version 3..

    Last edited: Aug 16, 2010
  15. MerleOne

    MerleOne Registered Member

    Mar 6, 2006
    BTW, I have a question/suggestion : I don't see if the date/time of the last defrag is indicated somewhere. It is in DefragExpress and in other products and I find it useful.

  16. hayc59

    hayc59 Updates Team

    Feb 9, 2002
    UltimateDefrag v. Released
    17 August 2010)

    Whats New
    • Fixed error 103 that some users were experiencing with the boot time module
    • Disabled splash screen during scheduled jobs
    • Fixed problem where wildcards were not able to be deleted from HP and Archive file selection.
    • Fixed Ascending and Descending sorting modes that were saved incorrectly
    • Removed message relating to volume shadow copy
    • Fixed large fonts display problems - the GUI now displays correctly for higher font size DPI setting
    • Fixed causes of crashes that the occasional user was experiencing.
    • Fixed scheduled defrag that wasn't respecting Archive and HP
    • Fixed crash happening for FAT drives
    • Fixed Place Directories Next To MFT for Fragmented Files Only method
    • Fixed Elapsed Time formatting error when defrag time exceeded 1 hour.

    Download: UltimateDefrag

    UPGRADE INSTRUCTIONS: If you are running version - simply install the above version and it will replace the previous installation. You do not need to uninstall version Your license information carries over from the previous version so you also do not need to reactivate.
  17. zfactor

    zfactor Registered Member

    Mar 10, 2005
    on my zx10-r
    lol boot time works on 2 of the systems it did not before BUT on the other 2 i now get this:

    couldnt retrieve API volume bitmap! st=103 and it just sits there and does nothing i have to shutdown manually and reboot those 2 systems.. sucks

    this is on build
    Last edited: Aug 18, 2010
  18. AvinashR

    AvinashR Registered Member

    Dec 26, 2009
    New Delhi Metallo β-Lactamase 1
    Its been updated now..


    Download:- --http://www.disktrix.com/downloads/UltimateDefrag3Setup.exe--
  19. zfactor

    zfactor Registered Member

    Mar 10, 2005
    on my zx10-r
    this was already posted above my post and im having the above issue with the NEWEST .15 build just in case your post was directed to me or not. i have already updated and am seeing the results i posted above. i also did a clean fresh install as well and tried it on a fresh image of win7 with no other defragers or anything else installed besides win7 and drivers. if that was not directed to me than sorry... :D
  20. Isso

    Isso Developer

    Mar 28, 2009
    zfactor - sorry it seems I missed that one. I'll fix it in the next release. There will be another release soon with some improvements in defrag algorithm, and I'll include the fix for the problem that you've descibed too.
  21. zfactor

    zfactor Registered Member

    Mar 10, 2005
    on my zx10-r
    okay keep me posted i have a number of freind who want to possibly buy this but they are not going to try it out till it actually works the way its supposed to.. otherwise its a very nice update to the older 2008 version
  22. startrek

    startrek Registered Member

    Aug 18, 2010
    Defrag or optimization don't work for External USB Hard Disk Drives.
  23. the_sly_dog

    the_sly_dog Registered Member

    Feb 28, 2006
    The Heart Of London

    I still can`t defrag ?? it always says error like that screenshot.. abnormal program termination o_O

    Windows vista sp2 x86

    I have installed another brand defrag and that worked ok. I have even unistalled with revo unistaller and redownloaded you`re trial and installed with the same results ??
  24. Isso

    Isso Developer

    Mar 28, 2009
    startrek - the program has been tested with multiple external USB drives and passed the tests successfully. Could you please help me to find out the reason of the problem by doing the following - start UltimateDefrag, press Ctrl+Shift+12 key combination and start defragmenting. Then after it's done you'll see a C:\_Defrag.log file created - please send its contents to me via PM.

    the_sly_dog - please open the installation directory and there you should find UDefrag.rpt file - please send its contents to me via PM. Thank you
  25. Isso

    Isso Developer

    Mar 28, 2009
    startrek - I meant Ctrl+Shift+F12 key combination
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