The CyberDragon browser

Discussion in 'privacy technology' started by genieautravail, Jul 8, 2014.

  1. Stefan Froberg

    Stefan Froberg Registered Member

    Jul 30, 2014
    Great adblock?
    Sure, if you just give the exact wishlist of what you need (more speed, more blocked ads/trackers, etc..) from CyberDragon adblocker then Im happy to implement it.

    Also, please give me some extremenly ad infected test site to test against it.

    As for flash & video downloader: Yes, I think it should be pretty easy to do now that there is a logger functionality in CD and I can see the individual video streams from flash sites.

    Im not making 100% promise but maybe in version 1.6.6.

    But let's keep it all hush hush. Okay?
    Otherwise MPAA, YouTube etc... would want to fry my ~ Snipped as per TOS ~.
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 15, 2014
  2. FOXP2

    FOXP2 Guest

    @ Stefan Froberg

    Nice work!! It's certainly a better effort than my somewhat favorite, albeit simple, "Qt framework" product, QtWeb.

    Once a page is loaded, the Go button acts the same as the Home button. I suggest it be greyed-out/disabled until a new URL is typed or pasted into the address field.

    Cookie Control is so tight I can't login to Wilders or watch HTML5 on yootoob. I'll figure it out. I think. :D

    "...please give me some extremely ad infected test site to test against it."
    Any comic strip on is about as infected as it can get. But I think your current filtering/blocking is excellent.

  3. Stefan Froberg

    Stefan Froberg Registered Member

    Jul 30, 2014
    Thanks! :)

    Oh, I will fix that Go button in next release. Or maybe add patch for it even before that. After christmas holidays and all.

    Well, wilderssecurity login was easy to solve. You need to enable session cookie named "xf_session" to be able to login.

    Here's it in 2 steps:

    1. First make sure that you have settings opened (by either pressing key shortcut F12 or clicking the blue arrow at the top right). If needed you can resize the settings windows for bigger view by pressing & draggin the so called splitter area (the border between settings and the actual page) to the left when the mouse cursor looks like two-handed arrow. Go to Cookie tab. Because this is a login page they often redirect you so quickly to the error page that you don't have the time to see the cookie that was blocked. Uncheck the "Clear cookie list on page load" option and try to login. Now you should see the blocked session cookie "xf_session" like in the following image:

    2. Now, the fastest way to copy that cookie to custom cookie rules above and allow it, is by selecting it first from "Cookie List Live View" and clicking the small green up arrow on the left side of "Clear cookie list on page load".
    Now, the new cookie rule is in place and only thing to left is to change the Action from "Blocked" to "Allow"by clicking that "X" symbol next to cookie name on Custom Cookie Rules view like in the following image:

    Then just reload the page one or two times and try to login again. Im writing this from CyberDragon and everything seems to work okay.

    If you want, you can enable that "Clear cookie list on page load" again. If not, then that "Cookie List Live View" will collect tons and tons of blocked cookie notifications over time, which might slow things down a little.

    Thanks for that suggestion, I found these four trackers that were missing from that blocker list.


    Here's how to add them:

    Copy (mouse paint & copy or Ctl+C) the first tracker rule, right click on "Number of Tracker Blocking Rules" view from "Tracker Blocker" tab and select "Add tracker blocker rule ...".
    That will add new empty line that is already selected to top of the list. Then paste copied rule (mouse paste or Ctrl + V) and press Enter. Repeat for the rest of rules.

    After all four rules are added make changes permanent by clicking "Save Changes" button. There is a little bug in the Notification pop-up. It shows the total tracker while it shoulds just say "4 trackers rules added". Wil fix that.

    After changes showa 12 ads/trackers blocked.

    The worst site I have found so far is
    Freaking 46 various ads/trackers and other ~ Snipped as per TOS ~:
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 17, 2014
  4. Stefan Froberg

    Stefan Froberg Registered Member

    Jul 30, 2014
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