System Restore disappearing and system restore alternative inquiry

Discussion in 'backup, imaging & disk mgmt' started by Dundertaker, Mar 26, 2011.

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  1. Dundertaker

    Dundertaker Registered Member

    Oct 17, 2009
    Land of the Mer Lion
    I seem to have some problems with my system restore function in one of my Windows 7 x32 system. I usually find that it gets erased or something. After every use I specifically instruct to:

    -clean/check registry via CCleaner
    -defrag via Auslogics Disk/defrag or Puran Defrag free(not with PIOZR)
    -make a backup via Glary Utilities pro>Restore Center>System Restore

    After a few days when I check it's gone....huh...?:blink:

    The other pc system with the same settings and software are not like that...

    My approach to backing up is usually file/folder backup via pen drive/DVD. Image backup via ATI on dedicated/seperate logical drives for each pc I have.

    Well here's the question:

    a) Will I leave it like that?
    I do image backup via ATI Home 11 on that particular pc and it's working okay. Problem is when I encounter an incident I go and use the image instead of system restore only.

    b) What can I do check in Windows 7?

    c) What are other alternatives apps to Windows system restore?
    Have not used any apps for that. Can you give me ideas/tips...freeware possibly...If you guys are using one out there please share your experiences about it (conflicts with any apps,points to consider for better effectiveness..perhaps)

    Thank you:) .
    Last edited: Mar 26, 2011
  2. SourMilk

    SourMilk Registered Member

    Mar 31, 2006
    Some defraggers will erase system restore points. At least, that's what I've read.

    Hope someone who knows for sure will answer this thread.

    SourMilk out
  3. moontan

    moontan Registered Member

    Sep 11, 2010
    i think the best alternative to Windows System Restore is Rollback RX.

    i have a paid license which i don't use anymore because it only takes me 3 minutes to restore an Image with Windows 7.

    with Rollback, it only takes the time to reboot + about 20 seconds.

    it is a pretty good software and i'd recommend you give the demo a try.
    btw, you are not supposed to defrag while using programs like Rollback.

    another option is Shadow Defender IF you only want to test/install software
    that don't need a reboot to complete the install.
  4. J_L

    J_L Registered Member

    Nov 6, 2009
    Could be the registry cleaner that messed up System Restore. I never trust those things.
  5. bgoodman4

    bgoodman4 Registered Member

    Jan 13, 2009
  6. Aaron Here

    Aaron Here Registered Member

    Jun 4, 2006
    ditto that. :thumb:

    Yup, Rollback Rx is System Restore on steroids! :thumb:

  7. Dundertaker

    Dundertaker Registered Member

    Oct 17, 2009
    Land of the Mer Lion
    Thanks for the replies here. Well well well :D I see that it's a landslide in favor of RollbackRX:D

    I have heard/seen that PuranDefrag erases restore points but I have excluded the folder C:\System Volume Information and with CCleaner that mentioned folder is excluded too...that is my dilemma.

    Will try Rx as "favorably" suggested:)

    Any other apps aorund that I can consider? Freeware...?

    Thanks guys!:D
  8. moontan

    moontan Registered Member

    Sep 11, 2010
    the only freebie i know in this category of software is Comodo Time Machine.
    i have not tried it so you"ll have to look around for comments.
  9. Dundertaker

    Dundertaker Registered Member

    Oct 17, 2009
    Land of the Mer Lion
    I forgot to ask this one.

    Does RollbackRx have a conflict with:

    -Acronis True Image 11?
    -Paragon Backup and Restore free?
    -Keriver 1-Click Restore?

    Anyone using them with said apps? Maybe tips on how you use them in your machine...

    Very interested to hear from your experiences here.

    Thank you.
  10. TheRollbackFrog

    TheRollbackFrog Imaging Specialist

    Mar 1, 2011
    The Pond - USA
    Long story, short answer... STAY AWAY!

    Also, word has it that development has stopped at the v9 level and will not be continued... <whew! Thank God>
  11. TheRollbackFrog

    TheRollbackFrog Imaging Specialist

    Mar 1, 2011
    The Pond - USA
    I'm not sure it's as much a conflict as it is a product of the technology.

    A HOT image (under the current running Windows) via ATI will not produce a complete restoreable Rollback system. It will provide for the latest machine state at the time of backup but will not restore Rollback itself or its snapshot(s) and database. It's fine for recovery of the latest config and will require a Rollback re-installation.

    All the other HOT imaging products I've tried produce the same result except "Image For Windows"... and that's only successful due to a Windows REGISTRY tweak.

    You need to know how the technology works before you can see what the effect of HOT imaging, HOT defragging and Windows System Restore has on a Rollback-protected system. There's a little to learn here...
  12. Aaron Here

    Aaron Here Registered Member

    Jun 4, 2006
    While I certainly agree with everything The Rollback Frog has said, I can tell you that the first two programs on your list can also be used effectively and safely with Rollback Rx from their boot disks by selecting the Raw (Sector By Sector) backup mode. In that way you will capture your entire C-partition with Rollback Rx and all of its snapshots intact! :thumb:

    Note: If you fail to enable the Raw (Sector By Sector) option while doing an offline backup, you will have only captured Rollback Rx's baseline snapshot (not a very good result)! :eek:

  13. aladdin

    aladdin Registered Member

    Jan 9, 2006
  14. Dundertaker

    Dundertaker Registered Member

    Oct 17, 2009
    Land of the Mer Lion
    Hi all;

    Thank you for the replies.

    @Aaron Here:

    Thanks I will remember doing sector-by-sector backup imaging in Acronis.


    Have not yet tried Image for Windows but am contemplating that too...will try RollBackRX first.


    Heard about CTI but I've read a lot here ending up reformatting their disk..still have to research on this one. Still have to check if it's development has stopped.

    @King of Rapture:

    Thanks for the reminder.


    Someone in a different forum mentioned Genie9 app, RedoBackup and DataBackupRx (free on facebook now). Honestly I do not know what they are except that they perform backup(automatically). I seem to miss seeing that they have a rollback option of some sort...

    Have you any info about them....

    Thanks all:D
  15. J_L

    J_L Registered Member

    Nov 6, 2009
    DataBackupRx only backs up files and folders, not your entire system.
  16. CloneRanger

    CloneRanger Registered Member

    Jan 4, 2006
    @ Dundertaker

    Don't know whether you use Returnil, but if you do it "might" be connected with issues i and others had. Not only on XP but also on Vista too :(

    If it isn't that ? and i hope you quickly discover what causes your losses, and can post back with your findings soon :thumb:
  17. layman

    layman Registered Member

    May 20, 2006
    One of the first things I do when setting up a new machine is turn System Restore off. I rely on imaging and a file backup scheme, instead.

    As for losing Restore Points: If System Restore is enabled on Vista, 2003 Server, or Windows 7 volumes having a cluster size of less than 16KB, normal defragmenting may result in the loss of your System Restore points if there is insufficient space allocated for System Restore. Vopt (the defragger I use) has an optional "VSS compatible Defrag" that minimizes the number of files moved and the total size of files moved. Files larger than 64 MB are not moved or defragmented. File packing is kept to a minimum. I use this mode for interim defrags because it is incredibly fast, but (since I have no Restore Points to lose) often do a full defrag just prior to imaging.
  18. Dundertaker

    Dundertaker Registered Member

    Oct 17, 2009
    Land of the Mer Lion

    I use Returnil but on an XP machine(another) not this one.


    In my Windows 7 pc, Auslogics Disc Defrag has that option VSS XP SP3 none.
  19. bgoodman4

    bgoodman4 Registered Member

    Jan 13, 2009
    The only thing you need to be aware of with Rx and 3rd party imaging programs is that if you want to image with Rx installed you should do a full drive image (not just used space), otherwise uninstall Rx before imaging (I do the latter as I do my monthly PC house keeping at the same time). It is also not advisable to defrag your drive with a 3rd party program with Rx installed.
  20. bgoodman4

    bgoodman4 Registered Member

    Jan 13, 2009
  21. bgoodman4

    bgoodman4 Registered Member

    Jan 13, 2009
    Not the same sort of programs at all. IFW is an imaging program just like ATI or Paragon (with some differences of course but they do essentially the same thing). RollBack is a system restore or revert program. It is wise to use both types of programs IMO. The main reason for this is that Rx stores its snapshots on the drive it is protecting so if the drive gets damaged (or stolen) you are plum out of luck. Having an image in a safe place will mitigate this type of situation.

    My routine is as follows (sorry for those who have seen me post this a million times before but,,,,)

    RollBack Rx resides on my PC and takes a snap every hour. At the end of the day I upload my critical files to an on-line storage service (iDrive). I then delete all of the days snaps except for the first one of the day and the current state snap. I keep the first snap of the day history for 5 days, on the 6th day I delete the oldest so I always have at least 5 Rx snaps to choose from if I want to revert to a snap.

    Every weekend I image the drive with a program called Drive Cloner (its a companion program to Rx).

    Once a month I uninstall Rx and do my PC housecleaning (defrag etc) and then image using Paragon free. I then reinstall Rx.

    Everyone will devise a regime that they feel comfortable with. Some want to keep every Rx snap and others are content with 1 snap a week. I am very comfortable with the above, you may or may not want this level of protection. Bottom line its what lets you sleep comfortably at night thats the right mix for you.

    PS: something else about Rx you might find interesting, you can mount any snap-shot as a virtual drive and open old versions of files or copy them to the current state drive. Also, when you do a revert Rx will take a snap of the current state of the drive as it was/is at the time of the reversion so you can recover any files or folders that may have been created after the restore to point. I LOVE these features. The time savings and security provided with these 2 is one of Rxs strong points IMO.
    Last edited: Mar 31, 2011
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