setting up the 'silent clean option'

Discussion in 'MRU Blaster Forum' started by gueri, Feb 8, 2005.

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  1. gueri

    gueri Registered Member

    May 28, 2004
    sydney (Australia)
    hi, I read in the "readme.txt" file that:«To have MRU-Blaster start silently, and automatically clean MRU lists in the background (operation takes about 2 seconds - very fast!) then create a shortcut, and add the command-line parameter "-silent".»

    But how do yo go about creating the shortcut?

    I would appreciate an step by step procedure please, if anybody has the patience.

    Many thanks

  2. Bubba

    Bubba Updates Team

    Apr 15, 2002
    Hey gueri,

    After you have the shortcut are planning to use it. Meaning....are you just wanting a shorcut that you can place on your desktop, silently run it when the computer starts or what ?

    If your simply wanting a shorcut....there should already be a MRU-Blaster Silent Clean shortcut in:
    Start button\Programs\MRU-Blaster.

    If you are wanting more....feel free to explain what you plan on doing with it....and we'll be more than Happy to assist.

    Attached Files:

  3. gueri

    gueri Registered Member

    May 28, 2004
    sydney (Australia)
    hi Bubba,
    thanks for your response. Apologies for the delay in answering back, but lost my operating system and took me a while to catch up again.

    As for the silent operation, never did imagine that it could be so simple, so, much obliged, since now I have set it as such.

    Many thanks


    ps. know is not the place for this question, but I lost my operating system, having a basic rescue diskette, which I couldn't use, that is, I didn't find the way to launch windows from dos, and as a result had to use the Recovery Disk from manufacturer. Could you indicate some place to learn more about the Basic Rescue Disk and how to launch Windows from it?
  4. Bubba

    Bubba Updates Team

    Apr 15, 2002
    Your more than Welcome....and glad it got you what you wanted.

    While a few simple back and forth OT posts are kewl....that particular question would actually be a good topic for a thread in our Software & Services Forum if you don't mind.

    This Forum---> Software & Services
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