Removing Spyware Guard

Discussion in 'SpywareBlaster & Other Forum' started by Really Choked, Jan 20, 2003.

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  1. Really Choked

    Really Choked Registered Member

    Jan 20, 2003
    I ran into a small conflict problem with software and in the process of solving that I discovered something. SpywareGuard does not totaly uninstall. I shut it down first then used Add/Remove. The result is that it still shows on the ADD/REMOVE list however it does not start up( because it is uninstalled, remember) but try and open anything and you will get a warning message from Spywareguard about the definitions. Also loading windows I get the message several times (while other programs try to load). I was quite happy with the way the program worked and would have re-installed it after resolving the conflict issue until I found out that it does not uninstall properly. That puts it on the garbage list. The author has used one of the best setup compilers available and has messed up a simple script. Now all I want is to remove it from my system totally. The registry has been restored to a point prior to install and that did not solve it. Any help getting this junk out is appreciated.
  2. javacool

    javacool BrightFort Moderator

    Feb 10, 2002
    In the readme file shown at the beginning of installation, it is recommended that you disable the SpywareGuard protection in the SG Control Panel before uninstalling. Had this been done, you would not have encountered any of those problems. :) (Performing these steps should make sure, on all versions of Windows, that SpywareGuard can be uninstalled correctly.)

    I would highly recommend reinstalling SpywareGuard, disabling protection in the control panel, and then uninstalling. However I will PM you an alternative method that may work, and prevent you from going through that whole process. Your board PMs can be accessed at this address:

    Best regards,


    Full uninstall instructions for SpywareGuard:
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